Super Study God

Chapter 203: Scary old woman!

Pulling out the system and scanning it, Su Hang was even more shocked, unable to scan even the slightest information of the old woman, that is to say, it was an existence beyond the realm of the martial artist.

Looking at the little boy again, it was indeed called Lin Xiaoxuan, and there was only one ordinary baby, no surprise.

Such a pair of combinations is really unexpected!

Wu Zong master, Xue Xuan obviously does not know, then it is certainly not a person in Beijing.

Su Hang thought for a while, and did not know whether the old woman was good or evil, so she did not intervene. Quan Dang did not see it.

"Is the two from Beijing?" But the old woman suddenly spoke.

Xue Xuan opened his mouth and Suhang interrupted, saying, "She is, I am not."

Although Xue Xuan was a little surprised that Su Hang would intervene, he didn't say much, only nodded at the old woman.

The old woman said, "I heard that there has been a major event in the capital recently, which has caused storms in the city. I wonder if you have heard of it?"

"What do you call the old man?" Su Hang didn't answer, only asked the old woman's name.

"Song Qiao!" The old woman replied.

Su Hang glanced at Xue Xuan, and Xue Xuan didn't respond. Obviously, he had never heard of this character. This is strange. On the Chinese earth, the number of people who reached Wuzong Realm can be counted. In the name of Xue Xuan, no Never heard of it.

Perhaps, just a pseudonym! Su Hang can only understand this.

"Young people, you haven't answered my question yet!" the old woman reminded.

Su Hang smiled, "I'm going to Beijing for the first time. I haven't heard anything serious. Aunt, is this child your grandson? It's cute. Listening to your accent, doesn't it look like it's Beijing?"

By the way, ask about the origin of the old woman. Although the old and the young are all speaking Mandarin, the Mandarin is not ordinary, and it is also mixed with the aftertaste of Shu language. But it looks a bit different.

Rongcheng, Yuzhou, Nanyun. The provinces and cities in these southwestern regions have similar language families, especially when speaking Mandarin, it is difficult to distinguish.

The old woman kept silent, and Xue Xuan was also cautious. The old woman had just asked about Beijing, and it was obviously not easy.

"Aunt Qiao, what about your elder brother?" At this time, the little boy next to the old woman spoke.

"Ask. Ask a fart, don't you know there are people here? Noisy, I'm sleeping."

Before the old woman spoke, she heard a scolding and vulgar speech behind her. Very bad.

The man speaking was a man in the back seat, looking forty years old, with thick eyebrows and fierce looks. He was wearing a pure black suit, full of famous brands, and his hands and neck were shiny. At first glance, it is a local upstart.

The little boy was frightened by this scolding and shrank into the old woman's arms.

The old woman's face was black, "Young people, go out, it's best to accumulate eloquence."

"Old lady, who said you have no eloquence? It's you who are talking here, and I'm arguing that I'm taking a break, I'm getting off the plane after a while, there are several more meetings to be opened, and millions of contracts have to be signed, which affects I's rest, you Can it be compensated?" The local tyrant suddenly felt uncomfortable when he heard it, and then cursed again.

An air hostess heard the voice and hurried over to deal with it. Then the local tyrant and the hammer man scolded again.

The old woman didn't say much, just as if the tyrant didn't exist, she reached out and patted the child's shoulder to appease, but Su Hang clearly felt a trace of murderous intent from her eyes.

That local tyrant, I am afraid it will be miserable!

Su Hang shook his head and did not have the heart to do business. After all, he did not like local tyrants.

All the way, the plane arrived at Rongcheng Airport and got off the plane.

"Oh, why can't I move?"

A panic cries came, and the sound was familiar. It was the local tyrant man in the back seat. Su Hang looked back and saw that the tyrant was standing upright with his hands on the armrests, but his feet seemed to be unobtrusive.

Leaning forward, his feet seemed to be weak, and he fell heavily on the ground.

"Ah, your feet?"

The two flight attendants ran over to help her, but the person had not yet reached it, but a scream of horror.

The tyrant man was still a little puzzled. I didn't know what the fuss about these two women was. But when I looked at my feet, I was so scared that I almost didn't get angry.

The place exposed on the foot seemed to have been eaten by something. Only the bones were left, and the trousers legs were lifted. From the knee down, the legs were like this, and they looked terrible.

Several other passengers in the first-class cabin saw this scene, and they were so frightened that they were all hairy, one by one, their hair was straight, and they quickly touched their legs.

The local tyrant had been fainted and fainted. The stewardess hurriedly contacted the medical staff in a panic and took the man away.

Xue Xuan and Su Hang were right next to them, and they were also shocked by this scene. Obviously, the local tyrants were secretly calculated by someone, and those legs must have become like that after they got on the plane. The strange thing is that the legs It became like that, the local tyrant didn't even notice it at all, what means?

Su Hang turned to look at the old woman's seat. The seat was already empty, and the old woman and the little boy had never been seen in the cabin.


In the terminal building, I finally saw the old woman and the little boy. The little boy also had the tricky toy Xue Xuan gave her.

"Senior good means." Su Hang hesitated and walked over.

The old woman looked up at Su Hang, an expression that I didn't know what you were talking about, "Young people, food can be eaten indiscriminately, but words can't be disturbed."

Pretend, it's really like it!

"Just on the plane, except for your senior, I'm afraid no second person can have this means." Su Hang smiled, expressing his kindness.

The old woman's face didn't change color, "Are you ready to be brave?"

"Where will it be?" Su Hang laughed dryly, "That man's mouth is cheap, he suffered disaster, it should be his lesson."

Su Hang is not a fool. How could he offend a master because of an insignificant person? I just took a nap on the plane for a while, but I didn't find out how the old woman had acted in a clueless way, and lost a person's legs, but the other party hadn't been able to detect it. This method is really strange.

"Two bone-rotting needles, nothing strange." The old woman said indifferently, her eyes only stayed on Su Hang for a moment.

Bone bone needle? Like a hidden weapon, Su Hang has never heard of it, but it can be seen that it can hurt people invisible and traceless.

Those who use this kind of hidden weapon are afraid that they are not good people.

At this time, the little boy came over and looked at Xue Xuan with his head raised, "Sister goodbye."

Seeing this baby, Xue Xuan's face was naturally smiling, crouched down, and touched the baby's head, "Xiaoxuan goodbye."

Xiaowa smiled brilliantly and turned to look at Su Hang, "Brother, thank you for your toy."

Su Hang squeezed a smile, and then the old woman led the baby away.

"Ah, what a lovely child, how lovely." Seeing that the old and the young left, Xue Xuan stood for a long time.

"You like children so much, or should we have one?" Su Hang grinned.

When Xue Xuan heard it, he immediately recovered and glared at Su Hang hard. "You're poor, just like you, I want to have a son with you, and don't look like a potato." ?"

Su Hang's embarrassment, although his face can't be said, it is definitely not ugly? Besides, isn't there such a sentence, a female follows her father, her son follows her mother, and the birth of a son does not necessarily require that the father looks good.

Of course, Su Hang was just thinking about it indiscriminately. Although he went to Beijing this time, Mrs. Xue wholeheartedly gathered him and Xue Xuan together, and the Xue family all changed their names to call their aunt, but Xue Xuanke had not nodded. Well, after all, the thoughts are different this year, and the emotions haven't reached that point, just sticking together, it will definitely be twisted in every way.

"The old lady just now, don't you know?" Diverting the topic, Su Hang asked Xue Xuan while walking outside the airport.

Xue Xuan listened and shook his head. "I still feel weird. It seems that he should also be a person in the martial arts world. However, I have never heard of the character Song Qiao, maybe it is not very famous."

Su Hang smiled, "Is it possible? She is a master of Wuzong Realm."

"Master Wu Zong?"

Xue Xuan heard it, but exclaimed. She didn't have the eyesight like Su Hang. Only when the old lady was a not-so-well-known warrior, Qiang was not strong enough, but she was unexpectedly a master of Wuzong.

Su Hang nodded slightly, there was absolutely no possibility of falsehood, if it weren't for Gu Huang, he just didn't dare to step forward and talk to the old lady.

Surprised for a moment, Xue Xuan only said, "Impossible, as far as I know, there is no such character among the masters of Chinese Wuzong!"

"The name may be a She must conceal her intentionally, how could we know." Su Hang shook her head.

"Yes, there are countless Chinese heroes, there are many hidden masters, I can't do it, but, just look at the techniques she just used on the plane, I am afraid that it is not a decent one." Xue Xuan quite agrees, with a trace on his face Worrying, Rongcheng suddenly came out with such a master, and did not know if anything would happen.

After all, here is not the capital of Beijing. There are many masters in the capital. An innate master appears, and at most it attracts the attention of several parties. For several big families, if the strength is not high enough, the reputation is not enough, or even take a glance. This is Rongcheng, and a Wu Zong master suddenly appears, it is worth playing a twelve-point spirit.

A master of this level is completely a removable nuclear bomb, and if it is accidentally exploded, it will not end well.

"The accent is not like a northerner, but it is closer to Shuzhong. Are there two congenitals in Shuzhong, will it be another one?" Su Hang asked, the two congenitals in Shuzhong. So far, He only knew an uncle Jianfeng Feng Zhong, who made a person's identity, but he did not know. (To be continued. (.)) () "Super Learning God" only represents the views of the author Gui Guxian Shi. If you find that its content violates the laws of the country, please delete it. The position is only committed to providing Healthy green reading platform. 【】,thank you all!

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