Super Study God

Chapter 1927: Knot!

When Gu Danfeng heard the words, he was shocked in an instant. A face with the color of earth, killing people? This guy is killing himself? The Legend of Devouring Heaven is so powerful, he just had a "leadership" just now. If Su Hang kills him, he really can't guarantee whether he can escape.

I was just sucked by the Soviet Air Force for a while, and now I still have some soft legs. What about Dadao Realm? Encountered with more powerful forces, the **** still had to die.

Gu Danfeng's face twitched slightly, "Daozu is on the side, dare you mess up!"

Su Hang smiled, and this guy finally knew when to be afraid, "Then ask him, do I dare to mess up?"

Gu Danfeng turned to look, the light and shadow flashed, and Hong Jun had appeared beside him. Looking at that look, it was a posture with a cold eye.

I don’t know where these two guys are together. Gu Danfeng’s face is changeable, and he is facing Su Hangdao at the moment. “I just remind you that this practice is forbidden in Daozongzong. Fortunately, I saw it. , Otherwise, let those who are interested see it, but not so lucky!"

Khan, this teasing, really can't help but scare, is that so? Su Hang shook his head and only smiled bitterly.

Gu Danfeng said, "However, if you win with a forbidden technique, you won't win..."

Su Hang quickly interrupted him and said, "Brother Gu made such a difference. Don't care if this is a forbidden technique in your mouth. Don't you feel blush if you have so many medicines? If you think I won Wu, why don't we come and make a comparison?"

Gu Danfeng blushed and had just suffered a big loss. The breakthrough medicine prepared for him by Gu Teng's old immortal was equivalent to being looted by Su Hang. I dare to compare it with Su Hang.

At this time, Gu Danfeng said, "Today I am unwell, and I will lose you for a while, and wait for me to recuperate in the next day, and then come to challenge!"

Su Hang heard his face, and his face twitched slightly. "You still want to challenge me? In other words, where did I offend Brother Gu and deserve it? Is it because of Yu'er?"

Gu Danfeng heard this, and suddenly seemed to think of something sad, with a lot of misery on his face.

Seeing him like this, Su Hang couldn't help but stunned. His heart was full of doubts. Gu Danfeng was indeed a bit cautious. However, after hundreds of millions of years, he still can't forget it. Just Yin Yuer, shouldn't he?

From Suhang's point of view, it should not be a big deal, and Gu Danfeng should be very clear that Yin Yuer did not reject him because of Su Hang.

Is it because of something else? What is it that makes Gu Danfeng remember his revenge today?

"Brother Gu, do you seem to be sad?" Su Hang asked.

Gu Danfeng wiped his face with one hand and seemed to be trying to calm down. It took a while to look up at Su Hang. "Don't tell me, you don't know anything at all?"

There were a few tears in the eyes of one pair of eyes, and he could see that he really had unspeakable suffering, and it was still really suffering.

Su Hang heard the words with a face of dumbfounding, "I really don't understand what Brother Gu is saying. If Brother Gu is upset, you can say it, maybe Su Mou can help you find a way."

"You?" Gu Danfeng looked up at Su Hang, then shook his head, and said, "Forget it, no one can help me!"

"Uh..." Su Hang froze, turned to Hongjun and looked over, thinking that as Hongjun, he might be able to know something.

Hong Jun seemed to be very interested in this topic. Before Su Hang asked, he said, "This matter has something to do with the elder brother. Can the elder brother remember the immeasurable Yin Tianfeng?"

Su Hang nodded and said, "Of course, Yu'er's father, I know. What's wrong?"

To say that this ancient Danfeng, Yin Tianfeng still brought Xuanhuang Realm.

Hong Jun said, "The Lord Yin Cheng stated that he wanted to marry his daughter, and Gu Xiaoyou was ecstatic, and then prepared a gift to come to the door, but did not want to say that the daughter Yin Chengzhu loved the daughter. Lao Xian eager to marry the Yin family, and regardless of the wishes of Gu Xiaoyou, became this marriage, so..."

This guy, Hong Jun, was actually called Gu Danfeng, but he still called Gu Brother, Ping Bai dwarfed him for a few generations.

Su Hang vomited in his heart, but suddenly responded to the meaning of Hong Jun's words, looking at Gu Danfeng with some consternation. "So, Brother Gu, you were criticized by his Yin family?"

Gu Danfeng's appearance of crying or not crying, although he did not answer, it was already the most direct answer.

Su Hang did not understand, "So what does this have to do with me?"

Gu Danfeng said, "If it weren't for your presence, I would have done a good thing with Yu'er, but now it's okay, let me take such a bad thing and become the laughing stock of the entire heaven."

"The Yu'er matter is a misunderstanding. I have explained it to Brother Gu many times, not my fault." Su Hang shook his head, puzzled. "However, you said you married a bad product. He Yi, who is also the daughter of the Yin family, how can the elder brother speak bad words and favor each other."

Gu Danfeng had a difficult look, Su Hang turned to Hongjun.

"Daozu, can you save me some face?" Before Hong Jun opened his mouth, Gu Danfeng hurriedly stopped him. There was something that made him ugly. He really had no face to say, and he didn't want Hong Jun to say it.

"Understood." Hong Jun nodded slightly and turned to Su Hangdao. "The elder brother did not know that the six female Yin Huan'er of the Yin family was a great figure in the realm of heaven. People, down to ordinary people, I’m afraid that you haven’t eaten too many men with her..."


Gu Danfeng spurted blood in an looked up at Hongjun in a depressing manner, "Daozu, how are you..."

I said understanding one second ago, I thought you would stop confessing, never thought that you would breathe a sigh of light in the next second, and it was so... straightforward.

If it were not for knowing Hongjun's identity, Gu Danfeng was afraid that he would have scolded his mother directly now.

Hong Jun smiled a little, but it made some sense. "The depression in Gu Xiaoyou's heart for so many years will only be detrimental to the practice. This old saying is just to loosen the heart of Xiaoyou. You feel it yourself, Is it much better now?"

It makes sense to say that whoever was able to take a heart out of such a woman, Gu Danfeng kept holding it in her heart, and sooner or later she would hold back the problem, maybe Hongjun was really treating him.

He needs to talk.

Gu Danfeng was full of depression, looked up at Su Hang, and sighed for a long time, "The words have come to this point, I am not afraid that Brother Su made fun of you, that woman who is as good as I am, I have long wanted to take her off, but my grandpa Not allowed, and dare not offend her father..."

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