Super Study God

Chapter 1991: For the rest of the life!

Tiancai's heart tightened. At this time, what he saw and saw around him was dark. The energy, light, heat, and even the rules were all sucked away. He wanted to break the rules and could not do it. Just a moment, the surrounding has become A piece of nowhere!


Heaven Tribulation roared loudly, struggling to break free, but even the sound was sucked away, there was no sound at all around, a palm was split towards the front, the power of the road poured out, trying to tear this space apart , But he soon found out helplessly that the power of the road he released was also sucked away.

At this time, there was already a chill in my heart. You can imagine when you face an invisible opponent, take the gun out, the gun is robbed, the knife is taken out, the knife is also taken away, no matter what comes out They are all robbed, what kind of mood is this?


Soon, Heaven Tribulation had to admit the fact that he was trapped, and this was not simply trapped. The huge suction was sucking him towards a rapid approach, despite his efforts to resist, However, it was dark all around, lack of consciousness, and lack of reference objects. He could not figure out where he was and how fast he was approaching the danger.

"It's impossible, I'm going to fall here in Heaven Tribulation?" Heaven Tribulation was anxious, but to no avail, the huge suction almost destroyed his body and sucked him apart.

"Grandfather!" Finally, Tianjiao shouted loudly, wanting to call for help from Old Gouten, but when he opened his mouth, the sound was sucked away, and no sound was heard at all, just like being deaf.


The danger was close at hand, and the terrible suction almost drew the consciousness of the Heavenly Tribulation away from the flesh. Suddenly, a deep drink sounded in his mind, and the Heavenly Tribulation woke up instantly.

Immediately afterwards, Tianjie felt that the suction around it was rapidly decreasing and becoming smaller, and for a moment, the darkness around it was quickly expelled, and a ray of light pierced the eyes, giving Tianjie a escape. Heaven, see the feeling of heaven and sun again.

The super vacuum cleaner seemed to have been disconnected from the power supply. Tiancao looked up and saw only a hundred meters in front of him, with a figure standing against his back, with white hair fluttering and white robe dancing against the wind.

"Grandfather?" Seeing this figure, Tianguai let out a long sigh of relief. Just now he really thought he was going to die!

As soon as the camera turned, Gu Teng's old immortal stood in the void, his whole body was like a rainbow, his right palm stretched out, and he was combined with Su Hang's left hand.

At the intersection of the two palms, the black mans were everywhere, but they quickly converged. The black hole in Su Hang's palm was actually blocked by the old man alive.

Su Hang was also embarrassed. Just at that moment, he thought he was going to explain it here. He never thought that Gu Teng Lao Xian would shoot suddenly. I don’t know what method was used to seal the black hole in his palm. The energy went down the left arm and pressed the terrifying black hole's suction force back into the Su Tian's Dantian until it was sealed into a table tennis-sized black ball.


The violent black hole finally settled down. Su Hang took a long sigh of relief, and his body was already sweating for a long time. For the rest of his life after the disaster, he almost collapsed.

Yin Yu'er flew away and quickly stepped forward to support Su Hang. "How are you? Are you okay?"

"No, it's okay..." Su Hang shook his head somewhat weakly, his voice trembling slightly, apparently just scared, with a lingering fear.

At the moment, Su Hang looked up at the old Immortal Gu Teng standing upside down, and quickly bowed to the courtesy, "Thank you for your help!"


Gu Teng Lao Xian turned his face away, snorted coldly, a piece of earth quickly appeared at his feet, the grass and trees rose up from the ground, and the starry sky just turned into green mountains and green water.

This hand is really shocking to everyone. This is the power of life and creation of Dadao Realm, but such a powerful life and creation, I am afraid that only the old monsters of the level of Guteng and Xianxian can be displayed, and there is nothing in between. , Creation and creation.

Old Goutian turned to Su Hang, "The old man is not to save you, but I am afraid that my heart will be destroyed in your hand!"

Su Hang's face was pale and she smiled slightly. At this moment, it seemed that the old man was a little cute. Just now, if he was just afraid of the destruction of the heaven and earth, he could directly destroy himself for a hundred, and he didn't need to save his life. , And also helped him seal the scary black hole.

Therefore, at this moment, Su Hang is grateful for this old vine.

However, this arrogant old vine and old immortal didn't want to lead Su Hang's favor. He looked at Su Hang seriously, "Boy, where did you steal this evil skill? Don't you know if it's a forbidden technique?" "

"Uh..." Su Hang was stagnant, and under the impulse of Gu Teng Lao Xian, he was speechless and didn't know how to answer.

At this time, Yin Yu'er said, "The ancient predecessor Ming Jian, this exercise, was passed on to him by my ancestors, and it is not a stealing study."

"Your ancestor?" Old Gouteng stared at Yin Yu'er in amazement.

Yin Yu'er nodded, "Sect Master Daotian is a real person."


Gu Teng Lao Xian heard his words, and his face changed slightly. Obviously, the name Yin Yuer said was very important in his heart.

"In the Xuanhuang Realm..." Yin Yu'er explained to Su Hang.

"Don't talk, I want to listen to him." Gu Teng Lao Xian interrupted Yin Yu'er directly and turned to look at Su Hang. Laoxian seems to be untrustworthy.

Yin Yu'er had no choice but to turn to Su Hang, beckoning him to tell the truth.

Su Hang had already come back to his mind at this time, and he calmed down and organized a rhetoric, saying, "Predecessors Mingjian, as Yu'er said, when Cangtian lived in the Xuanhuang Realm, I was fortunate enough to encounter it. It was in the mysterious valley of Xuanhuang Realm that was passed down by real people in the sky, and the younger people also know that this practice is a forbidden technique in the realm of heaven, but it is not a stealing study!"

Having said that, Su Hang did not shy away, and directly took out the piece of jade that he had left for himself.

Gu Teng Lao Xian frowned, stretched his hand to take the jade pendant in Su Hang's hands, put it in front of his eyes, and carefully traced it. The tightly closed brow slowly spread out.

Looking up at Su Hang, Yu Pei returned to Su Hang. Yin Yuer said beside him, "Yu'er was also in the Valley of Worry that day, and he had to be taught by the ancestors. Failed to repair a trace of fur."

Gu Teng Lao Xian looked at Yin Yu'er, "I don't think your girl is poor in understanding. I'm afraid it's your dad who won't let you practice this exercise."

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