Super Study God

Chapter 2042: Take 1 against 0!

The third era ends here? Is it so fast? I just came over and caught up with the end of the third era? Have such a coincidence?

Impossible, even if the end is not at this time, after all, Nu Wa has not yet created a human race!

Can't let these guys ruin this world, otherwise, the human race will not show up, and I don't know how great the impact will be on future generations.


At the moment, Su Hang snorted, leaned over directly, and shot towards the demon in the melee.

In the sky, the thunder cloud collapsed in an instant, and the demon played inseparable, and suddenly felt a hairy hair in his heart, and his body was creepy, and there was a rumbling noise above the head.

An inexplicable sense of danger appeared in the hearts of the demons. They immediately stopped fighting and looked up into the air. The black clouds burst apart, and a giant palm covering the sky fell directly down.

In that scene, just as the sky collapsed, the demons changed their colors and felt an unprecedented threat, but no one was willing to leave.

"Everyone, push him back!"

At this time, the Black Duck King yelled, the monsters came back to their minds, and showed their true abilities one after another. Each of them performed their own skills. The existence of hundreds of heavenly realms actually wanted to resist this palm force alive.

In order to seal the demon monument, the demon also worked hard. The so-called all-in-one is all in one heart, and the scene looks really tragic.


The giant palm came down from the sky, and it was sturdy. The so-called sky fell down and there was a tall man standing, but if the sky really fell down, could the tall man stand it? Hundreds of Heavenly Daoist realms worked together, and they could not withstand even half a second. Under the absolute strength, it was futile to struggle!

The earthquake shook and cracks were densely covered, leaving a huge palm print on the ground.

Fu Xi and Nu Wa looked at this scene from afar, and their jaws were falling off, unable to recover for a long time.

It was completely ignorant, Fu Xi looked at the huge figure, man, I asked you to stop them, but I didn't ask you to shoot them all.

Is the existence of the heavenly realm so vulnerable? In front of this guy, it is worse than a group of flies? This is too ridiculous!

The two brothers and sisters are completely petrified and can't say a word in the air.

This is, there was another shaking on the ground, but Su Hang slowly lifted that huge palm up. While looking at the palm print, the previous demons were photographed into the soil.

"Tiger doesn't show his power, when I'm a sick cat?" Su Hang snorted coldly, stretched out his finger, and pulled the stone tablet out, clutching it in his hand.


At this time, the ground was surging, accompanied by a horrible roar, and those demon saints photographed by Su Hang into the soil struggled out of the soil.

When Fuxi Nuwa looked at this scene, she couldn't help but feel relieved. She had just thought that Su Hang had shot them all. Now, it seems that this is not the case.

At least, many of them are still alive, but, just after that palm, they obviously suffered some injuries.

"Everyone went together, killed him, and recaptured the stele!" A roar, so abrupt, was the dragon demon!

This man seemed to be cured of the scars, forgot the pain, completely forgot what had just been blasted by Su Hang, and now also has red eyes. You know, it is a demon monument, the legendary treasure that can help them out of the realm.

This thing, but let them let out their lives to fight for things, even if it is dead, can not be obtained by others.

The monsters also have the same psychology, including the old turtles, and their mentality exploded at the moment, no matter who you are or who, they immediately roared and followed the monsters to the siege of Su Hang.

Crazy, completely crazy!

In the face of the siege of the existence of hundreds of Heavenly Dao Realms, this is the first time that Su Hang has ever been in his life. However, for the Soviet Airways who have fought with the Dadao Realm, Heaven Dao Realm is no more than a group of small beasts.

"Are you really afraid of dying?" Su Hang snorted coldly, grabbing Montenegro in his hand, and pulled it out directly as a whip.


This whip is very easy to use. It is a large swath at a sweep. The old turtle bears the brunt. The huge turtle body is like a gyro. It is directly pumped up and spins out of the old and far away, turning into a star in the sky. The dot disappears.

Grass! The Montenegro held by Su Hang in his hand, at this moment, there are really ten thousand alpaca rushing by. What do I trick? Pumped as a whip!

Nonetheless, none of the demon still retreated in fear, and all of them attacked the Suhang with fearlessness.

Wild sand, wind blade, flood, fire, thunder, cobweb, poison gas...

All the monsters used their own means to greet Su Hang, and the momentum was really shocking.

However, Su Hang is not without two brushes, and slightly applied means to isolate the attacks of the monsters, but the black mountain whip in his hand is one by one, and one by one.

Gradually, the demon fought less and less, and finally calmed down a bit, realizing that the situation was wrong, and began to twist into a ball and gather in the middle.


However, if you don't want this move to create a chance for Su Hang, I saw Su Hang's big bell is the next hood!

With a loud bang, most of the demon saints were covered in it, and the only ones left were only a few, one by one, but they knew nothing about it.


Su Hang exhaled, and the world was finally clean. The most annoying scene, a group of flies-like guys, was really a headache.

To say that there is no deep hatred for everyone, and Su Hang did not think about the dead hand. This time, it was easy to accumulate so many Heavenly Daoist powerhouses and all were killed by themselves, then it is not called Dadao Destruction, but He Su The air is Such a thing, Suhang will definitely not do it. Although these are all monsters, they are all living beings under the avenue and can be united.

Therefore, until this moment, Su Hang still kept its hands, and did not rush to kill.


Just when Su Hang was relieved, a frog whizzed suddenly, and then a black shadow flashed from a distance, and a green venom sprayed towards Su Hang.

Suddenly so cold, it almost didn't let Su Hang react to it, and immediately blocked the Qi, then picked up Montenegro, and whip it.

The thing reacted extremely quickly, obviously with precautions. His body flashed aside and he hid, falling on the ground and rolling away.

"Hold the grass, it stinks!"

The venom was so extraordinary that it quickly corroded Su Hang's infuriating enchantment and dropped a drop on Su Hang's finger. Su Hang didn't notice it and was dropped by him.

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