Super Study God

Chapter 1867: Reality!

On the other side, Tian Gui slave is not much better. His face is white and white, full of awe for the long and dark passage.

"I've been fortunate to have seen it a few times. The deity of the realm of the realm is deep in this passage." Tian Gui slave said, "The realm of the realm of the realm of the realm of the earth has exceeded the scope of the rules. These underground The passage will change anytime and anywhere, just like a complicated underground labyrinth. When ordinary people come in, it is difficult to see his deity. Unless he takes the initiative to appear, it is difficult for ordinary people to find him."

Bai Su smiled bitterly next to him, as if he had become an ordinary person in the mouth of a ghost.

Anyway, I am also a senior apprentice under the Nuwa family, OK?

After Tian Guinu finished speaking, he turned to look at Su Hang, as if to ask Su Hang what to do.


Su Hang thought about it calmly and wanted to find the right route from the maze.

Turning her face to look at Bai Su, Bai Su subconsciously took a step back. She knew Su Hang's intentions and wanted her to go to the battle, just like the chrysanthemum ghosts and the ghosts of the day ghosts, so that the real world spirit appeared.

However, to be honest, she didn't dare. Although she hadn't seen the realm of the realm of the realm, she knew the horror of the realm of the realm of the realm. If Nima called him, she might give herself to the second.

On the other side, the Heavenly Ghost Slave also backed away. This is not a problem at all. No one dares to challenge the majesty of the world's demons in this forged tower.

Shaking his head helplessly, Su Hang smiled bitterly, and turned to the front Yongdao to look over, but he was not in a mood to waste time to go to what maze, directly destroying the maze, afraid that the realm of the world would not appear?

This is called Eli Clever.

"I'm going to see what kind of demon heart exists in this world."

Su Hang snorted coldly and immediately lucked his fist.

The strength immediately showed, the fist wind pointed, the space was broken, and a huge and terrifying energy went directly to the front road to destroy Gula and decay.


Inside, the space collapsed, where the energy passed, the surrounding stone walls instantly turned into powder, the scene seemed to be crushed by countless heavy tanks at the speed of light.

The next Bai Su and Tian Gui Nu did not react at all. When Su Hang withdrew his fist, the tunnel in front had turned into a vast dark hole, straight, and he did not know where he was hit by Su Hang's punch. , Where is the end.

Both of them opened their mouths slightly, and this operation was undoubtedly provoking the realm of the realm, violently destroying the maze, even if the realm of the realm of the realm didn't even notice it, it was difficult for it to appear.

Su Hang closed his fist and waited quietly, even if the deity of the realm of the realm was once a superpower in Dadao Realm, but now, he is just a heart, what else is worthy of his own fear? ?

Maybe, just that punch of your own, just so coincidentally, it directly destroyed it.


In an instant, there was a rumble in the ear, the huge black hole that was blown out by Su Hang, healed quickly and repaired quickly.


Both Bai Su and Tian Gui Nu froze in their hearts, leaning back against Su Hang and setting up a guard posture.

It didn't take long for the Yongdao to restore its original appearance, but what was different was that in front of the dark Yongdao, a black stone door a few feet high appeared.

"Who disturbs me?"

An angry growl came from the stone gate, and then Su Hang saw that the stone gate thundered, and dozens of black shadows shot out of the stone gate.

If you look closely, the black shadow was originally a group of monsters covered with black ink, shaped like a scorpion, and the head of a scorpion.

The size of the calf instantly climbed up the surrounding walls and rushed towards the three Su Hang at a super fast speed. The faces of men and women were full of resentment and anger. The sharp fangs were like zombies and cold. His eyes make people shudder.


Seeing the attack of the monsters, Bai Su and Tian Gui Nu were both frightened, and quickly prepared to meet the enemy. However, before they had time to shoot, they saw Su Hang's big sleeves waving, a gust of wind convolving, those monsters that threw over , Was directly put into his sleeve Qiankun.

The two couldn't help but stunned, they thought there would be a **** battle, but they didn't want to be so lightly dealt with by Su Hang.

"Extraterrestrial creatures?"

Su Hang couldn't help but be surprised. The scorpion monsters just now were not low in strength, and they watched their energy fluctuate. Although they didn't reach the point of the red squid, they are probably not much worse.

If it weren't for Su Hang, just these monsters, I'm afraid it was enough for Bai Su and Tian Gui Nu to drink a pot, no wonder the two would be so shy, this demon really has some skill.

Seeing that Su Hang was so marvelous, the two seemed to have a spectrum in their hearts. The Heavenly Ghost Slave shouted immediately, "Realm Demon Heart, I have no malice when I come here. Senior Su wants to ask you for some rest, nothing more... "

The sound rolled out and passed directly into the depths of the Yongdao, and then the silence was restored, and it was a bit scary.

"Under the Soviet Union Airlines, UU reading has no intention to disturb. If you can take advantage of me, Su promises to be safe and leave immediately." Suhang said directly.

The implication is a little threat.

"What if I don't borrow it?" For a long time, the voice inside the door came again.

The voice was a bit hoarse, like an old man or a young man, falling in his ears and a little uncomfortable.

Su Hang smiled a little, "Then Su can only use some means. If you are just relying on those monsters, I am afraid that for me, no more than nothing."

This isn't the big deal for Su Hang. Monsters of that level are terrifying to others, but for Su Hang, his Sima tank is not yet filled.

Quiet, terrible quiet!

Both Bai Su and Tian Gui Nu are very uncomfortable at the moment, and even have a little regret. If Su Hang and Jie Moxin fight, they really don't know whether they will suffer these two pond fish.

"Come in, only you."

I don't know how long it has passed. It has been almost a century since the sound came from the door again.

The corner of Su Hang's mouth slightly bent, without stopping, and went directly to the wide open stone door.

Bai Su and Tian Gui Nu stood in the same place, but they were relieved. If they were allowed to go in together, I was afraid that they would not dare, the stone gate in their eyes seemed to be the abyss of hell, behind the stone gate Existence is enough to make them shudder.


As Su Hang's figure stepped into the stone gate, the stone gate suddenly closed and disappeared from the Yong Dao, leaving only Bai Su and Tian Guinu face to face.

"He, will it be all right?"

The corridor was very quiet, Bai Su said for a long time.

"How could he be okay? He is..." Tian Gui Nu opened his mouth.

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