Super Study God

Chapter 1920: Unlucky!


Yun stunned, "How can you..."

Before the words were finished, the sword gas passing through the chest exploded and instantly cut Yun's body into pieces, which were torn apart.

The long sword flew back and fell into the hands of Gu Danfeng. Gu Danfeng's face was dull. Long sword pointed to Su Hang far away. "This is all right. Your trouble has been solved by me. Next, the Did you duel with me?"

Su Hang was also dumbfounded at this time. He did not expect that Gudan Summit would take action against Yun, nor did he expect Yun to be so vulnerable. Is this still his original sin? Being cut off with a sword is not scientific at all.

Sure enough, before waiting for Su Hang to answer, Gu Danfeng's voice had just fallen, and he saw that Yun's body that was torn apart into chaos was quickly condensed and quickly restored to its original appearance.


Gu Danfeng looked at the scene in front of him very unexpectedly. He was also a strong man in Dadao Realm, but could not kill the existence of a Dao Dao Realm with a sword?

"Damn it!"

Yun's face was very ugly, with a lot of anger on his face, an angry expression was twisted, and he was terribly grim. A pair of eyes looked at Gu Danfeng resentfully, "Dare you hurt me?"

At this time, Gu Danfeng turned to Yun and looked at it. There was a bit of alertness between Meiyu. It seemed that he also felt the difference in the original sin of Suhang.

"To deal with your low-level existence, one sword is enough, if one sword is not enough, then two swords..."

Gu Danfeng snorted coldly, and was the Yuqi long sword, and went directly to Yunyun to kill him.

"What happened? Why did the two of them work together?" Su Hang was speechless for a while.

Hong Jun said beside him, "I said earlier, he can't control the wheel of heaven and the power of destiny, he can only act as a cocoon..."

"Is that so?" Su Hang shrugged. "It seems that it's nothing to us. Let's hide away and watch the excitement."

"Be careful, don't let this man run away."

Hong Jun reminded him, and then retreated with Su Hang. The two stood on one side, and there was a posture of looting for Gu Danfeng. Su Hang would naturally not let Yun seize the opportunity to escape, while the wheel of heaven is still running. In his hand, Hong Jun would not let him escape.

To say that this is really a bit unlucky, so Su Hang did not cause a big trouble, let alone take him in. This trouble was given to Su Hang before he was found. Found it.

The original sin of bad luck was indeed well-deserved, and Su Hang even felt that this man seemed to be the same as the original sin of death.

"Huh, just now I was unprepared, now you want to take me..."

Yun drank a rage, however, as soon as the words came to the fore, Gu Danfeng had come to him, and a sword stabbed him in the chest.

The luck came to an abrupt halt, looked down at the wooden sword inserted in the chest, and looked up at Gudanfeng, "Please, can you let the people finish talking first, you are very rude."

"Humph, boring! Go for it!"

Gu Danfeng snorted coldly, urged Jian Qi to stir, Yun's body broke again, this time, it was not torn apart, but directly turned into powder.

"My sword is enough to destroy your true spirit, and you can still survive, and you can bear it." Gu Danfeng put away his sword and said contemptuously.

"Ha ha……"

I was about to go back and look for Suhang. I suddenly laughed again. Gu Danfeng frowned. When he looked back, he saw that he had just been wrung by his sword into powder, and actually reunited his body again.

"Isn't you dead? Are you ever finished?" Gu Danfeng was really speechless. It seemed that the opponent in front of him was obviously more difficult than he thought.

Yun Jie looked at Gu Danfeng, "I am the body of the original sin. As long as the will of the deity is immortal, I will be the undead. Except for the deity, who can kill me among the heavens and the world?"


Gu Danfeng burst into anger, his long sword squinted, and looked at Yun coldly, "I thought I was crazy enough, but I didn't want to be more crazy than me. I don't care what you are. Unlucky, blame you for growing a face that makes me sick and nasty."

After all, Gu Danfeng's right foot stomped down, turbulent in chaos, countless spirit trees quickly took root and sprout up, and turned into countless horror trees and vines, encircled from all directions and killed towards Yunwei.

That scene was really surging and terrifying.


In the chaos, just a few light-years away, Su Hang and Hong Jun were both on the sidelines of the spectators, shrouded in consciousness, and the battle ahead was panoramic.

Originally, the two main combatants became spectators. Even with the development of the plot, Su Hang felt some drama.

"Haha, Suhang, the opportunity is coming." Jie Moxin's voice was very excited.

"What do you want to do?" Su Hang asked.

Jie Moxin said, "You know what I want to do, that kid is the Gu Danfeng you said? The grandson of Gu Teng's old monster? Su Hang, don't you say you want to restore my body, do you still need the material Tian Xin Teng? Now this material is delivered to me."

Su Hang frowned a little, this realm of demon really did not forget to restore his body.

"This matter, I will talk about it later, and I will solve this original sin first." Su Hang said directly.

Jie Moxin listened and said, "Don't play sloppy with me, I think you just don't want to help me."

"Who said?" Suhang retorted.

Jie Moxin said, "If you sincerely help me, take that Vine is in hand, everything will rest."

Su Hang shook his head, "This person has a long history, can it be said that he can do it? I can't afford the power behind him, and, even if Tian Xinteng has it, is it still the world blood?"

"Jie Wangxue is not easy for you?" Jie Mo said uncomfortably.

Su Hang was helpless, "Where is it as simple as you think?"

Jie Moxin said, "So what do you say? If you miss this opportunity and want to find Tian Xin Teng again, I don't know when to wait, and, I think this kid seems to have a contradiction with you. Since he challenges you, You just slaughtered him, he died because of the challenge, and the old Gu Teng wouldn’t have said anything."

Su Hang smiled bitterly. Although that was the case, it was really light-handed. If he had eaten the grass, if the old grandson died of his grandson, even if there would be no words in his mouth, he would certainly try his best to engage in his own. It is not something that Su Hang is willing to do.

At this time, Su Hang perfunctoryly said, "Mo Yao's underestimation of this ancient peak has reached Dadao Realm hundreds of millions of years ago, and I don't even know what realm I have reached. I haven't broken through Dadao Realm yet, and may not be his opponent."

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