Super Study God

Chapter 1931: 1 beggar!

Seeing Hongjun's expression, Su Hang knew that he had no intention of answering. Su Hang was somewhat discouraged and said, "I'm not stupid, first you, then the real person in the sky, you are a landlord, a landlord, are all The absolute top-notch existence of the heavens and the world, what are my virtues and abilities, and are you worth looking at?"

Today, Su Hang has every reason to believe that his previous life must have some identity. Otherwise, how can a ant enter the heavenly eye, and also create opportunities for him to inherit the mantle and take over the lordship of the avenue. the meaning of.

There are also Xuan Tian and Huang Tian, ​​these characters are all related to him, how can it be ordinary?

Hong Jun hesitated for a long time before he said, "Why does samsara have been established by the elder brother? Why did you come to ask me about the matter in samsara?"

Su Hang froze and said, "I have tried many times, but the Tibetan knowledge is rock-solid and cannot be awakened. I have borrowed many reincarnation treasures, but I can only see this life, not the past life. What can I do? Very helpless!"

As he said, Su Hang looked at Hong Jun, "I know, you must know something, don't be stingy, and don't worry, let me know something!"

This is really ironic enough. The six reincarnations were originally established by Su Hang, but he was caught in the reincarnation. He didn't know what happened and it was a bit ridiculous.

If you can't truly remember the past and present life, and don't know where you are, even if you have longevity, you can't escape from reincarnation.

"Tibetan knowledge is closed and cannot be awakened, it can only be said that the time has not come!" Hong Jun said.

Su Hangdao, "When is the timing?"

Hong Jun smiled, "Brother Realm is higher than me, it should be clearer than me!"

"Don't hit me with sloppy eyes!" Su Hang shook his head. "Know what, let's talk!"

Hong Jun paused and said, "After the Wanjie Conference, if the elder brother can take the top spot and obtain the inheritance of the heavenly Taoist friends and become the first in Wanjie, it should be almost the same!"

Su Hang heard his brows slightly, "Why must it be then?"

Hongjun smiled, "Everything is destiny, and it depends on whether the elder brother can catch it. In addition, if the elder brother just wants to see the past life, Hongjun may help you!"

"Oh?" Su Hang looked at Hong Jun and was a little surprised. He just said that he wanted to awaken Tibetan knowledge and needed the Wanjie Conference. When he became the first person in Wanjie, he said he wanted to let himself Look at the appearance of the previous life, is this not a conflict?

Hong Jun did not say anything. He stretched out his hand and drew a picture into the void. A wave of rippling in the void seemed to appear as a mirror out of thin air. A picture slowly appeared in the mirror.

Su Hang couldn't help but look back, looking in the mirror.

"Here I borrowed the power of fate to forcibly break through the blockade of the elder brother's hidden knowledge. I can see the picture, my elder brother carefully read it!" Hong Jun said.

Su Hang also said nothing, his eyes fell on the mirror, only to see that the picture in the mirror was getting clearer.

The goal should be a city, an ancient city, similar to the ancient Chinese town's architectural style, but it is also a little different, and Suhang can't see where it is.

On the messy street, people should come and go, it should be a street junction, there are many pedestrians, and there are also many sellers and merchants. When Su Hang is wondering where his previous life was, he saw the screen switch to the corner.

At the corner of the street, a ragged, dirty beggar was sitting on the ground against a corner of a door and wall on the street, with a few rags under his body, squinting and dozing.

In front of him was a broken bowl with a lack of eaves, which contained half a dirty bun, and a few copper coins, which should be given by passers-by who had just passed by.

At this time, a well-dressed man passed by the beggar and put a silver in the broken bowl.

I saw this man in his twenties or thirties. He was handsome and tall, dressed in light blue robes, and was quite temperamental. From the perspective of his actions, he was also a kind-hearted person.

Hong Jun's imaginary picture will have a panoramic view of the scene just now, Su Hang turned to Hong Jun, "This young man is the me of the previous life?"

Hong Jun smiled and said nothing. Su Hang turned to look again, but he saw that the man on the picture had long disappeared, and the picture was still fixed on the beggar.

The beggar opened his eyes slightly, glanced at the silver in the bowl, didn't know what to murmur, and closed his eyes again, and didn't see to pick up the silver, as if it were just a copper plate, I'm not afraid of passers-by picking it up.

The picture ends here, slowly dimming until it disappears.

Su Hang froze for a moment. The beggar's mouth shape just now said that the man who gave him alms was "stupid." Su Hang couldn't help but feel a little depressed. Is this really a good person without good rewards? If someone gives you a silver coin, you won’t be grateful, but you will be abusive. I don’t know how to be grateful. I really deserve to be a beggar.

Su Hang looked at Hong Jun again, "The young man who was just before was my past life? Where was that just now?"

Hong Jun heard the words, but shook his head, "Brother thinks too much, that young man is not your previous life..."

Su Hang froze for a few seconds, as if conscious of something, and was immediately annoyed, "Are you teasing me to play? If not the young man, would it be the beggar?"

Hong Jun laughed and said nothing, the answer was obvious.

Su Hang's face twitched slightly, "Hong Jun, I'm seriously asking for advice. If you play with me like this, I might hurt my feelings a little bit?"

"How did the elder brother say this?" Hong Jun shook his head. "This is what the elder brother saw in his Tibetan knowledge. It is not a fiction made by Hong Jun. Why would he play with his elder brother?"

Su Hang was annoyed for a I think I am a personal thing anyway, how should I be a banging character in my previous life, otherwise how can I have such an encounter in this life? No matter how bad it is, it should not be a beggar.

This is not scientific at all.

Hong Jun shook his head and said, "At that time, the little brother Toad, the elder brother, fell into reincarnation. After a thousand years, Fang Chengzheng realized the vein of the Buddha, and the heavenly man was also a reincarnation of the world, and many of them became pig and dog ants. Doesn’t a big person start at the end of the day? Brother is a beggar in his previous life, what is so strange?

Su Hang heard this, but was unable to refute it for a while, and yes, he was in reincarnation, without awakening and hiding his knowledge. Do you know how many lifetimes you have reincarnate? The previous life was a beggar, what about the previous life?

Only after awakening the Tibetan consciousness can these things be clearly understood and the self can be understood.

No wonder, no wonder Hong Jun will let himself take a look at himself in the past life so readily, although I don’t know if it is true, but the result is the same, he has not got any useful information.

My previous life was actually a beggar. If you can choose, it might as well be half a bun in that bowl!

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