Super Study God

Chapter 1858: you owe me!

"Miss Yin, are you okay?" Su Hang looked at Yin Yu'er, feeling a little not very good. Would this girl really like herself?

How charming is his respect? Impossible, he and Yin Yu'er didn't spend much time with each other, and before, he just pretended to be a couple in front of his father. With Yin Yu'er's vision, it was impossible to look down on him in a few days!

Yin Yu'er came back to God and said, "I'm afraid that you'll be smug. In these heavens and the world, there is a big person whose growth history is less conspiracy and tricks. In the world of the strong, there are calculations everywhere. I don’t see how good this Nuwa family is. Don’t be sold back to the number of people!"

Su Hang stagnate and said immediately, "I naturally know this, girl Yin need not worry!"

The truth is that Su Hang understands that although Nuwa and Suhang have quite a relationship, it is still too early for Suhang to fully trust Nuwa. He stayed in Nuwa because of Ao Xue.

"Who would worry about you!" Yin Yu'er threw Su Hang a blank eye. "Nuwa's stayed here without saying the reason. I think 80% of them have a doorway, but forget it, it's your business, and What do I have to do? I don't want to stay in this place for a moment. When you come back, I just want to say something to you!"

"Huh?" Su Hang froze for a moment. "Where are you going?"

"Although it's also called Penglai here, it's not the Penglai I want!" Yin Yu'er shrugged softly. "Maybe go back to heaven to find my father, maybe go back to the universe to find my mother, or maybe go around the world!"

"Su Mou has a ruthless request!" At this time, Su Hangdao.

Yin Yu'er turned and looked at Su Hang, waiting for Su Hang's following.

Su Hangdao, "The sentient beings in the Xuanhuang Realm have many disasters and hardships. If they have a difficult time in the future, I hope you can help me, Su is grateful!"

Yin Yuer looked at Su Hang, "What about you? You are the ancestor of Pangu..."

Su Hang shook his head. "I won't stay in this world for a long time. I will say goodbye, but I don't know the next time I will meet. When will it be, I have my helplessness, I really have no choice!"

"You remember, this is what you owe me, and will pay you back sooner or later!" Yin Yuer stared at Su Hang for a long while, leaving a word, and then drifted away.

Su Hang was standing on the spot, unable to recover for a long time!

"Come out, is it enough to watch the excitement?" Su Hang suddenly said abruptly.

Behind the pillars at the gate of the yard, there were three figures standing haggardly, but it was Xue Qi, Hong Yun and Wang Zu!

"Sister Uncle! (Brother Hang)"

The three people huddled together, as if no one dared to move forward.

Su Hang turned around and looked at them helplessly, "I don't rest in the middle of the night, what am I doing here?"

The three looked at each other and looked at each other, thinking about who could stand up and give a reasonable explanation.

Do you want me to say, do we just want to come to see the excitement? Isn't it packed yet?

In the end, Wang Bo was successfully pushed to the front.

"We, this..." was stared by Su Hang, the master of Wang Ditang's heaven and earth realm was actually stunned, his speech was stunned, and he had been talking for a long time. "We are not itchy, are we missing one, we want to find it You play cards for a while!"

"Yes, yes!" Xue Qi and Hongyun nodded again and again.

"What is right, can you use the reason for a little worse?" Su Hang's eyes glared, "I don't think you are itchy hands, it should be skin itches!"

The three of them talked about it, or Xue Qi stood up, and first laughed with them before saying, "I haven't seen Brother Hang for a long time, I missed it in my heart, I couldn't talk in the daytime, so I came to you at night. I didn’t mean to overhear!"

Su Hang looked at Xue Qi rather helplessly, "What have you heard? It's as if I have done something shameful!"

All three laughed. I thought you all gave away the girl Yin, and you can still be like a good person. I admire you.

"Brother Hang is of course bright and glorious, so what's so shameless?" Xue Qi smirked. "But to be honest, I really didn't expect that you and Aunt Xue..., then, this life is a bit messed up, brother Hang. , To say a lot of disrespect, do you have a special hobby for seniors like Aunt Xue..."

"Fuck off!" Su Hang gave a sigh of annoyance, and almost didn't slap the kid. "Xue'er is my wife, she is like you, because of the gate of time and space in the Panwangzuo. This is an ancient world!"

"Huh?" When Xue Qi heard it, several people suddenly became interested.

Su Hang sighed, left and right, satisfied their curiosity, and told them the story.

"... Xueer entered Panwangzuo's tomb for me, and to save her, I tried every way to open Panwangzuo and ended up..."

After Su Hang finished speaking, the air fell into red cloud moved, "I can't think of the story between Master Uncle and Master Uncle, and such a lingering story, it is really moving!"


Hongyun's voice just fell, and heard a burst of crying next to them. They were all immersed in the story told by Su Hang, and were immediately disturbed by this voice.

Turning his face, Wang Bian burst into tears with tears crying, and everyone couldn't help but feel cold!

"Brother, what's the matter with you?" Hongyun asked, but he didn't know what a strange moth this brother, a strange flower!

Wang Zui cried, "You all have lovers, and there are so many haunting stories. I think Wang Zang is also a talented person, who is so romantic, but so far alone, so sad..."

The more I cried, the more I was crying. I froze all three of them!

"Don't care about this stupid fork!" Xue Qi said directly to Su Sudao, "This fellow has interpreted the frivolous to the limit. How many red lines I and Hongyun have drawn him, and the results are all yellowed by him, which can be strange. Who?"

Hongyun pulled La Xueqi, his face full of blame, apparently afraid that Xue Qi would hurt Wang Bo's self-esteem!

"Hang Brother!" Wang Fang suddenly sat down on the ground and directly kept Su Hang's legs, crying loudly.

Su Hang was helpless, "Let's let go of it faster. What do you want, say it quickly!"

Just looking at the goods and plucking his buttocks, Su Hang knew that he must have asked for himself, and deliberately pretended to be pitiful and sympathetic here!

Wang burst into tears and looked confused, looked up at Su Hang, and cried, "We are all, but all came to this world because of you. You can't care whether we are dead or alive..."

"No more nonsense, I can do it!" Su Hang said with a black face.

Xue Qi looked at Wang Wang with contempt, "This guy, pretending to be so pitiful, 80% wanted Brother Hang to introduce him to him!"

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