Super Study God

Chapter 2050: Can satisfy you!

"Brother is just too honest, so stupid!" Nu Wa said again helplessly.

Su Hang listened, but shook his head, "I honestly admit, but he is not stupid!"

"Well?" Nu Wa looked at Su Hang a little unexpectedly.

There was a smile on Su Hang’s face, but she did not disturb Nu Wa. “It’s better to worry about yourself than worry about your brother!”

"Myself?" Nu Wa froze for a moment.

Su Hangdao, "Your creation is not completed yet, and your name is on the seal demon monument, that is to say, even if there is no restriction on the seal demon monument, you can't create a human being in one day, and you can't escape the realm in one day. ."

"Creation?" Nu Wa seemed to think of it at this moment. She also had something to do with herself. "But, don't you say that there is still nothing left? I don't even know what it looks like, how to find him? How? Make people?"

Xiyang is the thing of the realm of the earth. At this time, the spirit of the realm of the realm did not know whether it came to this realm.

Nu Wa looked at Su Hang, "You must know, right?"

Su Hang heard the words and smiled, "I do know, and I have..."

"Huh?" Nu Wa was in a daze for a while, staring at Su Hang for a long time. The breath of life she needed to create was in the hands of this person?

In other words, if you and your brother want to be detached, the key is in this person's hand?

Su Hang was not obscure, and said, "I have a lot of territories, but I am still hesitating whether I should give it to you!"

"Why hesitate?" Nu Wa said.

Su Hang shook his head and said, "Things are not as simple as you think. Having said that, I also want to ask you something!"

"Oh? What's the matter?" Nu Wa looked at Suhang suspiciously.

Su Hang stared at Nu Wa for a while, and said, "What kind of appearance did you give to the man who made you man, do you know who his last name is?"

"That guy?" Nu Wa stunned for a while, and said, "He looks like you, with his hands and feet, and a head, but looks much better than you... Uh, sorry, but what I said is fact! "

Su Hang was embarrassed when he heard this. What was it called, and it didn’t hurt the people?

Nu Wa looked at Su Hang's face a little not very beautiful, and quickly said, "Actually, beauty is not important. After all, there are thousands of monsters on this continent, but there are not many who look good, and beauty cannot be regarded as beautiful. Eat..."

Su Hang listened to this, and the more she listened, the more uncomfortable it was. Nu Wa was a bit darker and darker!

"Okay, let's change the subject!" Su Hang hurriedly interrupted Nu Wa and said, "You know what the man's name is, where are you now?"

Nu Wa heard the words, shook her head, and said, "I have seen him three times in total, and I don't know his name, but my brother knows him. He has also directed his brother's practice. It’s just that my brother said that his mental skills were not correct, he wasn’t a good friend, and he never went with him again. I and I only met him two or three times because of my brother. The last time I saw him, it was in Before you showed up yesterday, he left as soon as you showed up. As for where he lives, I don’t know. Maybe you can ask your brother if he should know something!"

"Your brother?" Su Hang heard the words and shook her head. Nu Wa was a little better. If she listened to Fu Xi for this, she was afraid that she would have ulterior motives.

At this time, Su Hang had 70% certainty. This was the Lin Xuan of this era who pointed out her existence in Nuwa behind her.

Lin Xuan instructed Nu Wa to create a man, what was his intention? Su Hang had to consider this issue. Originally, he wanted to give Xi Nu directly to Nu Wa to help him break the road, but after knowing the matter, he hesitated.

Before clarifying Lin Xuan’s intentions, Su Hang did not dare to act rashly. In case of any suit, it would be worth the loss. In these matters, Su Hang could not be careless.

At least, after three days, by the side of the Huai River, see if Lin Xuan will appear. If so, Su Hang will have to figure out some things.

In this era, even if Lin Xuan's skill is restored to its peak, it should not exceed the third grade of Dadao Realm. With the current capabilities of Su Hang, I am confident that if I encounter Lin Xuan and break out of conflict, there will still be some confidence, even if I can't win, As for the miserable loss.

Of course, Su Hang wanted Lin Xuan not to fight him.

"What does Xiyang look like?" Nu Wa looked at Su Hang, but she didn't know what Suhang guy was thinking. Since this guy had Xiyang, why didn't he give it to himself?

Is it possible that he is thinking about what conditions to talk to himself? But what can he covet himself? What can be used to exchange with him?

Su Hang shook his head, did not mean to give Xi Nu to Nu Wa, "What did he tell you?"

Nu Wa listened and said, "He came to me, and I was also surprised. He said that my way is above the creation, and that someone will come to point me afterwards. As soon as he leaves, you will come. It seems that you The person he said, when I first saw you, I also suspected that you and him were all the way..."

"What about now?" Su Hang asked.

Nu Wa shook her head, "You are too strong, I can't see through you, half of it, half of doubt, half of trust, I can't say for sure whether you are good or bad, good or evil, but my brother said, except That guy, only you have given him the feeling of fear, but you don’t have the kind of disgusting atmosphere in him, so..."

Speaking of which, Nu Wa said nothing. Obviously, Nu Wa was still a bit wary about a sudden presence of Su Hang.

In this savage Who can be unsuspecting?

"Do you know that guy, right? Did you talk to him all the way?" Nu Wa finally asked.

Su Hang heard it and smiled, "Knowledge is a confirmation, but the difference is not the same!"

"I knew it!" Nu Wa stared at Su Hang for a while, and smiled, "Since that is the case, we can talk about reality!"

"Dare you just talk to me just now?" Su Hang couldn't help crying, "I don't know what Nuwa girl wanted to talk to me about?"

Nu Wa smiled. "I can feel that the guy didn't lie to me. My way of breaking the road is creation! How can you give me the rest?"

"Just this?" Su Hang asked.

"Of course not!" Nu Wa shook her head. "And my brother, you say what you want me to do, as long as I can do it, I can satisfy you!"

Su Hang heard the words, but he couldn't help but feel bad. This was really a bit of reverie, and Su Hang was a little bit unwilling.

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