Super Study God

Chapter 1996: The wisdom of mortals!

"You..." The real spirit of the world is really angry and has nothing to say, "It's a loss, following your kid, it's a big loss, and this time I almost lost my life..."

"Speaking of this..." Su Hang frowned as he heard this, "I haven't settled the bill with you. What black hole seed did you give me, but this time it hurt me... "

"I'm helping you, how can you fail to recognize good people's hearts?" Jie Mo said.

Su Hangdao, "Fart, quickly think of a way to give me this black hole seed!"

Jie Moxin was speechless for a while, and said for a while, "Who expected your kid to be so crazy, and learned to run without learning to walk, actually used it to absorb black holes, and it is still a super black hole. If I was at its peak, I might still be able to Your black hole seeds are removed, but now, your kind of seeds have grown into big trees, let alone me, and no one will dare to move you..."

"Don't talk about those useless things, you caused them, you have to be responsible in the end!" Su Hangdao.

The world's heart was helpless and said, "Now it is sealed anyway. Once the seal in your body is broken, I am afraid that you and I will have to be swallowed by it..."

"Okay, okay, do you have a solution?" Su Hang directly interrupted him.

Jie Moxin said, "I have told you how to do it. As long as you can understand the principle and manipulate it, these troubles are naturally not troubles!"

"Grass!" Su Hang scolded, "The first time I found you so unreliable!"

The realm of the world said, "I'm not wise enough, but I blamed me? Say you have experienced life and death this time, and witnessed the formation and evolution of the super black hole with your own eyes, won't you get nothing?"

Su Hang listened to this and paused for a moment. The realm of mind was right. Although it almost hung up this time, how could Su Hang get nothing from the formation and evolution of the so-called black hole? There is enlightenment, but the enlightenment comes back to the enlightenment, at the moment of life and death, all thinks about how to save lives, and where there is mind to enlighten.

At this time, being reminded by the realm of the world, Su Hang carefully recalled the scene at that time, and some things slowly emerged.

"How? You don't really tell me, don't you have any insight?" Jie Moxin asked Su Hang with a tone of caring for the mentally disabled.

Su Hang rolled his eyes, "What's your business? Take care of yourself!"

"What doesn't matter to me? Brother, we are all glorious now, and we lose all. You are dead, and I can't live..." Jie Mo rebutted.

Now, he lives in the flesh of Su Hang. If Su Hang does not solve the hidden danger of the Sky Devourer, he will have to die after the seal is broken.

Su Hangdao, "I have to correct one thing. Not all honors and losses, but both losses, but I honor you and I lose you..."

Jie Moxin was speechless for a while, "When is it, you still care about these..."

Su Hang shook his head, "Okay, shut up and stop talking, I want to meditate!"

The world's magic heart quickly disappeared.

Su Hang is very helpless, he does not want the final result to become a black hole hung in the starry sky, but to understand the true principle of the Sky Devourer, after all, it takes time, which is more than a year. General Assembly, where is one year enough to realize a super magic skill? Moreover, now reality does not allow him to spend too much time on the Fa, which is an absolute waste to him.

Closing his eyes, he remembered the formation of the super black hole in the previous battle. Su Hang seemed to have something to gain. However, he was still awkward and he couldn't calm down.

Looking at the window, the moon was slanting eastward, and it was late at night. Su Hang exhaled a long breath, "Forget it, I don't understand!"

"What's the matter?" The real spirit of the world started nagging again. "You don't take your own life, but don't take my life!"

Su Hang shook his head, got up and revitalized his muscles, "What do you know? Instead of sitting and wasting time, I might as well go back to Earth and find some physics experts on Earth to learn from!"

Jie Moxin laughed when he heard it, with a clearly mocking smile, "How much wisdom can a mortal have?"

Su Hang shook his head, "Don't underestimate the wisdom of mortals. Although they have only a short life span of less than 100 years and no thorough skills, they can consolidate all their wisdom and energy in the unknown for the rest of their lives. In terms of research, although monks have long lifespans and even exist for hundreds of billions of years, in some respects, they are indeed inferior to mortals. Monks are dedicated to the pursuit of power, and there are several sources that will study the source of power!"

Su Hang’s remarks silenced the realm of the realm for a moment. Obviously he was touched by Su Hang’s words, and he said for a long time, "You seem to have some truth, which makes me feel a little bit more open-minded. Jane, maybe your method really works, so what are you waiting for, hurry back to your earth!"

For some things, changing the way of thinking can often achieve unexpected results. The realm of the realm of the realm has been living for so many years. How can it not understand this truth, although the problem that has not been solved for tens of billions of years in the monastic world has been solved by mortals. It sounds a bit weird, but there is a good saying, even if it is just a piece of toilet paper, it has his use. In the eyes of God, mortals are useless, but this is not the case.

Faced with the urging of the realm of the realm of the world, Su Hang did not panic at all. He wanted to learn about the physics of space, so he didn't need to go back to the earth, just search for one?

It’s just that in front of the realm of the Suhang dare not expose the fact that he learned the **** system, he can only find a way afterwards, and seal the consciousness of the realm of the realm when necessary, when he is finished After the **** system, unblock it.

However, not now.

If you think about it for a long time, he has indeed not returned to Earth for a long time. Whether his family members are still well, he is also very worried.

Calculating the time, it is only in the past few days that Swire's admission ticket has been used again. Su Hang wants to go back to the earth and visit relatives, and then go to Swire again.

The matter about Stygian and the last original sin of timidity can only be put aside by him a little bit. After all, it is imperative to improve the skill and the most important thing is that the time is running out from the World Assembly.

Yin Yu'er refused to tell himself the ending, but Su Hang guessed that the war 65 million years ago would not be a bad ending even if it was not a good ending.

After all, if you are as rumored and sullen after the battle against the Dao, then what is the point of the Yin family helping yourself again?

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