Super Study God

Chapter 1975: Lingshan Guanli!

"Funny!" Su Hang sneered a little, but he didn't have a killing heart to say, no hostility, Su Hang can only huh.

Of these original sins, which one is a fuel-efficient lamp? It is okay if there is no hostility for a while, how can it be possible that there is no hostility?

Original sin and the deity are inherently opposed to each other. What the Virgin said seems to be untenable from the roots. It is more like the Virgin is paving the way for themselves.

What is no hostility? If there is no hostility, the Soviet airline still has to find the last one? Since there is an idea to look for it, it must be hostile, and even if you completely let go of the hostility, how can you ensure that the timid **** will show up.

He is not a fool, how could he take the initiative to come to the door?

Su Hang looked around. Everyone was avoiding his gaze. Apparently no one wanted to talk to him anymore. Even the Virgin closed her eyes and didn't want to say more.

Su Hangdao, "Relax, I will find him as soon as possible and let him come to reunite with you!"

After finishing speaking, without waiting for these guys to reply, Suhang disappeared directly from the combat space.



In the room, Su Hang was a little depressed, and didn't know whether the Madonna said it was true or not. If she really wanted to find this timid as she said, I'm afraid it would take a lot of work.

I am not afraid that the enemy is strong, I am afraid that the enemy is hiding from you. If the other party keeps hiding, there is really no way for Su Hang to find him. If it is another person, Su Hang can also borrow the special rules and abilities of the Millennium Kill to force him Pulling it over, but this guy is his own original sin, killing him is like killing himself. This point, when he was confronted with the guilty original sin, there was already an experience.

Timid? Su Hang pondered a little, but did not know how timid this existence was, and then he had to study it carefully.

It is like greed. Although it is strong, there are always weaknesses. Su Hang does not think there will be any unsolvable problems in this world. As long as he is willing to study, he will always find a way.

"Father!" At this time, Su Jin's voice came from outside!

Su Hang regained his mind, "What's the matter?"

Su Jin said outside, "Father, Lingshan is here!"


Su Hang gently opened the door, and Su Jinzheng was respectfully outside the door now, "Fomen Lingshan?"

Su Jin nodded and said, "The Venerable Fu Xian brought the 18 Arhats to him, saying he was going to invite his father to Lingshan to observe the ceremony!"

"Watching the ceremony?" Su Hang paused. "What happened to Tang Xuanzhuang?"

Su Jin heard, and was a little surprised, "Father didn't know the prophet, it was indeed a matter of being sealed for Tang Xuanzang. Hearing that Master Jin Chan broke through the realm of Buddha three days ago, it was a very happy event for the Buddhist door, and even the Buddha was not willing to procrastinate. Tang Xuanzang has been sealed!"

Before he opened his mouth, his father already knew that in Su Jin’s mind, Su Hang’s image was even taller, and he didn’t know what his father had come to now!

"Come here so quickly?" Su Hang smiled bitterly, but it was acceptable to think about it. How many years would it take for an entire Xuan Huang Yu to appear in the entire Xuan Huang Yu, which seemed to Su Hang to be a trivial matter, but it must be Will sensational whole practice circle!

Su Jindao said, "In the past few days, under the influence of the Most Good Daoist Sect, the reputation of the Buddhist Temple has fallen a lot. This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. The Buddha will certainly not let it go. He will surely perform with great fanfare. Reputation rises to the top."

Su Hang nodded, did not care too much, and along with Su Jin, slowly walked towards the main hall, "Only Puxian and the Eighteen Arhats are coming?"

Su Jin heard the words and nodded, his forehead sweated. What does dad mean? Isn't that enough? Puxian real people are among the Buddhists, and they are also heavyweights.

But I thought about it, what kind of identity is my dad, even if the Buddha came to invite him in person, it is not an exaggeration, but, how can he come back as the Buddha?

Su Hang smiled faintly and asked Su Jin, "Then do you think I am going or not?"

Su Jin froze for a moment, wondering why Su Hang would ask himself this question, and immediately said, "How worried is my father?"

Su Hang took a deep breath. After a while, he shook his head. "There will be no worries, but I don't want to use it for others!"

Buddhism invited him to go, just to borrow the identity of Su Hang and encourage Buddhism. How could Su Hang never think of this? Speaking of watching the ceremony, in fact, the bigger intention is just to use!

Su Jin apparently thought of this as well, and said, "It's just that the Eighteen Arhats are carrying the lotus seat of the Buddha, it's not easy to refuse!"

"Oh!" Su Hang laughed when he heard it, and the lotus sedan and Luohan lifted the sedan, but they were willing to spend their money.

Su Jin hesitated for a while and said, "If my father is worried, wouldn't it be possible for the child to take this trip on behalf of his father?"

Su Hang heard that, but waved her hand and said, "I was asked by someone. What are you going to do? I'm bored for my father, so let's go this way!"

"But..." Su Jin seemed to have something to say. Didn't Su Hang just say that he didn't want to be used? Why do you want to go again?

"No, don't go, I'll go, I'm just afraid that his Buddhist door this time..."

Su Hang seemed to have something to say, but when it came to his mouth, he stopped again, and at last there was only a long sigh.

Su Jin is somewhat inexplicable. Looking at Su Hang's expression, can it be said that the Buddha's enclosing Tang Xuanzang is not as simple as imagined? In other words, what will happen?

While waiting to ask, he saw that Su Hang had entered the main hall, and Su Jin had to put his doubts in his heart.



Amitabha Starfield, Lingshan!

The sound of Buddha is peaceful and peaceful, with few cigarettes and only one grand scene. In the magnificent grand hall, at this time, something a little unsightly is happening.

Among the huge halls, the Buddhas and Bodhisattvas and the Arhat King Kong are standing on both sides, with hundreds of thousands.

If you sit and sit upright, the huge body appears incomparably majestic. Mido and the burning lamp sit on two sides, and the three great Buddhas are seated. At this time, in the Great Pavilion, there is the pinnacle of the Buddhist temple, the absolute pyramid Pointed presence.

In the middle of the main hall, Ananda and Kaye kneeled down on the ground, both of them were disheveled, their noses were swollen, and their faces were gray.

Ananda cried, "Let me know that the disciples and Venerable Kaye went to Kung Tak to greet Xuan Zang, but he didn't expect that Xuan Zang's self-esteem was big, he had no self-respecting Buddha, he spoke filthy words, rebelled against the Buddha's gate, and made great progress with his skill , Actually beat me out, and begged me to be the master!"

Kaye also cried next to him, "It's just a matter of disciples being humiliated. There is no Buddha in Xuan Zang's heart. He really shouldn't be a disciple of my Buddha's disciples. Please also ask the Buddha to learn!"

The two cried miserably. While crying, they did not forget to reveal their injuries to gain the sympathy of the Buddha and the Buddhas in the temple.

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