Super Study God

Chapter 2033: What is fighting for?

"Huh?" Fu Xi was stunned.

Su Hang heard that, but he was stunned for a while, and said a little bit unpleasantly, "Speak bad things in front of you, old turtle, and accumulate good morals!"

"What do you call me?" Lao Bie heard the words, but roared directly at Suhang as if he had been ignited by a fire.

Even Fuxi Nuwa had to call herself old, but this kid, who doesn't know what the origin is, justified himself as an old turtle.

The whole body skyrocketed and pressed directly towards Su Hang. The situation was like a row of mountains and seas. The pressure of Fuxi Nuwa changed her face and subconsciously took a few steps back.

This old turtle does not know how long it has lived. Although the state is similar to that of Fuxi Nuwa, but its strength is powerful and its momentum is strong, but it is much stronger than Fuxi Nuwa.

These are all things accumulated over the years, but not three days or two days.

Doesn't this old turtle have a good temper? Sure enough, the brothers and sisters could not believe what they said, maybe they deliberately brought themselves to find the one with the worst temper, and gave themselves a dismounted horse.


Faced with the terrifying momentum of the old turtle, Su Hang was still as loose as possible, his face unchanged, and he snorted directly, like a thunder.


Old Turtle's pupils shrank when he stood, and the whole turtle seemed to be hit by a thunder. His body was shocked, his organs were trembling, his head was dizzy, and he almost fell to the shore.

Immediately, the old turtle felt a huge momentum blooming from Suhang's body, and pressed directly towards him. That huge momentum directly suppressed his momentum. But the feeling of being suffocated back, so that the old turtle body turned over the river for a while, almost did not spit out.

The whole Huai Shui was shocked by the imposing collision, and the sky was overcast with clouds, and the thunder was like a doomsday.

"Stop, stop..."

The old turtle was backed up by Suhang. At this time, he finally couldn't help but shouted, and he couldn't care about his face at this time.

The momentum of the two instantly closed, the clouds opened and the fog dissipated, and the waves were calmed down quickly. The old turtle's face was endlessly horrified. He could feel that Su Hang was strong, but Wan Wan did not expect Su Hang to be so outrageously strong. If it wasn't for him to stop in time, I'm afraid they would be pressed back into the turtle's shell to hide.

Fu Xi's brothers and sisters were also surprised. This was the first time Su Hang showed his momentum in front of them. Obviously, the terror of this momentum shocked me.

Although this momentum was not released against them, it also gave them the feeling that they couldn't even get a little fighting spirit.

"Brother Su Hang, let's live!" The good old man Fu Xi stood up immediately. "The two jokes are good, don't hurt to be friendly!"

The old turtle was breathing heavily, and was just pressed by Suhang. Until now, he hasn't been breathing again. At that moment, he really felt like he was going to die.

Su Hang regained his momentum, looked at the old turtle in front of him, and actually played with momentum in front of himself. Isn't this a big sword in front of Guan Gong?

Even the monks in the ordinary Dadao realm dare not be so pretentious in front of them, let alone just the peak of the Tian Dao realm, this old turtle is simply looking for death.

"Tell you old turtle, you are not happy?" Su Hang asked directly at the old turtle.

Damn, this question is asked, I call you old turtle, can you? But who calls yourself a turtle, who can't do you?

The old turtle took a breath and said, "Will you be happy, why shouldn't you be unwilling to be a joke..."

What a joke now, Su Hang is speechless for a while, maybe this is the supremacy of the strong, if he hasn't been able to beat him just now, I'm afraid it's another situation now.

"Oh?" Su Hang's mouth curved a little arc. "It turned out to be just a joke, which made me happy, I thought there would be old turtle soup to eat today!"

Nu Wa next to her heard her face, her face twitched, and Su Hang's words reminded her of the roast rabbit last night. The taste was really good. I just wondered what the old turtle soup would be.

This old turtle, I'm afraid I don't know what Nu Wa is thinking about now. If you let him know, I really don't know how it will feel.

The old turtle listened to Su Hang's words, although it was uncomfortable, but he could only hold back. Just after the imposing competition, he knew that he was not an opponent of Su Hang. In this world where the strong are respected, he meets the strong , It is best to only counsel, because your life and death have been controlled by the strong, all in the other party's thoughts.

The absolute strength gap is definitely not a joke.

Being able to live for so long, this old turtle's life-saving ability is not covered, and it is much more mature than Fuxi's two brothers and sisters.

The old turtle counseled, "I don't know if the three of you came to Huai Shui, what's your job?"

Fu Xi stood up quickly, fearing that he would fight again without saying a word, and quickly said, "Old Turtle, yesterday on Zhongshan Mountain, I forgot to ask, what did you and Yanshan's mother fight to fight for?"

Listening to Fuxi's words, the old turtle suddenly rolled his eyes wide and said, "Fuxi, Fuxi, why are you always missing such a tendon? You don't know what to fight, and you came out yesterday to persuade you. What strength?"

When Fu Xi heard it, he couldn't help feeling awkward and scratched his head, saying, "Anyway, it's always bad to fight. Isn't everyone kind and nice?"

"It's a fart." The old turtle took a gulp, "If everyone else bullied him, would he be at peace?"

"Well?" Fu Xi froze for a moment, and looked at the old turtle in confusion. "Old turtle, you live in a simple life all the year round, and rarely leave Huai Shui. What is it that can make you all of these existences fight."

Nu Su Hang always looked at Lao Bie with a puzzled look, just waiting for Lao Bie to answer.

"Alas." Old turtle sighed. "I don't know what I'm grabbing..."

"Huh?" Fu Xi stunned. "You don't know? How is it possible? You don't know what else to grab?"

Old Turtle rolled his eyes again. "Everyone is robbing. That must be a good thing. I followed it. It's that simple."

Fu Xi heard the words and almost vomited blood, just such a rude reason? He didn't even know what to grab, so he started to coax, just because everyone was robbing, so he robbed?

Isn't it too much to look at the fun? Fu Xi was speechless for a while, and Nu Wa was unable to talk.

Su Hang was listening next to him, but he shook his head again and again. Fuxi Nuwa was still too young. The old turtle said well. The two brothers and sisters were pure in nature. What others said they believed, it was too easy to believe others.

"Give you a chance to be honest, otherwise, I don't mind stewing a pot of old turtle soup tonight." At this time, Su Hang suddenly said.

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