Super Study God

Chapter 1829: Heaven's gift!

However, such an achievement, in the eyes of this one, is probably only trivial?

"Just positioning me as one of the candidates for the inheritance of the mantle, the seniors are also too hasty!" Su Hangdao.

Cang Tian smiled, "Is it sloppy? I don't feel sloppy. I have always been free and easy, and I have never regretted the choices I made."

Su Hang confessed, yes, with your old man's ability, even if it is sloppy, no matter how the wrong man is passed, you have the power to turn the tide.

Only absolute strength and absolute confidence can be truly free and easy.

Su Hang was in deep contemplation, and did not know how long it took before he woke up and stood up to worship the sky. "Thank you for your guidance, the younger generation know how to do it!"

"I hope you really understand!" Cangtian nodded slightly, pointing at the chess in front of him, and said, "Do not hide from you, this endgame is exactly what Xuan'er left with me."

"Hmm?" Su Hang froze for a moment. The man who played chess with the sky for tens of millions of years and made it so bad was Lin Xuan?

Cang Tian smiled, "He is very different from you. He will not back down or escape until the last step, but his style of play is too heavy, and he will scramble for the first. In the end, he will be helpless and full. The situation of Pan Xiaosuo is also my biggest worry..."

Lin Xuan, indeed...

Su Hang believed that he still knew Lin Xuan, and the killing was too heavy.

Suddenly, the sky again said, "He had to learn the ruthless Tao at the beginning, but he was already downright. Really ruthless, not ruthless, ruthless is only for the sake of injury, and ruthlessness is also an infatuated person, all living things, and how Can you escape a love word? The heartless ruthless cultivation should have been like a rock, with no desire to do anything, and not a karmic entanglement. Although the three thousand avenues are the same, they are the same, but what is wrong is wrong. His heart has already seen a gap, The ruthless way is doomed not to succeed, but I still decided to give him a chance, and also give you a chance. The next World Assembly, I hope that you can all go all out."

Ruthlessness is only for hurting, and forgiveness is also a lover!

This sentence seems to have been heard somewhere, by the way, it is recorded in the book of Lin Xuan's karma.

Is this saying Lin Xuan? What does it mean to have a gap in the mind? Ruthlessly hurt, infatuated? This is also Lin Xuan?

"Thank you senior for looking up." Su Hang stood up and prayed, "The younger will definitely go all out, not for themselves, just for the people."

Su Hang also figured it out. If Lin Xuan won the first place at the Wanjie Conference, then Lin Xuan will inherit the mantle of the sky and become the new lord of Daozong. When he became the master of Xuanhuang Realm, he had already done it. All beings in the world have gone through all kinds of disasters. If he is allowed to become the master of the avenue, can he still get it?

In case he attracts all the heavens and all realms to join in the robbery, and seeks monstrous karma to encourage spiritual practice, is it still possible?

Therefore, Su Hang said, not for himself, but for the people, this is not a self-exaltation, but very serious.

The position of the patriarch of this avenue is related to the tranquility of the heavens and the world. It can be given to anyone, but it cannot be given to Lin Xuan. Su Hang is only fighting for his life.

But at this time, Cang Tian waved his hand, "It's not true, it's not for life, just for yourself."

"Huh?" Su Hang looked at Cangtian puzzled, and then smiled bitterly. "Yes, in the eyes of your predecessors, this world is alive, I'm afraid even the ants are not as good."

Cang Tian shook his head and said, "With your current skills, you can't even protect yourself, and what can you say to protect Cang Sheng? When you stand in the ring of the Wanjie Conference, let's talk about these words again."

Su Hang was stagnant, and I don't know why, how could this real person say so convincing? Unknowingly, he felt that what he said was very reasonable. Everyone thought deeply, and it took a long time to understand the true meaning.

"I have something, I want to give it to you." Just when Su Hang was stunned, the sky spoke again.


Su Hang looked at the sky doubtfully. Is there anything to give me? Could it be a magic weapon?

Cang Tian's right hand extended, and a small round jade appeared in the palm of his hand.

The whole body is green, with many carved lines and some small inscriptions on it. The appearance looks ordinary, and there is nothing special about it.

"Senior is this?" Su Hang reached out and took it. If his hand was just cold and cold, and he didn't see any other special places, he asked the sky wonderingly.

Cang Tian smiled and said, "It's not a precious thing. I don't know how many pieces are sent out, including Xuan'er. There is also a piece. You should hold it as a memorial."

Ok? Be a memorial? It's that simple? Su Hang is a little puzzled, shouldn't it be that simple?

However, if Cang Tian had already said so, then he would certainly not explain it to him again. To put it bluntly, this thing must have connotation. As for the connotation, I am afraid he will have to realize it by himself.

"Thank you senior for your treasure." Su Hang put away that jade and bowed again.

Cang Tian smiled and said, "It's not too early, you probably should go back."

Su Hang heard this and paused. Did he just leave? There are still many questions in my mind, I want to consult this existence.

Cangtian seemed to know Su Hang’s intentions and immediately said, “One day in the middle of the mountain is thousands of years in the world. Go back. Your life is still waiting for you to save.”

"Huh?" Su Hang was stunned. One day in the mountains, has the world been a thousand years old? What do you mean? How could he say such strange things?

"Song Gongzi." At this time, the dog standing next to him said, "Fang Cai Su Gongzi and my lord have played against each other for 3,200 years."

"Uh..." Su Hang looked at the dog for a while, "How can it be three thousand two hundred years?"

This kind of joke is a little funny, how long has it passed, can you not know? Except when he thought about the game at the beginning, he settled in for a little while, not daring to determine the time, plus talking to Cangtian, it would take a half hour to reach the sky.

But even if it was fixed at that time, it would never be 3,200 years old.

What's more, he came from later generations, and Swire's admission ticket has only a dozen days left, not to mention 3,200 years, even if it is thirty-two days, I'm afraid he has already been pulled by the system. Later generations will die, will they still be here.

Therefore, Su Hang didn't take the dog's reminder seriously, only when he was telling a joke, but when Su Hang looked at God's eyes, he immediately froze.

Is it really more than three thousand years? The sky's eyes made Su Hang whisper in his heart.

"Nan Ke's one dream, one dream rotten, never forget today."

Cang Tian shook his head, and in a word, Su Hang found that Cang Tian and the pigs and dogs had disappeared.

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