Super Study God

Chapter 2019: 18 blood old!

After all, here is just the earth. It can train so many masters for the blood race within a year or two, but it is not what the average person can do.

Hansen seemed to have caught the straw of life-saving, no matter what kind of blood ban, he quickly said, "I will never hide what the strong man wants to know!"

Indeed, they would not conceal, and they did not dare to conceal, and Bruce next to them did not dare to squeak, just waiting for the Duke of Hansen to delay the time and wait for the blood to arrive, maybe they could save their lives.

"Speak, what bloodlord are you, and where did you call it?" Su Hang asked directly.

Hansen hurriedly said, "Our blood clan originated from an ancient civilization outside the earth. Several thousand years ago, several of our ancestors came to earth because of an accident, and soon developed a large number of acquired blood clan, like Yan family father and son. It is the acquired blood clan. Their lineage is not pure, but because it is a gift from the blood master, they bite them personally, so their lineage is not lost to the blood lineage....

"You seem to be unanswered, which is not what I want to know, if you delay the time..." Su Hang interrupted Hansen coldly.

Hansen's throat rolled, his face white, and he was really delaying time. After all, if he could say one more word, he could live an extra second.

Hansen didn’t dare to talk more nonsense, he quickly said, “The bloodlord came to the earth two years ago, because the eastern power is getting stronger and the blood clan feels unprecedented pressure, and two years ago, the blood clan happened a change, plus All of the major forces in the upper West have made the blood clan almost broken down. In the end, only a few dukes have used the oldest forbidden art of the blood clan. At the cost of life, the four sleeping ancestors were awakened. The four blood ancestors who came to earth..."

Speaking of which, Hansen paused for a while. He should be a little slower and should still be able to live a few more seconds.

"However, the blood energy of the four ancestors who have been sleeping for thousands of years has almost dried up, and they can't do anything for the blood family. Finally, at the cost of life, they called out to space!"

"Shortly after the death of the four ancestors, the bloodlord came and brought eighteen blood elders. The strength of the blood clan has soared. It is almost an overwhelming advantage that has suppressed the Western underground forces."

"We don't know the name of the blood master, only that he is very strong, he is the master of the blood civilization!"

"They also brought the advanced technology of the alien blood clan, the sky eye light brain is one of them. The blood master let us collect all the information on the earth through the sky eye system, including all life and dead objects, as long as they have been scanned by the three generations of the sky eye. Things, its information will be aggregated into the eyes of the sky..." As he said, while carefully peeping at Su Hang's face, Hansen seemed really afraid that Su Hang would suddenly kill him.

"What do you do with this information?" Su Hang frowned slightly.

Hansen whispered, "I don't know very well, but several blood elders in the play said that this is to select the most delicious blood food from humans. After all, our blood family's appetite is very picky, not blood. They all suck, the blood of the strongest monk and the cleanest blood are our favorite, but I always feel that this matter will not be so simple. If it is just for the selection of blood food, it will be collected without any information. They are more like I want to understand the earth thoroughly..."

"Sin obstacles, you are speechless..." Just then, a voice came from a distance.

The pure American language is the voice of a middle-aged man. Hansen's face changed greatly and he turned to look.

I saw that under the dawn, countless dark shadows flew towards the old castle, like a group of bats in the night sky, gloomy and terrifying.

The large black shadow is like a dark cloud rolling, and quickly came to the sky above the castle to show its tracks. The first were a few human-shaped monsters with **** red cloaks, sharp ears and wrinkled faces, and fangs valgus, just like the Shura evil spirits. It looks extremely ugly.

At first, one person was tall, and feared that it would be close to two meters. The figure was extremely burly and strong. Standing there alone gave people a terrifying momentum.

After looking at this person, there are dozens of people with the same ugly face, and the remaining dozens of people still retain the appearance of the earth.

Outsiders think that all the blood races are handsome guys, but, in fact, this look of Zhang Hao is the most pure blood lineage of the blood race.

"Blood old!"

Hansen saw the first few people, stunned for a moment, and was surprised first, but then he was frightened, because he found that these kind of people were looking at themselves with anger and viciousness at this time.

I have just shaken out the privacy of many blood clan for the sake of my life. I have already committed the taboo of the blood clan. Even if you are a duke, it is also a death sentence.

"court death!"

The leading blood man stared at Hansen with glaring red eyes, and directly grabbed Hansen with his right hand.

The **** claw shadow crossed the void, as if to tear Hansen in half.

"Blood old, spare life." Hansen yelled in fear, facing the death, the only thing he could do was beg.

However, when the **** claw shadow was about to catch Hansen, it suddenly disappeared.

Hansen's face was stunned, and he quickly touched his body, and found that he was not torn in half and was not injured, so he was relieved.

I thought it was the blood man's mercy, and Hansen looked up and saw that the blood man was equally astonished.

The blood man's gaze soon fell on Su Hang. Obviously, it was this young earth man who resolved his just move.

But how did he get it, why didn't he see it?

"What is your Excellency?" The blood man immediately scolded Suhang.

These dozen horrible blood races are the blood elders in Hansen's mouth. They have just checked the cause of the big bang in the experimental base of Jinding. They suddenly received a call from Hansen's forbidden technique and hurried over. Just witnessed Hansen betray the secret of the blood race.

The guys who eat inside and will be rejected no matter where they are, such as Hansen and Yan Jinding.

Obviously, the Eastern man in front of him is very strong, otherwise Hanson in the Duke Realm will not be forced to use the spell to summon the same.

Almost no command was needed, the eighteen blood elders loomed the Su Hang.

Su Hang didn't realize it and said lightly, "It's ridiculous to kill someone in front of me."

Speaking of which, Su Hang looked directly at the middle-aged blood man.

A look, the blood man suddenly felt his breathing stagnation, as if someone suddenly covered his eyes, ears, nose and nose, suffocated instantly, and an invisible pressure came from all directions.


The blood man could hardly utter a cry, and his whole body was squashed instantly, lifting a blood mist. The big body was like a dough that was squeezed, compressed, compressed, and compressed into one under huge pressure. Click and disappear!

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