Super Study God

Chapter 1831: Flock of beasts surrounding the mountains!

"It can be cleaned up, but it can't be cleaned up, that doesn't do our business, this place can't stay, let's go to another place to play!" Cang Tian said a sentence, and recovered a lazy look again, as if to the world Nothing looks uninteresting.

At this time, the dog said, "It's the second place for Su Hang to get it right. I'm worried about our young Master Xuan. This Xuanhuang Boundary Avenue is sensitive inside, and there are many bans you left behind, It's a big crime to introduce a fierce beast from outside the domain into the Xuanhuang Realm. If it is caught by someone with the heart, I am afraid that it will be enough for Master Xuan."

The dog looked worried.

Zhu'er snorted, "What are you afraid of, within Zongmen, who doesn't know that Master Xuan is our grandson's most beloved grandson, who dares to take him to sin?"

"Boom, Boom!"

The two were talking, and suddenly they had a pain in their heads, and they looked up, but they each suffered a head crash in the sky. This one rubbed the dog's head, and the other rubbed the pig's head.

"Beep beep, let's go!" Cang Tian smiled, and then the three figures slowly faded from the void.




Su Hang took Yin Yuer all the way to the sky. However, what he saw halfway made his heart cool to the bottom.

Most of the places where the two demons lived together, most of them were ruined, the houses collapsed, the fields were destroyed, and there were bones and corpses everywhere, and even the mountains and mountains collapsed in countless, like ruins, as if they had experienced another annihilation disaster. shocking.

"How could this be?" Su Hang was dumbfounded. If it was just that one or two, it would be okay to say, but it's all the same way along the way, which is not surprising.

Before I went to the Valley of Worry, it was still alive. How did this come out of the Valley of Worry?

"Could it really be more than three thousand years?" Yin Yuer said with surprise.

Su Hang's heart sank, where did he dare to neglect, quickly made a teleportation technique, torn the space, and went directly to the sky.

At this moment, it is difficult for others to understand the mood of Suhang. How could it be possible for more than three thousand years?

Not to mention that he did not feel the passage of time in the Valley of Worry. You know, the system of learning the gods can give him back time. How could it be more than three thousand years before he was pulled back to future generations?

At this moment, the countdown given to him by the Xueshen system is almost the same as when he entered the Valley of Worry. There is no reason to have passed 3,200 years.

However, this piece of waste soil at his feet seems to be telling him again that this is not the world before entering the Valley of Worry. If it is only a few hours, what kind of disaster will the ancient China have suffered, can it become like this?

This is simply not a trauma that can be caused in a while. But did the real man in the sky have such a skill to force himself to stay in this ancient world for more than three thousand years?

This is the ability given to him by the overwhelming system of learning God. Was the function of Swire's admission ticket actually blocked? If this is the case, this real man in the sky really doesn't know how strong he is.

Su Hang is hard to imagine, and he has no time to imagine. At this moment, he just wants to hurry back to the sky to have a look. What he has seen along the way is not optimistic.


Tiandu Mountain.

At this time, the thick smoke billowed from the Tiandu Mountain, and the fireworks were filled, which can be said to cover the sky.

Within a radius of hundreds of miles, in the sky, underground, densely covered with all kinds of strange beasts.

Growl, growl...

The momentum was violent, and countless beasts surrounded the Tiandu Peak in the middle, wave after wave, daring to die.

The mountain protection array has been launched on the Tiandu Mountain, and the entire mountain is enclosed in the array. With the impact of the herd, the large array is shaking from time to time, and the light is dark and dark, as if it will collapse at any time.

Countless fierce beasts surround the mountain like a monstrous sound, and Tiandu Peak is like a lonely boat in the sea, which will be annihilated at any time.

Several nearby peaks have long been razed to the ground, and the earth has cracked a crack, and the entire Tiandu Mountain has become a lone city in the wasteland.

It was dim and dark, and there were beast roars everywhere, just like the end of the world.

In the Great Mountain Formation, the Panhuang Palace is still well-preserved. The disciples in the Palace performed their duties and inspected back and forth. They were not deterred by the horror scene outside the Great Mountain Formation. It seemed to be commonplace for them. Everyday.

Above the square, Yao Meng, Di Jiang and Lang Shou stood together, their eyes fell outside the array, and their eyes were very pale and powerless.

"It has been 13 years since these fierce beasts from outside the territory began to storm Tiandu Mountain. When will it be the head?" Dijiang looked out of the field and sighed for a long time. A group of giant monsters like grasshoppers kept going. Hushan swooped on the large array, then was flicked by the powerful energy of the large array.

Yao Meng said, "If it weren't for the great mountain guard that Master left behind, I'm afraid it would have long been..."

The following words ~ ~ Yao Meng is hard to say.

Dijiang Road, "This large formation has supported for more than ten years, I am afraid that it will not be able to support it for a long time...ah..."

"Don't say those disappointing words, wait for me to go out and kill him for a while." Suddenly said beside him.

Emperor Jiang said, "Forget it, how many beasts, with the power of you and me, how many kills and kills? These monsters are from outside the domain and are not restricted by the rules of this world. They are not better than ordinary monsters."

Suddenly silenced, Emperor Jiang said it was not bad. These monsters are really more difficult to deal with than ordinary monsters. They are not restricted by the rules, and all the magical powers of the earth, fire, water and wind are difficult to cause substantial damage to them, only The physical attack can only be a little effective, but it is also limited to the attack of the strongest in the Heavenly Dao Realm. Under the Heavenly Dao Realm, if you encounter these monsters, you can say that if you die, you are injured.

But, just sit back and wait?

"I blame Lin Yulinqiu, I just don't want to kill myself, and I'm crazy enough to lead the beasts outside the domain to the present situation." Suddenly gritted his teeth, his eyes filled with bitter hatred.

From the constant conflict between the two gods and demons, to the arrival of the first extraterrestrial beast, and then the situation is unstoppable, and finally the extraterrestrial beasts gather forces to siege the Tiandu, Sun Palace, Kunlun and other major forces, several major forces have to Retreat to the mountain gate to protect yourself.

I have been trapped on the mountain for more than ten years. I can't see my head in such a day. There are more and more beasts besieging the capital. They are really worried that the mountain protection array will be broken, and the Pangu family will be destroyed for thousands of years.


At this moment, a yellow light crossed the sky and fell into the mountain top array, which attracted another group of beasts outside the mountain.

Huang Guang fell into the formation, Yao Yao reached out and took it, but it was a small messenger. ) Download the free reader!!

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