Super Study God

Chapter 1949: Inferior people are invincible!

This is undoubtedly more cost-effective than the sale of the most good Daoist sect. It is too cost-effective to replace the real person with Bilian for all the people present, including the Supreme Master.

However, everyone is well aware that this is not realistic. This teacher is not a saint. Why should he deny himself, if he is the Supreme Master, there may be some possibility.

Bilian lived hesitantly for a while and then smiled, "If you ask him wholeheartedly, Bilian doesn't matter. It's better to be willing to give up your skin, exchange for the lives of all beings, and the safety of the Virgin!"

Ok? Everyone was stunned, and did not expect that Bilian real person would respond this way. Listening to his tone, it seems that he intends to save himself?

So touching, this Bilian master, really a real hero too!

At this time, Su Hang smiled, "So that's the case, start your performance, use your death in exchange for the lives of the sentient beings under the mountain, and the best life!"

Everyone looked at Bilian and was driven by Su Hang to put the duck on the shelf. Could it be that he would really kill himself? Everyone even has a little expectation, especially the people of Zhizong Daozong, if this teacher is to commit suicide, then everything will be fine.

Damn it, how can there be such an idea? How can Miaozheng and others suddenly wake up and exchange their lives with others' lives? But still can't help having such an urge.

"Uncle, don't do it!"

Miaozheng and others hurriedly shouted, but instead it was Miaoshan who was standing next to Bilian Taoist, but she was indifferent, and even laughed bitterly, because she knew what the teacher was all about.

Bilian lived gently raised his hand, stopped everyone in the Daoist Sect, and looked at Su Hang lightly, saying, "It's easy for me to die, but how can you ensure that your promises can be fulfilled? If I die?" By the way, if you regret not acknowledging the account, wouldn’t I die in vain?

This is very reasonable. Everyone nodded one after another, and they all agreed with Bilian.

At this time, Su Hang smiled gently, "With the words of Su Hang, can someone believe it?"

"That may be!" Bilian shook her head and said, "After today, people in the world may have a radical change in your character of Su Shenzun. Your commitment, in the eyes of many people, is Will be worthless!"

Su Hang smiled indifferently, "Then I have a letter with you?"

Bilian shook her head again and said, "It's still that sentence. I can't believe you. If I die, I don't know if you have fulfilled your promise. If you have a big face, no one can cure you even after Lai Pi!"

"So how are you going?" Su Hang looked at him lightly.

Bilian lived with a smile, "Simple, you first let me seal your skills. After I die, if you honor the promise, the seal will be broken, otherwise..."

"Ha ha……"

Su Hang laughed dumbly and couldn't help but admire this person. Actually, he turned himself into an army and let himself seal his skills. Isn't this funny?

"Since you can't believe me, how can I trust you?" Su Hang asked back.

Bilian smiled, "What can't be trusted if you say it in front of the people of the world? Could you dare?"

"I'm not afraid!" Su Hang shook his head. "I just thought it was ridiculous. You are obviously afraid of death, but you still pretend to be righteous, and pull out a bunch of principles. You also ask for life, and don't be faceless. !"

"Oh, let's reverse black and white, the eyes of the masses are sharp!" Bilian humane, "I don't dare to see you!"

Su Hang shook his head and said, "For me, it shouldn't be necessary. After all, I want to kill you. It's so easy. What qualifications do you have to tell me the conditions?"

Yeah, is that necessary? You have let me squeeze it. Why do you want to talk to you about conditions? Isn’t this funny?

Bilian heard a stagnation, and then said, "It's as easy as a palm? I'm afraid not?"

Su Hang shook his head, "Twelve of you, there are already nine in my hand. Do you think you can beat those nine?"

"There is a saying in the world, the dragon has nine sons, each has magical powers. There is no comparison, who is stronger and weaker, it is difficult to say, I am not afraid to tell you, don’t say nine of them, even if they are all here, When I meet, I will automatically retreat from Sanshe!" Baguio said.

Between words, with a bit of arrogance, if not because of arrogance is dead, Su Hang even once thought this guy is the incarnation of arrogance.

Since the Virgin asked the disciples to invite this fellow to come here, it is enough to prove that this fellow has some skills, but no matter how strong the skill is, Su Hang is now not in the eyes. After all, the disparity in strength is huge.

Su Hang smiled and stretched out a hand to Bilian, "Well, since that's the case, I also want to see your skills. Come on, let's make a gesture..."

"Signs? Just here?" Bilian paused.

Su Hang nodded slightly, "Yes, here it is, why don't dare?"

Bilian smiled, "I'm just afraid to fight here, you will be bound by hands and feet, after all, here is your place..."

Although he said so in his mouth, Bilian's real hand was not unambiguous. He shot it directly with a palm and drew a giant palm that covered the sky. With the power of ruining the world, he shot towards Su Hang.

It’s just a sudden shot, and it’s such a fierce move as soon as it comes up. If this palm is real, not to mention the entire Tiandu Mountain, I am afraid that the radius of the distance, including the millions of civilians under the mountain, must be counted. Ashes.

This forced goods are also poisonous, clearly there is no scruples, I want to use Suhang's hands and feet, the so-called soliciting life is a joke, this slap down, all the so-called life in his mouth will crush the bones .


Su Hang naturally knows this mate’s intentions and fights on this day’s mountain. Su Hang has a lot of scruples. The battle of heaven and earth, even if it’s just a dash of overwhelming power, is enough to destroy the heavens and the earth. Su Hang must control these forces with nothing but nothing. Let it act in other places. In this way, the battle will be very disadvantageous for the Soviet airlines.

After all, fighting in your home, you still have the guts to protect your family and furniture, and your combat power will naturally be greatly reduced. This move is too cheap and shameless.

Bilian's eyes are even a little crazy. He has absolute confidence in his own strength. At this time, he does his best with no scruples. He just wants to force Suhang to be distracted when he is distracted.

People are inferior and invincible. This has always been the truth that Bilian believes in. With each other rising, he wants to see if Su Hang can resist his move, unless Su Hang can set it a hundred miles away. The soul ignored it, otherwise, it was only a hard move to hard-wire him, and as a result, he believed that he would be seriously injured without dying.

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