Super Study God

Chapter 1844: The whereabouts of Nüwa!

Su Hang smiled faintly. If the red squid is smart enough to understand the situation, he will definitely choose the first choice.

"Relax, as long as you perform well, one day, you will be free!" Su Hangdao.

Red squid looked up at Su Hang, and apparently no longer believed in Su Hang's words. This was clearly perfunctory, and he undoubtedly drew a pie for him, whether he could see it or not.

However, as long as you can live, it is the best, there is hope for living, isn't it?

Yin Yu'er next to him felt a little sympathy for this extraterrestrial beast respecter. I wonder how Cuiyun scattered people would see this scene.

Immediately, the duo and the beast went to the Sun Palace in the Demon Realm. The Sun Palace was not far from here. Su Hang wanted to go to explore the Nuwa's news first, and then borrowed the way to Kunlun in the West to worship Liuyun!

Along the way, sporadic, there are several small animals running towards the desert in groups of three or five, and Su Hang is too lazy to take care of them. The remaining small animals can no longer turn the waves.

Demon domain, after thousands of years, most of the lush hundreds of millions of mountains have been destroyed to the point of being destroyed. The mountains collapsed and the mountains were destroyed. Like most places, no one knows what happened before.

"Thinking of how prosperous these billions of mountains were, but they didn't want to be like this in a blink of an eye!" Looking at this piece of waste land, Su Hang was really sad.

Yin Yu'er said, "Who can blame? This is the general trend, these creatures, but only for captivity, want to slaughter, kill if you want to kill, you and I have been lucky to be able to protect ourselves, how can that ability be managed? There are so many!"

After listening to Yin Yu'er's words, Su Hang shook his head and looked up at the sky. This time the catastrophe was almost extinct. All living beings were robbed, inspiring infinite karma. Lin Xuan's skill, I am afraid that he can improve a lot?

Since the last World Extinction, it has only been tens of millions of years, and only tens of millions of years, have you waited?

Three thousand two hundred years ago, the agreement on Qintai Mountain seemed to have become a joke. Su Hang couldn't help but smile bitterly.

"If one day, I become the patriarch of the Dadao, and rule the world, should I be able to control this many?" Su Hang said for a long time.

Yin Yu'er listened and turned to Suhang with surprise. After a long pause, she just said, "It should be possible. If you can become the lord of the avenue, dominate all the worlds, follow the natural language, and no one dares to defy it. But, then you have to wait for you to become the suzerain. If you are in the position of suzerain, this road is definitely very difficult, because, your rise will hurt the interests of many people, they will try their best to stop you , Or even kill you..."

Su Hang naturally knows this very well. If he wants to break out of the road and want to turn things around, it will certainly threaten the interests of many powerful people. He has already felt the weight of all parties before he has gone out of the Xuanhuang Realm. The pressure, let alone the future after stepping out of the Xuanhuang Realm?

However, even if he knows the danger ahead, he can only face up to the difficulties. Can all beings in the Xuanhuang Realm rely on themselves?

This so-called rule should really change too. How can those high-level beings know this vicissitudes of life.

At this moment, Su Hang was really born with that idea. The seat of the patriarchal patriarch of the Dadao, perhaps, really has to be his own, even if it is difficult, it must be put together.

At the World Congress, Su Hang even looked forward to it, but he also has a sense of self-knowledge. There are a lot of young masters, and there are definitely more than him. Therefore, he still has to pay a hundred times more if he wants to fight for the position. Work hard.

Unconsciously, I have arrived at the Sun Palace of the Demon Race!



After the catastrophe, the Sun Palace was also destroyed to the extent that there was still the light of the holy land of the demon race.

Emperor Jun did not expect the arrival of Su Hang. He hurried out to welcome him and introduced Su Hang into the inner hall.

Compared with the human race, the situation of the demon race is now only half a catty. They are the biggest victims of this disaster. They all say that the road is a demon, but they do not want to even return the fate of the destiny. Now they are also ruined.

Wu Jun is still alive, and Su Hang is very pleased, but looking at Wu Jun's face, there are a lot of vicissitudes, and he can't find the spirit of the year. The generation of demon emperor is so lonely, it is really sighing.

This is the first time that Su Hang has come to the Sun Palace. He is in this demon clan, but he still has a few old friends, but now he can’t find one. Niu Chongtian, Hu Meiniang, Yuan Xiaotian, have all passed away, even The group of demon kings who followed him to Zhonghuang Mountain was also a missing person, but they didn't know where to go to reborn!

Wu Fei Rabbit walked, the moments of time passed, and the heat exchanged between cold and cold. I didn't realize it had been tens of millions of years.

Wu Jun is very excited about the arrival of Su Hang. Since Tai Yi's fall, he has been alone in supporting the demon clan in these years, and he has been exhausted. The arrival of Su Hang will undoubtedly give him a shot of cardiotonic!

"I heard from the teacher that the Nuwa clan once appeared in the Sun Do you know the whereabouts of Nuwa?" After a few greetings, Su Hang asked Wu Jun.

Wu Jun paused, dare not conceal, and said directly, "Returning to Master, ten years ago, extraterrestrial creatures began to siege the Sun Palace, and the Sun Palace was in danger. The Nuwa family appeared once at that time, for my demon family. Leaving a space for the creation of a demon to ensure that the demon clan inherits the incense, but since then, the disciples have never seen the Nuwa clan."

Su Hang was disappointed when he heard this. Although he knew he had little hope, he still couldn't help being disappointed.

Wu Jun hesitated for a while and said, "Master is looking for Nuwa?"

Su Hang nodded, "Now the world is a waste land, and only the Nuwa clan can bring this land back to life!"

That being said, this is only one of the reasons. Su Hang inquired about Nuwa's whereabouts, but more importantly, he wanted to find Ao Xue.

This is a bit of his selfishness!

Of course, Wu Jun didn’t know what was going on inside, and when he heard the words, he suddenly said, “Good teachers know that the Nuwa clan who showed up on that day, besides a few women, Elder Xue and Hongyun are all in it!”

"Huh? Xue Qi and Hongyun?" Su Hang heard the words and was surprised, thinking he had misheard.

Wu Jun nodded, "Yes, it is indeed Elder Xue and Sister Hongyun. The elder Xue, the elder Xue, is supposed to be retreating with her when she is in the hidden world..."

Su Hang heard, and there were several black lines on his forehead. This younger man, instead of suppressing at Panhuang Palace, actually ran away with Nuwa's family, what a special...

"On that day, after Elder Xue and the Nuwa people helped my demon to repel the beasts, the disciples seemed to have heard Elder Xue and Hongyun Sister discuss going to Kunlun..." Wu Jun said again.

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