Super Study God

Chapter 1885: Gen yellow correct answer!

The little girl's eyes lit up and turned to look at the old man, then her face dimmed again, and she was slightly lost to Su Hangdao, "Grandpa can't talk, if he talks, he will die!"

It would be strange to talk, but Su Hang smiled, "One word, one gold, how?"

One word, one ingot? As soon as Su Hang said this, even the old man's eyes widened. What kind of local tyrant would he have to say such a thing?

The little girl even screamed, covered her mouth, and swallowed hard for a long time before staring at Su Hang, she knew that the guest in front of her was definitely not kidding.

This is about to be sent!

The little girl turned to look at the old man. The old man pondered for a long time before sighing long. "Alas, people die for money, birds die for food. What do guests want to ask, just ask!"

"Grandpa, you..." The little girl's eyes widened, and she looked at the old man in disbelief, as if she couldn't think that his grandpa would speak.

Sure enough, money is indeed almighty, there is nothing that money cannot do, if there is, then just pay more and more money!

The old man waved his hand to stop the little girl's words, "Grandpa is old and will not live long, what else are you afraid of?"

"Grandpa?" The little girl heard the words, tears in her eyes, holding her fingers on the side, as if calculating how many words her grandfather had said and how much gold could be exchanged.

The old man is also old tears, "The girl doesn't cry, Grandpa said, it's about to die soon..."

"Grandpa..." The little girl heard it and couldn't help it anymore. She fell down and cried aloud in the old man's arms, "Grandpa, don't you die, you teach the thousand words of rabbits, rabbits will not Back!"

"Ah!" the old man sighed. "Teach you how many times, and don't remember, let me teach you again before Grandpa dies. Listen, heaven and earth Xuanhuang, universe flood..."

"Nima!" Su Hang looked at the scene in front of him with a deep feeling for his grandson, and his face became black with a brush. There was a feeling that he gave himself a pit.

"Su Hang, these two people, I am afraid that you are mentally handicapped!" The voice of Jie Moxin sounded in Su Hang's mind.

Su Hang heard that the whole person was not good, and quickly stopped the old man, "Old gentleman, live and live."

This old man really didn't play cards according to the routine.

The old man stopped and turned to look at Su Hang. Su Hang couldn't help crying and laughing, "And after answering my question, how good is your grandson?"

The old man laughed and said, "I haven't spoken in a long time. This time I have broken the ring. It is inevitable that there will be more talk. What do guests want to ask? Ask."

Su Hang shook his head straight in his mind, and was still thinking about talking a few words, but when he saw this old man's routine slowly, he looked like he was the wrongdoer, and he simply asked the key points.

"This Spring City belongs to a righteous country. Do you know where the righteous country comes from?" Su Hang asked, but he didn't even bother to ask the old man's name. After all, he didn't lose the money, but he didn't mean it. As for such a loser.

The old man listened, stretched his hand and stroked the long beard under his jaw, an unpredictable scholar looks like, "This is a long story..."

Su Hang sweated, "Mr. short story."

The old man nodded slightly, "The Yi Kingdom has been established for more than three hundred years. The country's surname is Du. Three hundred years ago, the imperial court was incapable and incompetent, and suffered from drought and natural disasters. There were four gangsters. The people did not talk about life. For the rest of the year, the world will be ruled, and there will be today's great prosperity."

Su Hang interrupted that these were of no use to him, and then said, "I am not asking you the righteous country, but want to know how the human race was born, who is our ancestor?"

"Uh..." The old man was stagnant and was obviously stunned by the issue of Su Hang. Are you discussing the origin of life with me?

After a pause, the old man laughed dryly and said, "The old ones know that they are all mythological stories, and they are afraid that they will make guests laugh."

Su Hang waved his hand, "It's okay, anyway, I don't have any hobbies, I like to listen to some mythical talk, sir, though."

The old man took a deep breath and said, "Well, let's talk about..."

Speaking of which, the old man seems to have changed his own, an old-school look, shaking his head and saying, "To say the origin of this human race, we have to start with our thousand-word essay, the so-called heaven and earth Xuanhuang, cosmic flood, book It is said that the origin of the human race is inseparable from the word Xuanhuang..."

Hearing this, Su Hang couldn't help but glance at the old man more, and the word Xuanhuang could be said. The old man's knowledge is not low.

Not to mention this remote country, even if it is in the land of fairy land, some fairy mountains have great powers, I am afraid they can't say these words.

Few of them know that this world is called Xuanhuang Realm.

The old man shook his head and then said, "Legend, at the beginning of the world, there are only two people in this world, the female is Xuan and the male is Huang. They love each other and give birth to many children. These children proliferate on the earth and finally Became the current human race..."

"Wait, wait a minute..." Su Hang quickly interrupted the old man.

The palm demon heart is already laughing and blooming, this old man, it is too urgent to turn around, right?

Xuanhuang is such an explanation? If Xuan Tian and Huang Tian knew that they had such a legend, they wouldn’t know if they would turn the coffin board over.

"Where did you hear this?" Su Hang asked.

"Of course it was written in the book," the old man said. "There are still many statues dedicated to the goddess Xuan Nu and the Yellow Emperor in many parts of the righteous country. The old decay will not be fooled and offend the sage."

"Xuan Nu and Huang Di?" Su Hang froze for a Suddenly, it turned out that this old man said Xuan Huang, not Xuan Tian Huang Tian, ​​but Xuan Nu and Huang Di.

Xuan Nu and Huang Di?

Reminiscent of the similarities between this place and the Chinese civilization, Su Hang can't help but wonder, can it be that the people here are really immigrants from the earth? Has almost the same heritage as the earth China?

Su Hang couldn't help but think of Ji Xuanyuan, to say that this Yellow Emperor Xuanyuan had a lot of connections with him, even his name was given by him, and Ji Xuanyuan's previous life had some kind of apprenticeship with him. They also met once, but after Ji Xuanyuan restored the memory of Chu Tiankuo in his previous life, he went away without knowing where to go.

"Guest?" The old man shouted when he saw Su Hang thinking deeply.

Su Hang has recovered, and it seems that the humans on this planet do have some origins in China.

But what is the purpose of the soul to guide him here? He is clueless now.

Su Hang took a deep breath and looked at the old man in front of him, "Xiao Er said that he used to be a lecturer in the school, but somehow he was forbidden to come to this restaurant to sell art?"

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