Super Study God

Chapter 1839: Pick up the pieces!

As it turned out, the disaster was really caused by these two people.

I knew that this would be better than killing the two directly. Suhang felt a little regret in his heart. But, think about that situation, what reason could kill them?

Yao Meng went on to say, "Lin Yulin Qiu became a cocoon and was killed by the extraterrestrial creatures. The demon bear the brunt of it. I am afraid that the inheritance has been broken. They are also regarded as self-reliance. However, they have brought disaster to this world until now. It's not over yet. The news I just got today, Yue'er news said that the Kunlun Mountain Emperor Liuyun, in order to deal with the four beasts and many extraterrestrial creatures, kept suppressing himself. It was already gone..."

Hearing this, Su Hang froze in his heart and couldn't help closing his eyes, with a bit of bitterness and helplessness on his face. Sure enough, he still couldn't hide it.

History is history after all. Although I have now reached the height of my physical body, I still cannot shake it. No matter what I do, it seems to be only a part of history.

Liuyun eventually died.

The thing is that it happened so that the day before he came back, the Kunlun Mountain Protection Mountain Array was defeated. Like the history of Suhang, the flowing clouds were still incarnations of stone statues, and those extraterritorial beasts were placed under the Kunlun Mountain.

At this time, Su Hang was not in the mood to ask again. Isn't Liuyun having Yin and Yang grinding in hand, how could it still fall?

Although I have been reminded for a long time, some things will not change because of my meddling. The fact is that even if there are yin and yang mills, the flowing clouds are indeed falling.

Su Hang felt a little blame for the sky. If he hadn't trapped himself in the Valley of Worry for more than three thousand years, I'm afraid it would not be such a situation.

But if you think about it carefully, if it weren't for three thousand two hundred years that you were trapped by the sky, the result would be worse

After all, he didn’t stay in this world for long. If it weren’t for the sky, he would have been drawn back to his descendants as early as 3,200 years ago, and it would appear again. Ten thousand years, ten million years, even after hundreds of millions of years, where can we catch up with this great disaster.

I am afraid that the next time you come to Taikoo, Pangu's inheritance is broken.

Thinking like this, it seems that I have to thank Cang Tian, ​​but, three thousand two hundred years, this time is too long, if you can come back earlier, I am afraid it will not be the end.

"Temporary relief of the dangers of the capital, but the division is not clear about what is happening in the world today..." Suhang said.

Suddenly said, "Since the robbery, the entire Divine State has been devastated, because the extraterrestrial creatures are coming fiercely, and the disciples only have time to evacuate part of the human race and enter the Promise Realm, and other forces also refuse to defend themselves. Two years ago, the large-scale siege of terrible beasts outside the territory began, and the disciples waited almost never left Tiandu. They contacted other forces and only relied on communication symbols..."

"Until now, all ethnic groups in the region, including the Sun Palace, Kunlun and other forces, are large and small, and there are 671 forces that are still connected. Among them, the human race has 365 tribes, that is to say... …"

Speaking of which, Kuangshou didn't dare to talk anymore.

Su Hang took a deep breath, he naturally understood what Quanshou wanted to say. At that time, the mainland of Shenzhou, but it was known as the tens of thousands of ethnic groups, and it was faintly under the jurisdiction of the human race where the Pangu family is located. There are tens of thousands of small and large tribes. Today, there are only a few hundred left?

It's too awful!

This is totally pushing all sentient beings in the Xuanhuang Realm to the end.

After being silent for a long time, Su Hang said, "I will take care of the extra-territorial creatures, and wait to see if there are any Nuwa clan in this world?"

Several people heard the words, looked at each other for a moment, turned their faces, and Dijiang Road said, "I heard that the Sun Palace was robbed before, and the beasts surrounded the mountains. It is the same as today's day. It is said that Nuwa's doormen appeared It opened up a realm of creation for the Sun Palace, which is similar to the infinite state of our Panhuang Palace, and is also a small world used to avoid disasters. However, since then, there has been no hearing."

Yao Meng nodded. "It was also because the Sun Palace was robbed that the Emperor Yunyun would let Yue'er hold the Yin and Yang grinding to the Sun Palace to help out, but I didn't expect that the eight beasts screamed and the Kunlun God Realm was almost destroyed."

Speaking of which, Yao Meng sighed slightly.

Su Hang also understands the cause and effect, why the flow cloud has Yin and Yang mills will be robbed, really cause and effect is unavoidable.

Suhang looked down, and the red squid beast was lying at the foot of Suhang. Obviously, he was afraid because of their topic. It seemed to know that Suhang was staring at it. It didn’t dare to turn his head to look at Suhang. Mumu stood, with a hairy feeling.

Such a terrible, powerful and unmatched extraterrestrial beast that brought infinite disaster to Xuanhuang Realm, was actually so subdued by Su Hang, and he has no temper at all. Like a small pet, all the disciples have seen it. Sigh.

This is a powerful knows what this beast king has just experienced.

"It's okay." Su Hang took a deep breath, "I'll wait on the mountain, wait for the disaster to settle, and let the tribes get out of the Promise Realm and start living again."

"Yes." The disciples answered quickly.

Yao Meng seemed to hear the chill in Su Hang's words and looked up at Su Hang. "Master, are you going again?"

Going away again? This is another word, I really don't know how much meaning it carries.

"Relax, because the teacher is just going out and walking, this scourge of creatures outside the realm, someone should take care of it?" Su Hang said.

Just go out for a walk? When the disciples heard the words, they couldn't help but smile bitterly. Every time they said that they were going to walk, and they would come back soon, but there was a time when they didn't really leave as soon as they went out?

Su Hang also knows what his disciples think, but he also has a lot of helplessness. There are some things that he can't control. For example, this time, he went for more than 3,000 years. Where can he expect?

Such a thing as time is really too confusing for Su Hang, and it is also the force that makes him feel the most powerless and the most difficult to control.

Although he has space-time ability, he can control a certain amount of time and space to a certain extent, but compared to the huge universe space, Xuanhuang Timeline, he is still in the entry level.

All the disciples listened to Su Hang’s saying, and they all knew what Su Hang said. They couldn’t refute them, so they didn’t dare to say more, but with a little loss and hope in their hearts, I hope Master could speak this time. Words, this walk, will really come back.

I looked at the countdown of my stay in this world, but ten days later, time was running out, and Su Air could not guarantee anything to them, but they could guarantee that before they left, they would still be in peace in this world.

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