Super Study God

Chapter 1980: Great injustice!

There was a smile on Xuan Zang's face, and there seemed to be no discomfort, but the next second, what Xuan Zang did, instantly made the scene quiet.

I saw Xuanzang holding up the nine-grade golden lotus. The golden lotus flashed a dazzling golden light. Nine lotus leaves bloomed and hung in the palm of Xuanzang. These holy things in the Buddhist door instantly attracted everyone's attention.

However, I do not know what happened, the golden light on the golden lotus was quickly dim, and then was replaced by a strange black gas, nine lotus leaves quickly withered and withered, and finally only a dry lotus stem remained Quietly hanging in Xuan Zang's hands.


Everyone was shocked, and the golden lotus of merit had faded, which was unprecedented.

Even the three sages of Buddhism have not been able to recover at this moment.

The nine dried lotus petals fell to the ground, making people have to suspect that this ninth-grade golden lotus is fake and inferior. The sacred thing given by the Buddha's own hands is so withered?

But Xuan Zang leaned over, picked up the few dead leaves, held it in his hand, and slowly pointed at Rulai Buddha Road, "Xuan Zang thank you Buddha for giving treasure!"

This sentence made the face of Rulai Buddha twitch gently.

"Bold Xuanzang, you can be guilty!" Venerable Ananda immediately stood up, pointing at Xuanzang with a loud shout.

The momentum was so impressive that everyone on the scene was amazed. Which one was it?

It seems that this is the main event, there are many good people present, lest the world is not chaotic, seeing this situation, sweeping the previous boring boredom, and suddenly came to spirit.

This time I was invited to observe the ceremony by the Buddhist door. I thought I could only watch the Buddhist door quietly.

Among the crowds in the distance, Su Hang frowned slightly, however, Venerable Guanyin twitched, his face changed greatly, and he stood up subconsciously, and the worrying thing happened.

But Xuan Zang looked at Ananda indifferently, "Why does Venerable Ananda say this? Why is Xuan Zang guilty?"

Actually so calm, the three sages of Buddhism frowned slightly. Now how can they tolerate their joke at this juncture?

If the coming Buddha was about to speak, he saw Venerable Kaye also stood up, and he said to Xuan Zang quite a bit, "What is the sin? Seeing the Buddha does not kneel and does not respect the Buddha, this sin one; damage the Buddha. Do you dare to admit this sin 2 given by Chongbao?"

At the moment, the two thought that they had grabbed Xuan Zang's little braid, and at this juncture, Xuan Zang had a whole army, and they only wanted to put Xuan Zang into a place of nowhere.

Just now the Buddha gave the ninth-grade golden lotus, which is enough to show the Buddha’s intentions. Regardless of whether Xuan Zang broke through the Buddha’s realm, they are insignificant in the mind of the Buddha. The two have followed the Buddha for a long time, and they are very good at figuring out the Buddha’s mind. Now, this Xuanzang, Make it clear that you don’t give Buddhism face, can you both worry about the Buddha?

"Ananda, leave."

At this time, Rulai Buddha spoke, and his voice could not be disputed.

"Buddha?" The two Venerables looked back at Ruru.


Rulai once again said that the two of them could not help but understand the general, and did not look at when this was, they had just sealed Xuanzang, would it be necessary to end him by hand? With so many big figures in the monastic circle watching the ceremony here, wouldn't it make the entire monastic circle look at jokes if this happens?

When the two heard the words, they did not dare to say more, they had to retreat.

Being a buddha is also tolerable. For example, Xuanzhuang passed a warning look, which apparently allowed Xuanzhuang to converge a little, otherwise there would be absolutely no good fruit to eat.

But Xuanzang didn't feel the same at all. He didn't wait to speak, and smiled, saying, "The two Venerables listed me as two major crimes. This one, Xuanzang recognized, but this latter one, The two Venerables said that Xuanzang destroyed the relic, Xuanzang did not agree..."

As soon as Xuan Zang's words were exited, the scene exploded in an instant. All the Buddhas and Bodhisattvas looked at Xuan Zhuang with dumbfounded. Is this Xuan Zang taking the wrong medicine today? How dare you say such things in front of the Buddha?

Ananda and Kaye were stunned. The Buddha had spoken. They could only temporarily suppress the hatred, but Xuan Zang handed the opportunity to them in front of them. This is simply death. Can they fail to complete him?

"Bold Xuanzang, you destroyed the sacred objects, and the gods are all there, so how can you quibble?" Ananda immediately shouted again.

Um, no, just talking about this, Ananda suddenly realized that something was wrong. Xuan Zang just said that he pleaded guilty to this crime. Doesn't it mean that he admits to disrespect the Buddha?

This is really the ambition of a leopard, and actually admits to being disrespectful to the Buddha in front of the Buddha.

Xuan Zang smiled shallowly at this time, "How can this golden lotus be a holy relic of the Buddha's door, Xuan Zang also does not know, Xu Nine Ninth Grade Golden Lotus thinks that it is not enough for Xuan Zang, so he commits suicide, two If you don’t believe me, how about letting the Buddha give me the twelve-grade golden lotus?"

"Bold!" Ananda burst into a blast.

There was an uproar at the scene, asking the Buddha directly for the twelfth grade golden lotus. Isn't this asking for the Buddha's position? Almost everyone thought they had heard it wrong.

Xuan Zang looked at the two Venerables indifferently, as if he were looking at the two poor reptiles. ?"

"Well, you Xuan Zang!" Kaye smiled angrily and turned to the Buddha, "Xuan Zang disrespected my Buddha and asked me to treat sin."

Everyone at the scene was stunned. I couldn’t believe the scene in front of me. This seems to be not only a good show, but also a big show. From now on, I am afraid that there will be another big news in the entire Unet~www.wuxiaspot .com~ Xuan Zang did not do anything, please Buddha to punish! "Ananda also said to Buddha.

At this time, both Venerables knew very well that Xuan Zang must be getting cold. He dared to disrespect the Buddha. Slap in the face, it was just too desperate. How could the Buddha forgive him?

Rulai had a black face, and the face next to the lamp was even darker.

"Xuan Zang, what's your dissatisfaction?" Before waiting to speak, Mi Tuo said.

Among the three saints, Mituo was better at talking. Under such circumstances, he did not want things to go bad. Otherwise, he would let Shifang people read the joke.

Xuan Zang smiled shallowly, neither humble nor too high, and was about to answer. At this time, Venerable Guanyin flew over.

"Xuan Zang, shut up."

Venerable Guanyin scolded, then came to the Buddha and bowed to the Three Saints, "The three Buddhas are on the top, Xuan Zang has just broken through the realm of the Buddha, and the realm is still unstable. If you speak arrogantly, please ask the three Buddhas to be generous."

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