Super Study God

Chapter 1895: Unique!

"Is that true?"

When Liu Peanut was about to say something, he listened to Su Hang's opening, looked up, and saw Su Hang pointing at them as he pointed to them.

Several white streamers instantly submerged Liu Peanut together with those bureaucrats, and the two grandfathers and grandchildren next to him were horrified to find that Liu Peanut and other people's bodies seemed to be melted by the white light.

Soon the shape changed, and when the dazzling white light subsided, there were those who willow peanuts in front of them, replaced by only a big white fat pig and a group of earth dogs.

The clothes and trousers next to him were all over the floor. Both the grandfather and the grandson grew their mouths, and they were completely speechless.

This, this has really changed, say that change will change? Did you really change that group of people into pigs and dogs?

Su Hang turned to look at the two grandsons and grandsons, as if they were nothing, nothing happened, "Old gentleman, are you satisfied now?"

Luo Sanji's throat knot rolled, swallowing hard, and failed to speak for a long time.

"Big, big, big fairy, I will say so casually. Why did you really turn them into pigs and dogs?" It took a long time for Luo Sanji to hold back his words.

He just said something angrily just now. He didn't expect that Su Hang really changed them. Looking at the pigs and dogs in this place, for a time, he was a little bit blind.

Su Hang shrugged, "Here, there is nothing casually about me. Since I have promised you, then I have to honor it. Now I will punish them for you, and the matter between us is already over. Now, let’s see you again."


Luo Sanji's legs and thighs flashed a bit, and quickly stopped Su Hang, saying, "Daxian, can't you just leave like this?"

"What's the matter, do you still depend on me?" Su Hang looked at him displeasedly.

Although Luo Sanji was afraid, he still said, "Shangxian, Liu Yanhuan was sent by you, but his brother-in-law is still there. Liu peanuts took me to the government today, and it turned out to be like this, he The brother-in-law will certainly not let our grandfather and grandson pass. I have lost my old bones, but my granddaughter is only 13 years old.

"Okay, stop, stop." Su Hang hurriedly stopped him, and he pretended to be pitiful.

Luo Sanji mourned with tears, "Daxian, you'll be a good man, and send the Buddha to the west."

After finishing talking, he would bow to Su Hang.

"I can't stand you." Su Hang shook his head helplessly, turned his face to look, walked to the side, and pulled three leaves from the branch of a tree next to it.

Luo Sanji looked at it, puzzled, but saw Su Hang handing the leaf to him.

Su Hangdao, "These three leaves have been cast by me. After seeing who doesn't like it, I will take this leaf and turn him into a dog."

"Ah?" Luo Sanji heard, his face twitched slightly, and quickly grabbed the leaf in his hand.

Su Hangdao, "Remember, a leaf can only be used once, it will be useless after being used."

He left the rules on this leaf. The ordinary technique of change is simply as simple as, of course, one-off. This is also to prevent the old man from using his power to do evil, maybe one day the whole planet All turned into pigs and dogs.

Human greed is endless, and once it suddenly gains strong power, it will easily embarrass the evil way.

It’s like, if you suddenly have the ability to be invisible one day, I’m afraid that a large number of people will go to the women’s toilet first and walk inside the women’s bathhouse.

This is evil thought, and the power suddenly gained can easily lead people astray.

"This leaf, really?" Luo Sanji looked at these three leaves in surprise. Although he wanted to believe in Su Hang's words, these three leaves clearly showed him picking Su Hang from the tree. what.

Wouldn’t you be fooling yourself? Immortals also have big flicker?

"It's not true, you know it before, at least it's more reliable than your longevity wine." Su Hangdao.

"Changshengjiu?" Luo Sanji heard the words, and suddenly thought of the problem, quickly said, "Daxian, you just went up the mountain, you can see the fairy in the mountain?"

"Why? Still want to ask for longevity wine?" Su Hang looked at him amusedly.

Luo Sanji denounced, "If you have any immortality elixir you can give Daxian, the old decay will not go up the mountain. Previously, the old fairy agreed to give the old decay two thousand gold, and you don't have to give it."

"Oh, I think it's pretty." Su Hang couldn't help but say, "Just gave you those three leaves, and it's more than a thousand dollars. You don't have to be greedy, it's enough, let's just stop here..."

The voice fell, the figure had disappeared, the grandson and grandson looked around, where could there still be a half figure of Su Hang?

"Da Xian? Da Xian?"

Luo Sanji called a few times and no longer saw Suhang respond.

"Grandpa, Daxian is gone." the little girl said.

Luo Sanji came back to God and said excitedly, "Girl, our two grandfathers saw the true fairy today."

The little girl nodded again and again excitedly, then pointed to the group of horrified pigs and dogs next to him, "Grandpa, how do these guys deal with it?"

Luo Sanji heard the words and looked at the big white pig, "Hey, surnamed Liu, do you have today?"

Going up is a pumping at the big white pig, the pig flying dog jumped and hummed.

"These horses are from Yamen, you can't touch them, but are these beasts? Should they be able to sell a few dollars." This old Luo Luo did not fall at all cheaply. Only then did he start thinking about exchanging these beasts for money.

"But Grandpa, they are..." The little girl choked a little.

"What is it?" Luo Sanji snorted angrily. "These guys were former beasts and now are also beasts. Hum, retribution. It is the will of the gods. They deserve it."

The little girl stopped talking, quickly found a branch, and started to chase the pig, but she was very skilled.

"Go, go back to the city and clean up the old man who is not as good as a pig or a dog." Luo Sanji was full of raised his head and raised his chest, but at the moment, his waist was straightened a lot. It's like being in high school.



"Alas, why are there so many wonderful things in the world?" The matter was over, and Su Hang did not stay any longer, and left the planet directly and went to Dixian Continent.

"Yes, what a wonderful thing in the world, only you are unique." Jie Moxin said.

Su Hang heard the words and put his left hand in front of him, "Are you boasting me or are you hurting me?"

"Don't care about these details, first get rid of what the original sin of the Virgin." Jie Mo said.

Su Hang nodded slightly.

"Look, how much do I worry about you? You have to keep my heart in mind for me, and help me get the flesh as soon as possible." Jiemo Xin said.

Su Hang shook his head to find the right direction, a large space moved, and when he appeared again, he was already under the Tiandu Mountain in Dixian Continent.

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