Super Study God

Chapter 2016: Light brain explodes!

This yellow-skinned middle-aged man is Yan Jinding, the owner of the American Jinding Group, and he still has an identity in his background, that is, one of the Western dark forces, a duke of the blood tribe.

It is also the only high-level blood repairer of Eastern descent.

Beside him, the white-skinned old man, also an old duke of the blood family, is named Hansen.

In the first two years, the blood clan suffered a change and almost broke the lineage, but the blood lord descended from the sky, bringing new power and new vitality to the blood clan.

The blood tribe has almost unified the underground forces in the west, and has become the first major tribe in the Western monk world. Under the leadership of the blood master, the blood clan is a monk in the duke realm, and has reached as many as eighteen.

The Duke Realm is equivalent to the congenital realm of Chinese monks. Eighteen congenitals is definitely a super power.

Moreover, in these two short years, the blood clan also gave birth to three blood emperors, but that is equivalent to the existence of the golden pill realm, and the blood clan can be said to be greatly inflated.

You know, when Soviet Airways was on the earth, they did not pack up these Western forces, but these guys, so quickly, they forgot the pain, not only the pain, but also the reason, think that there is the blood master, the East is basically Not to worry.

It is ridiculous, but it can only explain that these Western forces are too aggressive in their bones.

Now, it seems that there is already an intention to expand to the East. For them, the East is really mysterious and has great wealth!

This time, the source energy civilization appeared in China, and it was even more fruitful. This made them more jealous and jealous. In the eyes of the blood tribe, they were the first to come into contact with alien civilizations. They have priority over the world and all foreign countries. The products of the star civilization should belong to them. How could they appear in China?

Even if there is, then you must find a way to get it. Moreover, the source of energy civilization is beneficial to the practice of the blood race, and even more so!

At this time, under the moonlight, a black shadow flew by, just like a big bat, flew into the old castle and landed in front of the white and yellow.

"Master Duke!" The shadow fell, and the cloak was folded away, revealing a young white man.

He was tall and handsome, but his face was a bit disastrous. As if he was anemia, he knelt in front of the two on one knee as soon as he appeared.

"What's the matter?" Yan Jinding looked at the young man in front of him, and frowned slightly. The young man's name was Bruce, who was also a blood race, and he was one of the eight guardians of the Marquis Realm he arranged at the group's secret experimental base.

At this time, Bruce was not guarding the experimental base, but ran back to the castle. What forces would attack the experimental base?

Bruce hurriedly said, "Go back to Lord Duke, just now, the system of the third generation of Tianyan collapsed, and the light brain exploded..."

"What? What a joke?" Yan Jinding hadn't spoken yet, but Hansen standing next to him had already said in surprise, "Tianyan Guangnao is already the third-generation mature body, how could it suddenly explode?

"It really exploded!" Bruce said under pressure!

The blood class is so strict that Bruce cannot leave the post without permission, and ran back to the castle to make such a joke with them.

Yan Jinding blacked his face, "What do blood elders say?"

The so-called blood elders in Yan Jinding's mouth are the sixteen blood races brought by the bloodlord from the alien blood race civilization.

These 16 blood tribes all have some power in the blood emperor realm. It can be said that this is the blood of the blood tribe. Inside the blood tribe, these sixteen people are called blood elders, but the sixteen blood emperors have not participated in the expansion of the blood tribe's power. When I came to earth, I have been doing various researches in the secret experimental base built by Jinding.

The sixteen blood elders are the sixteen alien experts enshrined in Jinding's rumors. The eyes of the sky are from their hands. They are designed to collect information about all life on the earth for the blood race. Of course, the most important of these is the monk.

The amount of data that Tianyanguangnao can hold is absolutely huge. How could it suddenly explode. What Yan Jinding can think of was being attacked by other forces. Although the blood race is the head of the underground world, the expansion in the past two years can be A lot of enemies have been found for the blood clan, and it is not a day or two that the base is attacked.

Bruce said, "The blood elders have found the cause of the explosion because a huge amount of data was transmitted back to the Sky Eye Brain just now, making the Sky Eye Brain's capacity overflow, too late to calculate, and paralyzed after a failure!"

"How is it possible?" Hansen's eyes next to him were full of surprises. "How powerful are the three generations of heaven and earth, even if all the information of the entire earth can be easily processed, how can the capacity overflow, too late to calculate?"

Yan Jinding also couldn't believe it. This Bruce must be telling a joke.

Bruce said, "Two adults, blood elders have found the terminal to return the information flow, from China, numbered 7580, is the eye glasses equipped by Master Kai!"

"What?" Yan Jinding heard the words, his face changed a lot, and this matter was actually involved with his son?

Bruce said, "From the blood elders' estimation, it should be that Master Kai used Sky Eye glasses to detect a powerful existence, and the three generations of Sky Eye can not accurately assess the combat effectiveness of this existence. To be precise, this The existing combat power has completely exceeded the limit of the sky and brain, and the brain is paralyzed under the extreme operation..."

"Bruce, UU reading Are you kidding us?" Hansen's eyes glared. "The blood elders have said that the limit of the light brain can calculate the life force of more than ten digits, ten. The number of digits, that is one billion. My current combat strength is only 30,000. Do you think there will be more than one billion combat power in this world?"

Yan Jinding nodded slightly, "Is it possible to explode the sky and the brain, it is more than just over one billion? Ten billion? One hundred billion? How could there be such a strong life?"

"Small dare not lie. In fact, all I said is facts, all said by blood elders, and they also don't believe that such a strong person exists!" Bruce said.

"Kai..." Yan Jinding frowned, and he suddenly realized a problem, if his son really encountered any super existence, wouldn't it...

Is it possible to have hundreds of millions of combat power? However, the mysterious East, the mysterious kingdom, where Yan Jinding came out from before, naturally understands the details of that kingdom.

Hansen next to him seemed to see Yan Jinding’s worry, and said immediately, “Yan, don’t worry, if there is a blood clan loss, you and I won’t have no feelings. Let’s go to the base to confirm the situation and talk about it!”

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