Super Study God

Chapter 1952: Shameless!

"Useful, useful."

Bilian shouted quickly, "I can be your younger brother, let me send you, my elder brother, who was born with the same root, why is it too urgent? The younger brother just gave you a joke, and I never thought about what to do with you. Just let my brother be a fart."

When everyone saw the scene next to him, his chin was about to fall to the ground. This guy not only didn't need to be skinless, he didn't even want to do the exercises.

Be my little brother? Su Hang listened to this and couldn't help crying. What a big heart, right? Just so arrogant, and he was left behind in a blink of an eye? When did it happen?

"Don't waste your tongue, I won't listen to this!" Su Hang's hand tightened.

"No, me, I know the whereabouts of the wealthy man!" Bilian lively shouted hard.

"Greeting?" Su Hang heard the words, with the strength in his hand, said, "Have you seen him?"

In addition to the real Bilian in front of him, Su Hang still has two original sins. One of them is unknown, and the other is greed. Su Hang had the opportunity to catch him before, but unfortunately he was bribed with money. The rules escaped.

Not only did he escape, he also abolished the huge amount of more than 200 billion yuan of Su Air, so that Su Air became a poor wife overnight. It can be said that compared with the unknown original sin remaining, Su Air wants to catch this man.

"You, let me go first!" Bilian lively shouted hard, grasping Su Hang's hands with both hands, breathless, trying to let Su Hang loose.

At this time, Su Hang let go of his neck and slammed it to the ground. He said coldly, "Hurry up!"

Bilian real coughed hard, and finally he was relieved. "Say? What?"

"Is it pretend to be stupid with me? Looking for death?" Su Hang frowned, his eyes splashed with murderous intent.

"Say, I say!" Bilian real nodded quickly. "One month ago, I saw greed in the Wuxin Kingdom of the Western Regions. He opened a bank in the Wuxin Kingdom and the business was very big!"

"No Heart Country?" Su Hang frowned.

Next to Su Jin came up and said, "Father, the unintentional country is a civilization in the Western star field..."

Su Hang nodded slightly, listening to Su Jin said, there is indeed such a country, the possibility of Bilian real people casually making up is unlikely, this shameless guy, Su Hang really can't believe his words.

"The younger brother said the truth, the last time I saw the man, and was drained of the money from the man, the younger brother hated it very much, willing to saddle for the elder brother, and wait for the elder brother to grab the man and let the younger brother beat me. He had a good meal!" Bilian was humane.

Like a pug, he almost stuck his tongue at Su Hang, and everyone around him was sweating. Miaoshan and others were crying without tears. Is this the savior they are looking for? Obviously it's the teasing looking for, this teacher is really shameless.

Su Hang looked at him in amusement, "Aren't you going to ask for these mortals, to make an appearance for the Most Good Dao Sect, and to save the Virgin? What do you say now?"

Bilian real man said immediately, "What do these people have to do with me? I love death or not, what do I do with it? As for the virgin, this woman is very annoying, she is fake and serious all day long, pretending to be a kind-hearted person, and showing others They are lower-end than hers, and they are really annoying. I am not here to save her today. I am completely repentant and want to abandon the secrets..."

"Uncle, how can you say that?"

All the Daoist Sects looked at Bilian in disbelief. This guy actually vilified his master in order to save his life? So abominable?

Especially Miaoshan, she felt that the three views collapsed. She had traveled for so long, how much effort she had spent, and how much it cost, before she invited this party, but she never thought that it would be such an ending.

"Shut up for me!" Bilian lively turned back and glared. "On the basis of you little debris, and dare to play Su Shenzun's idea? Fortunately, I am brilliant, and I had expected it, otherwise it was yours. Said..."

The special code hit a rake, and it opened my eyes. Anyway, he is also an elder, how can he not be so skinless?

"This man defamed Master's honor, destroyed Master's honour and reputation, and the appearance of the face was calm, but it was repeatedly a villain. God respected him without mercy and killed him..." Zhong Miaozheng suddenly shouted.

"Kill him, kill him..."

Zhong Miaozheng's words fell, and everyone shouted loudly, and suddenly the sound shook like thunder, but Bilian's words ignited public anger.

Su Hang saw sweat on his forehead. If it weren't for this man's strength, he was afraid that these people would be able to beat him to death.

"Shut up for me, did you talk to your elders like this?" Bilian lived without any cowardice, and he scolded the people directly. Obviously he had not experienced such a scene.

In the past, it was anxious that Bilian real person would start for them, beheaded Su Hang, and rescued their master, but who could think that, in a blink of an eye, this Bilian real person set everyone on fire, and everyone wanted him to die.

It's a failure enough to be a human being. This shameless person is indeed strong, but not invincible. You can drown you with a spit.

A person lives a face, a tree lives a skin, how can a tree live without skin? People have no faces, are they still people?

"Should you shut up for me!" Su Hang grabbed this unwanted Bilian lively and put it in his fighting space, letting him and the Virgin shame them.

The washbasin covered in the sky was quickly retracted, and only a blue light flashed in the sky. A basin floated from the sky and fell into the hands of Su Hang.

Su Hang squeezed his nose subconsciously, this broken pottery bowl, God knows what the shameless guy used to do.

But whether it is a washbasin or a footbath, it is a treasure, a treasure that is enough to stand side by side with the sky axe. !

If you kill this this washbasin must also be dissipated, so if you keep this guy, you can count on leaving some benefits for yourself.

His eyes turned to Miaoshan and others. At this time, the atmosphere was somewhat embarrassing. Miaoshan floated down from the air and fell in front of the array of the Daoist Sect.

With a puff, Miaoshan knelt down on her knees, and other Zhong Miaozheng waited for someone to see it, and quickly knelt behind Miaoshan.

The helpers invited by Wanli were all packed up and lost all the cards. Where did they still hold their heads in front of the Soviet Airways?

"What do you mean?"

These people just knelt and said nothing, Su Hang frowned slightly.

Miaoshan raised his head and looked at Su Hang. "The disciples waited for Master to be sore, and the Master was eager to save the Master.

Su Hang pondered for a while and took a deep breath, saying, "I'm really guilty and wantonly playing with the beliefs of all living beings. This is a serious sin. It happened, I waited to go down the mountain to disperse the believers. Where do I come back?"

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