Super Study God

Chapter 1811: Except evil!

What the harvest is repairing is originally the way of Gengjin. The gas of Gengjin in the valley is a natural treasure house for the harvest.

Su Hang said that he was punished, but in fact gave him a chance, of course, whether this chance can be grasped, still depends on himself.

Facts have proved that Sushou survived, and also seized the opportunity to realize the truth, which did not disappoint Su Hang.



Zhangshou Mountain.

Located in Luzhou in the northwest of the mainland, a mountain range that is not very large. It is named because of a huge rock like a roe deer on the top of the mountain.

There was a demon cultivation school here, and the momentum was not small, but it was later destroyed by the demon clan. Now only the ruins of the mountain gate are left, and even the ruins of the broken walls are missing, but there are faint signs of prosperity.

Birds and beasts flew away, the malaria pervaded, and the mountains were abnormally deserted.

Coming down from Qintai Mountain, Lin Qiulin and Yu Yu took a group of demons to the Northwest Demon Realm, and all along the way were dejected and decadent.

"It's really a loss to my wife and a troop collapse. This time, we really lost a lot."

Walking in the air, the black cloud was over, Lin Qiu couldn't help crying, and there was a crying expression.

"Can you have my sad reminder?" Next to it, Lin Yu was decadent, and then gritted his teeth.

Lin Qiu is just fine, but what about himself? Bai Bai fell into the realm of two grades, and from the eighth grade of the heavenly realm to the sixth grade, how much hard work must be spent on him?

Lin Qiu Ke was not interested in Lin Yu, and shook his head immediately. "The only gratification is that the boss was reborn, but unfortunately, the boss was taken away by the master, and the second son is still alive and dead, and you are left. The two of me stand alone. Now, in this situation, are you still playing with a feather?"

"Humph." Lin Yu snorted coldly, "Pangu's bullying is too much, I really don't understand what Master is afraid of, we are the orthodox heirs of Xuanhuang Realm..."

"Ah!" Lin Qiu sighed, "This time we lost, Master has a word first, and will not intervene in this matter. We want to make a comeback, only to continue to strengthen ourselves."

Lin Yu gritted his teeth tightly, almost pulling the fist out of the water. "Hum, after going back, we will compile all the demon army and fight against the human race."

"Fight to fight?" Lin Qiu's face changed slightly, and to fight against the human race?

Before today, Lin Qiu also felt that if the demon and the demon were fighting, there would be a certain chance of winning, but now, he is hovering.

Not to mention the demon clan, even if it is just a human clan, I am afraid that it is not the demon clan can contend with.

After all, the ancestor of the human race is now back. If the ancestor shows his power, the ten demons may not be enough.

Moreover, there are still many strong men in the human race, and there is also a sudden appearance of the emperor, but on the side of their demons, the four devil ancestors, to be precise, he is still strong in Lin Qiu.

It is indeed the most inappropriate and worst time to go to war now. At this time, it is rash to act rashly. I am afraid that the Devil Race has been working hard for thousands of years and will soon be destroyed.


When Lin Qiu was about to say something, suddenly, he felt a murderous sky rising from below.

At the same time, Lin Yu and other Demon Sects also felt, and looked at the source of the murderous gas.

The murderous sky was sent from Zhangshou Mountain below.

Mozu passed by, or was it in Luzhou, Demon Realm's territory, some people dared to show murderousness?

I was suffocating a fire, and I was just looking for someone to scorch the fire.

Immediately lowered the cloud head and went to the top of the Zhangshou Mountain.

The black air was dissipated, showing his shape. Lin Qiu stepped forward and saw two people standing on the Zhangshou stone on the top of the mountain.

"Huh?" Lin Qiu frowned, "Is it you?"

At this time, Lin Yu stepped forward and looked at the two people up and down, then immediately said with a slightly ridiculous smile, "Who am I, originally a big double and a small double, what is it? Stopping our way here , Are you looking for death?"

Perhaps it was the powerful murderousness that sensed the extraordinary body, so Lin Yu's tone was very bad.


A man in Tsing Yi robe, carrying a long sword, jumped from the stone and faced Lin Yu slightly. "The two brothers and sisters, the younger brother was too polite at first."

It turned out that these two were no other people, it was the early and middle juniors of Hongjun's disciples.

At the beginning, he was polite, but at the beginning he stood on the stone, but he was indifferent.

Lin Yu chuckled softly, "I'm murderous, I think it's a bad person, right?"

The two men clearly waited here early in the morning. Looking at this posture, there would be no good.

"Ha ha."

At this time, the middle school smiled and turned to Lin Yu and looked at them coldly.

"Don't do anything except evil?"

Lin Qiu and Lin Yu were both stunned for a moment. The two looked at each other and then laughed.

As if hearing the funniest joke in the world, the two almost laughed.

"So, Hongjun let you come?" Finally stopped, Lin Yu's eyes were obviously contemptuous.

At the beginning of the middle school and the beginning of the same place ~ ~ just looked at the two people in front of them, and did not respond to them, but the answer seems already obvious.

Lin Qiu smiled and turned to Lin Yudao, "I once heard a joke. An ant stretched a foot on the road. Others asked what it was doing, and it said:'Hush, whisper, the elephant comes over Now, watch me stumble it!'"


Mo said that Lin Yu, even those behind the Demon Sect, are laughing forward and laughing at Hong Guoguo.

This is clearly a mockery of the middle and the beginning of the two are not self-control.

However, it is no wonder that they would think so. After all, the middle and early juniors are only the second grade of Tiandaojing. The two of them work together and can do a good job with a monk of the third grade of Tiandaojing.

Lin Yu and Lin Qiu, which one is not better than them?

"Two, don't need to laugh anymore. My brother and I have been ordered to go to the lower realm for several days. Let's make a break. We can return to Zixiao Palace for resurrection." Zhongchu said.

Lin Qiu heard that, his face changed instantly, and he yelled angrily, "Hongjun is in charge of Heavenly Dao, how do you manage this world thing? Does he not know, what is behind us? It is ridiculous and ridiculous."

Lin Yu sneered, "It's a tiger falling into Pingyang, big doubles and small doubles, with both of you, dare to fight against me, I really don't know what gave you the courage, and hurriedly rolled back to Zixiao Palace, otherwise, teach You two immediately disappeared."


At the beginning, he snorted coldly, his right hand stretched out, and the long sword whizzed out behind him, hanging over his palm. "But I don't know if the two brothers and sisters can bear the magic sword in my hand?"

At the beginning of the middle period, his right hand was stretched out, and a golden pagoda twirled and stopped in the palm of his hand.

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