Super Study God

Chapter 1916: Wheel of Heaven!

His voice was sharp, if Hao Tian had just hesitated, Su Hang's model had completely dispelled his concerns.

He didn't know that Su Hang was just a casual model, but he really thought that Su Hang used his magical powers to figure out the whereabouts of the original sin, and just looking at the same model that Hong Hang had in hand, the answer was already obvious.

How could the uncle's supernatural power be wrong? The person in front of you must be the Hongjun Taoist who is a fake thief.

I also blame myself for being blind. After so long in Zixiao Palace, I couldn't see the clues. If it wasn't for Master's arrival today, I'm afraid I still don't know how long it will be teased by this evil animal dove in the magpie's nest.

Haotian shouted that sentence, the entire Tiandao Palace was instantly quiet, everyone looked over to Haotian, his face was filled with unbelievable, one by one like a dream, almost thought his own There is a problem with the ear.

Haotian, is this a neuropathic or guilty of eating a bear heart leopard, and dare to point face to face to ancestor scolding evil animals? Is this desperate?

Even Su Hang was a bit ignorant at this time. He knew that Haotian was a natural person who likes to express himself, but he didn't expect to suddenly appear to die at this time.

Hong Jun looked at Hong Jun with a black face. Obviously, his mood was not beautiful at the moment, "Hao Tian, ​​what are you saying?"

Speaking one word at a time, Hong Jun's voice was a little angry, and in front of others, he was scolded by his own apprentice, and it seemed that no matter who was changed, his mood would not be beautiful.

Relying on Su Hang's side support, Haotian is right and strong at the moment, his waist is straighter than ever, and he curses directly at Hongjun. The original form will appear quickly. Uncle Shi is here today, and you cannot tolerate rampant sophistry."

Hearing this, Hongjun frowned slightly, and seemed to understand a little. He turned to Suhang and looked over. "So, brother, do you doubt Hongjun?"

At this time, how could Hong Jun not know the purpose of Su Hang and just took Haotian out, fearing that he had said something in his back.

Su Hang was a little embarrassed when asked by Hong Jun. He also blamed Haotian. He was really reckless, not to mention the fact that Hong Jun in front of him was true or false. .

But fortunately, Su Hang also saves the brains of turning around, Hong Jun asked, Su Hang did not shy away, and said directly, "The only thing in the Zixiao Palace that I can't see is you, for insurance, I have to doubt that you changed me, so should I?"

Hong Jun paused for a moment, then shook his head gently. "Although that was said, he was sad because he was scolded by his disciples."

After that, he looked at Haotian.

"Pretend?" Haotian frowned, standing in the direction of Suhang, and said, "You have already been exposed, do you want to continue to pretend? Master visits Dizun, and it will take more than a month to return. You Taking advantage of this emptiness, Dove occupies the magpie's nest, teasing us and others. If I hadn't been broken by the teacher today, I still don't know how long I'm going to be deceived by you. It's really a sin to kill and a heart to punish."

Speaking of which, Haotian looked at Su Hang, "Master, hurry up and grab this servant, so that when Master returns, it will be sent out."

Hao Tianyue said more and more angry.

Su Hang was also ashamed next to him. He turned to Hongjun and looked at it. He had never seen Hongjun's face, and he just ate a cockroach.

"How do you prove that you are Hong Jun?" Su Hang looked at Hong Jun directly.

At this point, Su Hang had already faced Hong Jun head-on, and was vaguely prepared. If Hong Jun could not answer, or let him see the flaw, he would immediately take it and take it down.

Hong Jun heard the words, but smiled bitterly, "Hong Jun is Hong Jun, how do you want me to prove it?"

It can be heard that Hong Jun's words, with great helplessness, were asked to prove that you are you, how unreasonable it is.

Su Hang also knew that he was asking too much, but, as the ancestor of Hongjun, wanting to prove his identity, is that not easy?

"You are in charge of Heavenly Dao, holding Heavenly Dao and treasure, how can you prove yourself?" Su Hang looked at Hong Jun, said lightly, "Remember how you were born again? What about your dragonfly scepter? Take it out and show it to me Look."

Hongjun smiled and shook his head bitterly, "I can't think of Hongjun, there is also a day when I prove myself innocent."

At this time, Hao Tiandao said, "Uncle Shi said very much, take out the dragonfly scepter and show us, how can you quibble about it, the dragonfly scepter is the treasure of Master's enlightenment... the treasure... the treasure... Uh……"

Hao Tian's words were not finished yet, he was surprised to find that a cross scepter appeared in the hands of Hong Jun.

It looks like a dragonfly, and the separated cross is like the two wings of a dragonfly. This scepter, which Haotian has seen, is Hongjun's dragonfly scepter.

Haotian's voice stopped abruptly, his throat rolled, and he swallowed a spit, and the atmosphere instantly solidified, as if thinking of a terrible fact.

Isn't this fellow fake? How can there be dragonfly scepter? No, this scepter must also be fake, at most it's just the same shape, it can't deceive me by deceiving others.

By the way, isn't your Heavenly Dao Sword the master turned into a dragonfly scepter? How can I forget this? Heavenly Dao sword is in his own hand, how can Master still have dragonfly scepter?

This guy must be fake, eh? What about my heavenly sword? Why are you gone?

"Ah? This..."

When Haotian was about to rebuke again, suddenly, he saw Hong Jun reaching out into the void, and he saw that the chaos was surging, and a huge pressure came from the chaos.

Tiandao Palace is without walls and Su Hang and others immediately looked at the chaotic place.

I saw a multicolored light from the chaotic chaos, and then I saw a huge shadow slowly revealed from the chaos, as if some chaotic beast appeared.

After a while, the thing finally showed its true meaning.

But it is a large round metal wheel. There are countless small wheels intertwined with each other. They rotate continuously, just like a huge and precise machine.

I don't know what the metal material is. This roulette looks very majestic and heavy, and it seems like countless aircraft carriers are pressing towards you as soon as they play.

The colorful lights, with endless mystery and majesty, even Su Hang felt that breathing was stagnation and blood was surging, while Haotian and others had already kneeled on the ground with a puff and shivered.

"Mother, is this the wheel of heaven?"

At this moment, Haotian's heart was called a bitter one. This time, he could be miserable.

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