Super Study God

Chapter 1954: This is not fair!

Liu Ruxu didn't say much, unwittingly, the original Su Hang was already so powerful. Seeing today, it has already far exceeded her.

It seems that I can't get rid of him!

With a little helplessness in Liu Ruxu's heart, his mood was unusually calm, as if he had accepted his life.

The Virgin had talked with her disciples outside the mountain gate for a long time. Su Hang didn’t know what they were talking about, and she was not interested in knowing. After more than half an hour, the Virgin returned and the emotions of the disciples of the Most Good Dao Sect also calmed down Come down and organize the orderly evacuation of the believers under the mountain.

A farce has ended in such a hasty way, but it is undeniable that this farce will definitely set off a storm of public opinion on Dixian Continent.

But Su Hang doesn't care. For the Great Merit Taoist, such an ending is indeed a bit unfair, but where is absolute fairness in this world?

Fairness is just the charity of the strong to the weak. Just like everything you have experienced in yourself, how many things are fair? Let yourself be compared with Lin Xuan, one is the Lord of the One Realm, the identity is noble, and the other is just a Native of the Lower Realm, how can it be fair?

This world is unfair. The same thing happened to me. My sister Su Xi was also taken captive. Have you ever complained? It is useless to ask for others. You can master the so-called fairness and formulate the so-called fair law by yourself.

These kind of Daoist Sects are pitiful and hateful. They only hope that after today, they will not mess around with others. Otherwise, Suhang will not be blamed this time, but it may not be the next.



In the battle space.

When Su Hang appeared with the Virgin Mary, Bilian lived on the ground with her hair disheveled and her hair messed up, her nose and face swollen and panting. The posture and appearance looked like she had just finished her work.

After seeing Su Hang, Bilian lived up quickly and opened his swollen eyes diligently, "I am here, how dare you wait for it?"

But Mr. Kong and others were all around. They all seemed to be in a state of anger. They all fought and tried. When they heard Bilian's cry, they saw Su Hang and the Virgin, and they all calmed down again.

Su Hang's face was black. In front of him, Su Hang did not even know that Bilian had just suffered a fat beating. This shameless guy obviously had a lot of grudges against Mr. Kong.

This shameless guy, as long as he is a person, definitely wants to beat him!

"I saw nothing, you continue!" Su Hang said directly.

"Ah?" Bilian was astonished at first sight. He looked at Su Hang in disbelief, and instantly felt that he was being stared at by many bad eyes.

Turning his head to look, Mr. Kong and others with an evil smile, rolled their sleeves and forced him.

"Boom Boom, Boom Boom..."

Fists and feet fluttered, with a scream, Bilian real person has been obliterated by fists and feet, the scene is almost dare not to watch, but after watching it, it feels very cool, this shameless guy, Su Hang has some kind of desire to make up two The impulse of the foot.

For a long time, his fists and feet finally stopped, and Mr. Kong and others finally breathed a sigh of relief, as if exhausting the fire in their hearts.

Bilian lived with a swollen nose and a swollen blood foam, and touched a grass from the side, pretending to pick her teeth leisurely, "cool, cool, I'm dead!"


This guy is almost cheaper than death. The fire that everyone just pressed was ignited again, and his eyes became bad again.

"Enough, do you want to kill him?" At this time, the Virgin spoke and walked to the real Bilian, and gently touched the swollen face of Real Bilian, "even though he has Not a thousand things, you shouldn’t call him like this..."

"嘁......" This time, the words of the Virgin came from a boo of Mr. Kong and others!

At this time, Su Hang walked over and leaned over to look at Bilian. "Can I still breathe?"

Seeing Su Hang's question, Bilian really sat up and seemed to be in spirit, "Just these few chickens, but it's just tickling with me. Yeah, I'm not uncommon with them. I'm afraid to kill them. You Also ask if their hands are OK!"

Nima! Where did Mr. Kong and others hear this? They gritted their teeth one by one. If Su Hang was not here, they had scruples and feared that they would have rushed to die.

Su Hang is also covered with black lines on his forehead. Nyima was beaten like this. She was still dying for face. She didn't want her face anymore. What should she do?

"You said that you have seen greed in an unintentional country?" Su Hang asked directly without gossip.

Bilian paused and nodded, "I've seen it, of course I've seen it before. Everyone knows that although I don't have a little skin, I never lie."

"Hang!" Bilian's remarks attracted the disdain of Mr. Kong and others.

A person with no face, can you expect him to tell you the truth, not to lie to you? That was simply a fantasy, and he might not even believe it.

Su Hang apparently understood this too, and immediately faced Bilian with a real humanity, "In this case, you and I will go to the Western Regions for a trip. If you can catch the best greed, you can't catch it. you!"

"Ah?" Bilian froze for a while, and called out. "It's not fair. I saw him a month ago, and now it's been more than a month. How can I guarantee that he is still there? If he runs away , Am I not guilty of death?"

Su Hang smiled faintly, "Then pray that he is still there!"

"Ah?" Bilian lived in an instant.

The other people were a bit gloating, and the unreasonable encounter was unreasonable. This guy was miserable!



There are a lot of things to be done by Suhang There is not much time left for him. If it is impossible to win the Wanjie Conference more than a year later, Suhang can imagine that it will lose a lot. However, there is not much time left for him to practice!

Fortunately, Su Hang is not a person who can sink his mind to practice with peace of mind. The kind of ascetic practice that closes the door and meditates is not suitable for him. Learning the **** system will help him practice.

Even, if he wants, he can rely on massive energy points to pile up his strength to a very high level in a short period of time. However, as a result, he does not have much time to digest and suddenly skyrocket. Ability is more likely to get out of control.

Therefore, Su Hang is accustomed to spend a little time to get acquainted with his strength after every breakthrough, which is much safer for him. Moreover, what is before him is breaking through the avenue, but breaking through the avenue is not that simple of.

Even with the assistance of the Xueshen system, Suhang Airlines dare not fully guarantee that this breakthrough will be completed within the remaining year.

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