Super Study God

Chapter 2002: Evaporating black holes!

This master's accomplishment in cosmology may not be as high as that in black hole science, but Su Hang found from his inheritance that he already had the possibility of hypothesizing that the universe was artificially created.

Although this is not a pseudo-proposition in the eyes of the current Soviet Airways, as an ordinary earth man, it is already amazing to be able to do this step.

No wonder some people say that the end of science is theology. When science reaches the end, you will find that God has been waiting for you there for a long time.

This is why since the modern age of the earth, so many scientific greats, such as Newton and Eins, have gradually turned their attention to theology in the later stages of life. Obviously, what they have discovered!

It seems that a super microscope was generated in the brain. Under a microscopic vision, Su Hang saw some extremely fine particles collide, aggregate, collapse, shrink, and aggregate into a brand new energy body.

Is this the formation of black holes? As that huge volume of knowledge was absorbed by Su Hang, it seemed that a black hole was forming in consciousness, and Su Hang was examining this process from a microscopic perspective.

Su Hang can clearly see each particle's aggregation, collision and mutual reaction. Under the framework of solid physics knowledge, Su Hang can clearly recognize this process.

Although it is only the evolution of consciousness, it is not a real black hole, but for Su Hang, this is no different from what I saw.

When material condenses to its limit, fusion collapse will occur. This collapse is very wonderful. The mustard mustard, as big as the Milky Way, can even be reduced to the size of sesame after terrifying fusion.

The ultra-small volume and super-heavy mass form the most mysterious celestial body in the universe, a super-gravity source, a spatio-temporal twister, and a black hole.

The super-gravity of the black hole makes even the fastest light in the universe will be pulled by it, but it cannot escape its "magic palm".

It is a "hole" formed in time and space, constantly accumulating the surrounding material, the mass increases, or a "robber" in the air, a "cage" of photons. It is insatiable and devours everything around it.

However, from Huo Jing's black hole theory, he made a different discovery. Although the black hole is constantly swallowing energy, it is also radiating energy at the same time. This is the evaporation of the black hole. It is not only inaccessible. of.

A black hole is no longer completely "black", nor is it just a "hole". It can increase mass by accumulating matter, or it can emit matter outward to reduce mass.

Everything has both positive and negative sides, and there is evaporation if swallowed. Perhaps this is a manifestation of the theory of relativity?

From the knowledge of black hole science acquired, Su Hang obtained a vital piece of information, temperature!

Temperature is an important condition that determines the evaporation rate of black holes.

A black hole is a celestial body. The larger the black hole, the lower its temperature and the slower the evaporation rate. This evaporation cannot compete with its super suction power, so that the black hole will constantly devour everything around it, forming a Vicious circle.

On the contrary, the smaller the black hole, like the newly formed black hole seed, its internal temperature is very high, this evaporation phenomenon will be more obvious.

Su Hang's mind flashed, and he seemed to have found a way.

The reason why Tian Tian Bao Dian is incurable is because this black hole only knows to swallow and does not know to spit, and Huo Jing's black hole evaporation theory has opened the door to Su Hang.

"That is to say, as long as the black hole has enough temperature, it can let it eat in and spit it out for me?"

Su Hang's heart was inexplicably excited, and the final summary sentence, the solution is to heat the black hole, the road is simple, the method is so simple.

Of course, after obtaining this information, Su Hang did not wake up in a hurry, because there is still a lot of information in his mind that he has not processed. He has to process the information and verify it again to see if this idea is feasible.



I don't know how long it took, Suhang finally woke up and let out a long sigh of relief.

At this time, it was still late at night outside the window. The people in the villa had already slept early. Su Hang walked to the window and pushed open the window. It seemed that there would be a rain, and the air was a little dull. The insects tonight called special joy.

"It's worth a try."

For a long time, Su Hang said to himself, the solution to the hidden dangers in the body seems to have been found, the more he thinks, the more he feels that this is the real secret of biting the sky.

If you just can’t spit it out, it’s better to say that it’s a self-discipline. It’s just that you have chosen a rather spectacular method of death, which is not worthy of his name.

If you can heat the black hole to evaporate the black hole and escape from the super gravitational field in the form of pure energy, it means that you can use the energy swallowed by the black hole anytime, anywhere.

Moreover, for a black hole, the loss of energy is the loss of quality, and you can also use this to control the size of the black hole, which is a perfect solution to the problem that plagues you now.

Only, how to heat the black hole?

The new problem has troubled Su Hang again. Unfortunately, after the battle with Heavenly Tribulation, the black hole in his body has grown to a large size. If it is still the seed of the previous black hole, he can carefully observe and experiment to confirm this phenomenon. .

But now, he dare not rush to open the seal to try, how to heat the black hole? Can heating achieve the effect? To what extent can it be heated to achieve the desired effect?

For Su Hang, there are certain he is confident that he has found a way, he still needs to create conditions to try.

After thinking for a while, Su Hang raised his left hand and quickly unlocked the seal above his left hand.

"Jie Moxin, come out." Su Hang shouted directly.

"How? The matter is done?" Jie Moxin yawned. Su Hang had just wanted to work with his wife. Sealing him seemed uncomfortable.

Su Hang was too lazy to ignore these boring topics and directly said, "Among the worlds, what is the strongest fire?"

"Huh?" The real spirit of the realm was obviously a little dumbfounded, and it felt like Su Hang was dancing. He didn't react too much.

Su Hangdao, "I want to know what is the strongest among the heavens and the world?"

"What do you ask about this?" Jie Moxin asked back.

Su Hang frowned, and wanted to flatten this guy, "You have a lot of nonsense, can you simply? You tell me first, what is the strongest fire?"

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