Super Study God

Chapter 1998: God of Yellow 3!

This physics community that exists on Earth is almost mythical, but it is undeniable that he is very advanced in the study of the universe and black holes.

Su Hang has had personal experience with black hole theory, but he knows very little, as if you have to make a phone call every day, but how many people will understand the principle of mobile phones?

Some things, which must be understood by themselves, will definitely take time. Since there are ready-made theories here, why not use them directly, even if there are mistakes, it is also worth learning from, and it will certainly be great for yourself s help.

Su Hang did not expect that this physicist of physics would actually die a year ago. Su Hang was still thinking about coming back to visit this time, to discuss with him in person, and now it seems that there is no need for that. Too.

With the theology system, even if the other party has passed away, he can search for him and copy his abilities.

At this time, Shuaiyu said beside him, "I want to say that these people are really full and have nothing to do. It's enough for other people to worship foreigners, and they can't beat the eight poles, and they also join in the fun. It is simply a wonderful, a group of Muyang dog!"

There was a lot of discomfort in the speech.

Su Hang listened, but gave him a blank look. "Science knows no borders. It is undeniable that he has contributed to human science and he deserves respect. This is the power of knowledge. It is difficult for people like you to understand of……"

Shuaiyu listened, and his face twitched, "What's the point? Say I have no knowledge, anyway, I am also a college student, okay?"

"How did you come here in the past few years, don't you have a match?" Su Hang sneered.

Shuai Yu embarrassed him. He had been to university for a few years, but he went to visit his birth son. What kind of university was completely mixed up? The same as the usual meal. If there is no accident, I can't get a degree certificate, but He didn't care either. For him, life is now very leisurely, and the book does not have any temptation for him.

"In other words, then donate, will you go?" Shuai Yu asked.

"Isn't it a retrospective?" Su Hangdao said.

"Isn't it stupid!" Shuai Yu gave Su Hang a glance, "Did you just tell me, just about the pee of the colors, what kind of retrospective, it is clear that I took the opportunity to find you local tyrants for money... …"

Su Hang looked back and looked at the girls on the Mahjong table. "Is the school sending me an invitation letter?"

"Yes!" Qin Shiyu replied, "Let's put it in the bedside table. What kind of retrospective will you look at? You're going?"

Su Hang shook his head, "Let's talk later, I don't necessarily have time!"

Qin Shiyu wasn't talking about anything. She didn't even think that the Su Hang would go.

At this time, Shuaiyu said, "If you don't go, let me go on your behalf!"

"What are you doing?" Su Hang wanted to laugh a little!

"Pretend!" Shuaiyu said rightfully, "In that situation, pretending to be the best!"

"Grass egg!" Su Hang said with a smile. This guy really wanted to be naive. Maybe it was too underestimated in school. Want to find a chance to counterattack it!

At this time, a black big Ben drove in from outside the alley and stopped at the door of the teahouse.

The driver got out of the car and opened the door. A well-dressed young man came out of the car. He was dressed in a casual Chinese costume and wore a pair of sunglasses. His temperament was very extraordinary.

A younger man in a suit and leather boots led the way, but was stopped by two security guards in front of the door. "Sorry, sir, the teahouse was chartered today..."

"Bao... Bao your sister, widen your dog's eyes and see who this is? Quickly get out of the way and let the younger sister make a good pot of Longjing for Huang Ye. Huang Ye wants to sit by the window." The young man's eyes glared and he scolded directly, the posture was quite arrogant.

The security guard was obviously bluffed, but the duty was on the spot, "Sorry, sir, the teahouse is really being booked today, or come again someday..."

"What's your special..." Although the young man was dressed in a gentle manner, he had a real temper and scolded. He immediately raised his hand and slammed it straight toward the security guard.


A loud slap in the face, he couldn't help but grin his teeth, the little brother covered his face and looked at the Chinese man in Tang suit standing next to him, "Sanye, you..."

The younger brother was completely stunned. He hadn't drawn this slap. Instead, he slapped himself, and his teeth were almost knocked out. The person who beat him was no one else. It was the man in Tang suit behind him.

"Get out!" The man in Tang suit sneered with a cold face.

The younger brother was obviously frightened, but only promised to retreat quickly, daring to speak no more, and completely lacking the arrogant appearance just now.


On the balcony on the third floor, Shuaiyu stretched his neck and looked down. There was some surprise. He turned back to Suhangdao, "Who is that, Chen San, what kind of egg brother was at Erxianqiao!"

Su Hang frowned slightly, "Let him come up!"

Shuaiyu nodded and lay down on the balcony, shouting his throat to the security guard below, "Hey, handsome, let him come up!"

He glanced at Chen San, Shuai Yu bowed his head slightly, and said to be greeted, then turned back to the Suhangdao, "This Chen San, now is incredible, the whole southwestern region has become famous, just over a year, It's just like changing a person. Now both black and white are eaten together. It's a personal thing. Perhaps I want to completely sever ties with the image of the little **** before. I changed the name. Now that I am called Huang Sanye, I am not arrogant. "

"Huang San?" Su Hang shook his head and Shuai Yu said well, now this Chen San is not the former Chen San, the real Chen San had already entered the local government and was now on duty. Wearing Chen San flesh, but Huang Tian can understand even if he changed his name.

"Yeah, Huang San, how many years have we died in Qing Dynasty? I don't know. I thought that Kangxi was out in micro clothes!" Shuai Yu quipped.

Su Hang shook his head and smiled. If Shuai Yu knew the identity of the ridiculed master, he didn't know if he could still laugh.

Soon, Chen San was not right, it should be said that Huang Tian came upstairs, and now on the balcony, looking at Su Hang, the atmosphere seemed a little awkward!

"I said Chen San, Brother Hang will come back once. Are you so excited to be speechless?" Shuai Yu quipped.

Huang Tian didn't take care of him at all, and paused, facing Suhangdao, "Suhanghang, take a step to speak!"

This face is still to be given. Su Hang is not interested in continuing to bask in the sun. He gets up immediately and finds a quiet room with Huang Tian. He also wants to know what Huang Tian has to do with him.

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