Super Study God

Chapter 2011: Huang family 4 less!

Jinding Group, famous, no one listened to this name and would not respect him awesomely. I have not encountered it before. I believe I will not encounter it for a long time in the future.

Yan Kai said so, the meaning is very clear, three women surrounded by a man, for what? It is nothing more than money and power. He just wants to tell these three women that this ugly man is a scum in front of him.

"Jinding Group?" The three girls looked at each other and shook their heads one after another. "Have you heard of it, is it famous?"

Yan Kai's face froze suddenly, is it famous? Some people would ask themselves that Jinding Group is famous? The fifth-ranked company in the world, you actually ask it is famous?

Obviously, even if Yan Kai was stupid, the three women were deliberately teasing themselves.

"Oh, who should I be, it's you, why? It's impossible for the girl to touch her, so she touched her nose." At this time, a voice came.

But it was Shuaiyu who came over with a glass of wine, a drunken look, obviously drinking a lot, but at least it was quite sober, because his voice was unabashedly taunting.

Yan Kai's face appeared cold, "It turned out to be your straw bag. Grandpa, I do things, do you need it?"

"Oh! It's quite horizontal!" Shuaiyu chuckled lightly, and said, "I can't control you for your grandfather, but you can't care about my sister, but my sister is a married woman, give me Stay away from her, otherwise the police will catch you silly!"

With that said, Shuai Yu leaned against Qin Shiyu.

"Your sister?" Yan Kai looked at it, and raised his eyebrows gently. "Ugly as you are, can you have such a beautiful sister? Haha, it's really strange!"

There was a bunch of tails behind the original Shuaiyu. When he saw this scene, they all ran away, fearing that they would be involved in this fairy war.

Shuai Yu almost spit in the past and said, "Let's take a **** and take photos of yourself. How far can I go to Lao Tzu? What kind of **** Jinding Group has irritated Lao Tzu? Jacks don't work!"

After talking, his eyes were stunned.

"Good, very good!" Yan Kai nodded and pointed at Shuaiyu, "I remember you, you will pay for your stupidity!"

Give Shuai Yu a cold eye, Yan Kai glanced at Su Hang and Qin Shiyu and others, snorted coldly, and then turned away with a glass of wine.

"Mal Gobi's, pull a feather!" Shuai Yu spit up at Yan Kai and turned to look at Su Hang. "That's right, this thing is fooling your wife, you don't care!"

Su Hang smiled, "If it is you, will you care if an ant offends you?"

Shuai Yu froze for a moment, and then said, "If this ant bit me, I would die!"



Huang Fei is very happy today. The reception held by Rongcheng Institute of Technology is of great significance. After a bit of soft grinding and hard foaming, the old man finally agreed to let the representative Huang family participate.

The fourth generation of the third generation of Rongcheng Huang's family, with a few older brothers on top, it is almost impossible for him to intervene in family affairs.

Growing up in such a big family, who can have a little power, Huang Fei is the same, his desire for power is no better than anyone, his qualifications are not bad, but just because there are a few cousins ​​in front, There has been no performance opportunity to display talent.

This time as the representative of the Huang family, to participate in this reception as the host, it can be said that he worked hard for a long time to win the opportunity.

This reception was of great significance, because he knew that Yan Kai, the young owner of the American Jinding Group, would be here. This was a good opportunity to discuss cooperation. Jinding Group had the most cutting-edge technology in the world. The purpose of returning to China this time was for energy.

The old man gave him an order to keep him close to Yan Kai. It is best to be able to work together with the two to achieve a win-win situation in the research and development of Yuanneng.

Huang Fei knows that this is a test given to him by the old man. If he can win Yan Kai, his position in the family will definitely be significantly improved, accompanied by power, and he may even have the opportunity to become the helm of the family in the future.

It seemed that I was thinking too much. After getting off the car, Huang Fei wore a straight suit and walked into the hall with his head struggling. He was only twenty-five years old. He was young and full of spirits. Lord won.

At this moment, Huang Fei even began to imagine himself flying into the sky, stepping on those cousins ​​under his feet and becoming the core figure of the family!


As soon as he entered the hall, he bumped into a man's arms, and a glass of red wine was spilled directly on his clean suit. The wine glass fell to the ground with a loud crash and broke to the ground!

"Why are you so short-eyed?" Huang Fei scolded directly, subconsciously asking you and slap in the past, but as soon as he looked up, he was stunned instantly, "Brother Yan?"

It was Yan Kai who ran into him with full arms. Yan Kai's white suit was also covered with red wine, which seemed to be extremely embarrassing.

"Sorry, sorry, I didn't see it was Brother Yan!" Huang Fei quickly apologized, took out the handkerchief from his pocket, and wiped Yan Kai.

Yan Kai also clearly saw Huang Fei. He naturally knew Huang Fei. During these days in Rongcheng, Huang Fei was playing with him and was very attentive to him.

"Brother Yan, where are you going to rush?" Huang Fei's heart tightened, fearing that it would irritate Yan Kai, he quickly diverted the topic.

Yan Kai didn't have a good He looked up and looked at Huang Fei, hesitating a moment, said, "Brother Huang, you guys in Rongcheng really don't have many good qualities, so my impression of Rongcheng is greatly reduced. , It seems that I have to reconsider the cooperation with your Huang family..."

"Don't!" Huang Fei was anxious and quickly pulled Yan Kai. He spent a lot of time on these two days before he made a good relationship with Yan Kai. This is a good time. This master wants to fight back!

Huang Fei is a fine man, how clever, and seeing Yan Kai at a glance. This is what he said, and he quickly said, "Is there someone who didn't open my eyes that annoyed Brother Yan, although Brother Yan told me, on the boundary of Rongcheng , Dare to provoke the guests of my Huang family, I don’t want to live anymore!"

This is what Yan Kai waited for. Although he has the strength, it is inconvenient to shoot. This kind of thing is best left to the Earth Snake Office.

The corner of the mouth bent a little arc, Yan Kai turned directly, a corner of the hall pointed, Huang Fei looked in the direction of Yan Kai's finger, he saw several men and women gathered together and talked about the world, only one of them was as ugly as a fat man To him, the nostrils were laughing loudly.

Looking at the opposite of the fat man, the three women in the back view should all look good. Huang Fei immediately understood what Yan Yan Bacheng was unable to do, and suffocated.

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