Super Study God

Chapter 1962: Kung Te Temple!

At this time, Suhang also reacted. This guy felt that the unintentional family's money was very profitable. Even if you robbed them, they still greeted you with a smile, but they never thought that this place is simply for greed. It is a cage specially designed for him.

The Wuxin tribe has different talents, no desire, no desire, no idea what desire is, and why is there a little greed? Without greed, how come the power of greed?

This guy was just dead. He actually found such a place to hide. Su Hang thought it was ridiculous to think about it.

"Aren't you going to amplify the power of money?" Su Hang looked at him playfully, "Isn't it a power of one hundred trillion? Should you try again?"

As he said, Su Hang leaned towards the past.

Taking a step backwards greedily, it was obviously terrified. Under the fear, he directly threw the two hundred and fifty dollars in his hand to Suhang.

Su Hang grabbed the money in his hand. "For 250 yuan, it's just tickling for me. Come on, I like the feeling of being smashed by money!"

"Huh, I won't play with you anymore, don't let me meet you again!" Cursed greedily, and then wanted to break through the space blocked by Suhang.

The goods are out of money and penniless. It is no longer possible to bribe the Dadao rules to help him escape as he did last time. Su Hang saw him with a chuckle, "Want to run? Did you run?"

As soon as his thoughts moved, the space was quickly compressed, and the greedy figure was quickly drawn closer, and he was brought to the front by the space folded by Suhang. The greed was still running wildly, but no matter how he used the space to move it, even if it passed through Thousands of light years, but in the collapsed and compressed space of the Soviet Airways, not only did not the distance between him and the Soviet Airways pull apart, but he kept getting closer.

I thought Su Hang didn't come, and the greedy heart had already breathed out, but when he looked back, he couldn't help but be stupid, Su Hang even stood behind him.

In the front is a dim starry sky, but in the back is still the sky city of Shi'e Star. The space collapses, showing a wonder.

However, Greed was not in a mood to appreciate the wonder. At this moment, his heart was already cold and cold, because he knew that he was finished.

Without money, his strength is greatly reduced, and the Treasure Copper Plate is not useful. Greedy knows that he is completely cold this time.

"Shocked? Surprise?" Su Hang looked at Greed a little playfully.

After letting this guy arrogant for so long, it finally made him experience some despair.

The greediness did not escape, looking up at Su Hang, "I have one more word to say!"

"Do you have any last words?" Su Hang said directly.

Su Hang's voice had just dropped, and he only heard a puff, and greedily knelt on the ground very simply, "forgive me!"


Su Hang almost didn't faint. He looked at the greed in a daze, this guy, the change before and after is also too big.

The so-called big husband can bend and stretch, since he knows that there is a dead end, he naturally wants to fight for that vitality. He says kneel and kneel. For greed, maybe this is the real hero.

Su Hang was too lazy to talk nonsense with him, and it was inevitable that he would have a spoiler. He directly confiscated the greedy treasure, sealed his ability, and threw it directly into the battle space.

"This is all right, one less, you are reunited!" Su Hang said lightly, waved his sleeves, and dispersed all the surrounding enchantments.

Although the battle just now was earth-shattering, under the isolation of the boundary, it did not affect the outside world, and people still walked on the streets.

After seeing the ruined mansion, the unintentional people passing by all showed a somewhat stunned smile, but then again

What should I do if nothing happened!

This is the Wuxin Race, the Wuxin Race without desire and desire, as if nothing can attract their concern.

This greed would really find a place. If it is not here, Su Hang would not even be able to guarantee whether he could control him.

"Don't you look for that man?" When Suhang was about to leave, the realm of the world spoke.

Su Hang paused. "Where can I find it?"

Jie Moxin kept his mouth shut and said for a while, "If this fellow is present, it will definitely lead to a catastrophe..."

Su Hang shook his head, "There is no way to take him with so much power, even if I find it, what can I do with him? I can't eliminate him!"

Jie Moxin said, "It can't be eliminated, it doesn't mean that he can't be controlled. Just by driving him into reincarnation, he will naturally perish forever and exchange for peace in the region."

Su Hang heard the words and remained silent for a long time. "It's okay, he has old complaints with me. Sooner or later, he will find me, and I will talk about it later!"

The world demons listened and stopped talking.

Although the words are said like this, Su Hang's heart is also uneasy. The sense of breath that I sensed when Izumo City made Su Hang really awkward, so I did not rush to leave the Jinchan Galaxy, but Wandered in the nearby star field for two days, using the consciousness to search the surrounding star field inside and out.

Having seized the greed, Su Hang naturally has no scruples, and has searched every corner unscrupulously, but there is still no discovery at all, which makes Su Hang feel frustrated.

Su Hang was standing in the void, the consciousness swept again, and his eyes fell on one of the green planets.

Tan Tanxing, it should be the center of the golden cicada galaxy. If you remember correctly, the golden cicada galaxy should be the closed domain of the golden cicada Tang Xuanzang. As the master of this domain, Tang Xuanzang might have any idea.

Either way, say hello, after all, Tang Xuanzhuang is still a master of Bajie.

Now Su Hang turned into a streamer, and went straight to the star.

"Well, don't you even know me? Wait away, I want to see Master!"

Outside the Gongde Temple, a young man was confronting a group of monks who were guarding the temple, and was confronted by a group of monks with big sticks. The young man looked very angry and shouted loudly.

The group of monks apparently feared the young man, but they seemed to have to block the young man from the door.

At this time, an old monk with a white eyebrow, headed with a bitter face, said to the young man, "Second Master, don't embarrass your disciples. The Buddha has removed you and the Master from the monks. Say you You have already betrayed the Buddha, and you and the master ancestors are not allowed to step into the Buddha. No monastery in the world will be allowed to stay for you. Because of you, the Buddha of merit has been greatly excluded and discouraged in the Buddha, disciples. If you are allowed to enter the temple, then you have violated the ban on Buddhism. How can you let Kung De Buddha get your own way?..."

"Go, gossip!" The young man took a sip, his face full of impatience, but it seemed that the monk's words also entered his heart a little, and he waved his hand immediately and said, "Don't me It’s okay to go in, then you go in and call my master, is this the headquarters?"

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