Super Study God

Chapter 1918: The power of fate!

Hongjun stood beside, indifferent.

Later, Su Hang smiled and looked at the previous Su Hang with a bit of sarcasm, "My sky axe, in order to borrow Yin and Yang grinding, mortgaged in Kunlun, so, whether it is true or false, at a glance."

"Huh, everything is said from your mouth. You guilty person, for the sake of life, even made up such a reason. Do you think that such a ridiculous reason can save your life?" Qian A Su Hang snorted.

The latter Soviet Fairway, "Are you ridiculous? You also made a fatal mistake..."

"Huh?" The previous Su Hang frowned slightly.

Later, Su Hangdao said, "If I want to take you down, one hand is enough. I don't need to ask Hongjun for help at all."

"Huh?" The previous Su Hang heard this, obviously panicked, and looked subconsciously to Hong Jun.

At this time, Hong Jun had turned his sword to him, and vaguely blocked his retreat. Obviously, the true and the false had been debated.

Indeed, if the real Soviet airlines wanted to win the original sin, would they ask Hongjun again and again for help? Only the original sin will think of uniting Hongjun, because he is not an opponent of Su Hangzun at all.

Simple and obvious, the original sin wants to pretend to be a deity, it is too easy to distinguish, as long as a fight is won, the one that wins must be the real Su Hang, because Su Hang’s original sin is different from others, his original sin is scattered, and it is obviously weaker than the deity. a lot of.

"Ha ha."

Seeing that the matter had already been revealed, the previous Su Hang couldn't even hold on, and smiled softly, saying, "It seems that you are not stupid. I thought it was seamless. I didn't expect it to be seen so easily."

At this time, the latter Soviet Fairway said, "You are too underestimating me, just because of the enchantment in the medicine garden, I want to trap me. It is really naive,'luck', just grab it, don't do unnecessary struggle. "

A trace of arc hung on the face of Yun and stared at Su Hang with his eyes exactly like Su Hang. "Stop it? Just catch it? You think too much and it's too simple. I finally designed it to let Hong Jun recruit How can you give up on the wheel of heaven?"

Hong Jun heard the words, his face black, Su Hang frowned, "What do you want the wheel of heaven to do?"

Luck laughed, "Do you still have to ask? Su Hang, don't forget, I am your "luck", my natal ability is to control the fortune, and this wheel of heaven is the foundation of the fortune of the Xuanhuang Realm, If I can win him, I will be able to advance by leaps and bounds, and when the time comes, killing you by luck will not be too simple."

This guy, the abacus is really good. Su Hang has a little bit of admiration. He has lost such a lot of energy and took such a big risk, just for the wheel of heaven, but this wheel of heaven is Xuanhuang Realm. Can the cornerstone be stolen casually?

Even though the wheel of heaven is in Hongjun’s hands, Hongjun has to be cautious and cannot easily use it, because it is a very close treasure, which stores a lot of data, and any modification of any one of them may cause a chain. The consequences are unpredictable.

If it were stolen by this guy, would it still be good? I'm afraid that the whole Xuanhuang Realm will be in a mess.


Su Hang drank coldly, but already flashed, came to Yun's face, and hit him directly with a punch.

Yun was obviously well-prepared. Before Suhang started, he retreated, his big sleeves waved, and he turned toward the wheel of heaven, leaving only a residual image in place. Above the afterimage, the afterimage shattered.

"I won't play with you anymore. From now on, the wheel of heaven and earth will be dominated by me, and I will be the lord of this heaven and earth." Yun smiled, and then he would roll away from the wheel of heaven and earth.

"wishful thinking."

But at this time, Hong Jun started, the Heavenly Dao sword in his hand went straight to luck, and immediately passed through the chest.


The figure exploded into nothingness, but it was still just a ponder. Looking up, the luck had appeared in the chaos thousands of miles away, and it was wrapped in the wheel of heaven and ran away.

"Where to go."

When Yun Zheng was excited to escape, suddenly a voice came in front of him, and when he looked up, a figure in the chaos appeared quickly, but it was Su Hang who later came up and blocked his way.

In the rear, Hong Jun has also chased, carrying the Tiandao sword, one after the other, sealing his way back to death.

Yun's face is not so good-looking. His strength is better than that of Su Hang and Hong Jun. Now facing the pursuit of two masters, how can he escape?

"Hand over the wheel of heaven." Hongjun lifted his sword and spit out lightly.

Yun listened, but smiled, "Everything is in my hand. Where is the reason to hand it over? If you want Heavenly Wheel, just grab it by your own ability."


The words were full of provocation, robbed other people's things, and still so arrogant, Hong Jun could bear it, when even a scream, the sword was killed towards Yun Yun.

The sword gas was boiling, the chaos was tumbling, and the body was hidden, avoiding Hongjun's offensive, and appeared out of millions of miles.

When Su Hang and Hong Jun were killed, the wheel of Heavenly Dao was already sacrificed. The huge wheel of Heavenly Dao hung behind him, just like the golden wheel of merit behind the Buddha’s head, and the endless majesty forced the chaos to tremble. .

"Hey, is this the power of fate? Sure enough."

Yun looked up at Su Hang and Hongjun, who were chasing on the face, with a bit of evil energy on their faces, and the upper and lower sleeves of their bodies were bulging, and the eyes were even more evil, and the momentum of the body was violently climbing. The whole person As if blackened.

"He is borrowing the power of Hongjun stood next to Su Hang and said lightly.

The power of fate?

Su Hang's stagnation, the thing of fate, is very mysterious to him, it is everywhere, like a thread, manipulating everyone's life.

In the current state of the Soviet Union, after breaking through the road, he only dare to say that he broke the rules, not dare to say that he got rid of fate.

He can feel the existence of destiny almost all the time, just as he travels in the past and future, and he wants to change something, but it is a pity that because of the existence of destiny, everything is fixed, no matter how hard he tries, what he has done The earth-shattering things are only part of history in the end, it seems that everything is arranged by fate.

Until now, he still does not know what fate is, whether he is a person, a magic weapon, or an energy, a consciousness.

Everything is unknown to Soviet Airways, but Soviet Airways is well aware that the power of fate is very strong, and more than one person has told him that his current power is simply unable to fight against fate.

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