Super Study God

Chapter 2052: Chase the sword!

"Huh?" The young man's face suddenly changed when he heard Su Hang's words, and he even looked at Su Hang a little dumbfounded. He didn't recover from it for a long while. Su Hang, "You, do you know me?"

"Uh?" Su Hang looked at the young man for a while, "How can you say that Xiongtai, you are the turtle I said? No, I don't hurt Yin, I don't look like you, That guy is so vulgar and unremarkable, and his character is so bad that he is so handsome and handsome..."

It was said that this young man was not a collateral, but it was Yin Wu hurt. When Su Hang saw the goods for the first time, he was also stunned for a moment. He did not expect to meet him here.

Think of the innocence of the future generations, what kind of magnanimity, how magnificent, I can’t think of what is so stunned now. The picture of killing Matt looks like a stupid fork. Su Hangdu Don't want to vomit!

There is no place for Yin Wuxing to hear that Su Hang is scolding him. However, at this moment, curiosity has overwhelmed his anger. How could this native of the lower realm know his name? This made him very surprised. You know, this is the first time he came to Xuanhuang Realm.

"You don't have to scold me in a shadowy way. I'm curious. How do you know my name? Don't tell me, you figured it out!" Yin Wuhan looked at Su Hang with a sullen face.

Su Hang smiled indifferently, "You're right, it's really pinched. I not only figured out that your name is Yin Wushang, but also, I also know that you come from heaven, and your father's name is Yin Tianfeng, but he is a real disciple of heaven. Your maiden name is Chen, and her name is graceful, but she is the master of the universe!"

"Hiss..." Yin Wu hurt obviously breathed a sigh of relief. Su Hang's words really shocked him. This guy not only knows his name, but also understands his origins, and, even His parents are so clear.

Obviously, this guy named Su Hang is not a simple aboriginal in the lower realm.

"How do you know?" Yin Wushang's face was unsurprisingly surprised. Of course, he would not believe that Su Hang had calculated all this. Knowing that, with his parents' ability, how many could be in the world Can an existence be calculated on them?

Su Hang smiled lightly, staring at Yin Wu hurt, and said, "Of course the person who asked you to come to me told me!"

"Huh?" Yin Wusheng frowned, and then sneered, contemptuously, "How is it possible? How could Brother Lin know you such a lower-class untouchable!"

Brother Lin? Sure enough it was him! Su Hang heard that, his brow furrowed lightly, but he casually cheated Yin Wu hurt a bit, but unexpectedly Yin Wu Shang is now a stunned youth, can't afford to blow up, and immediately betrayed some people!

After all, Yin Wucheng does not know Su Hang at all, and when he just appeared, he directly called Su Hang's name, that is to say, there was only one explanation, that is, someone behind him gave Yin Wuhang Confess.

Originally Su Hang thought it would be Chen Nua, but did not think of the surname Lin, it seems that only Lin Xuan.

Su Hang's corners of the mouth bent and said, "In other words, did you offend him somewhere? He told me that he would deceive Yin Tianfeng's son Yin Wucheng to Xuanhuang Realm and let me teach you a lesson for him. It’s better to keep you in this world forever..."

"Nonsense!" Yin Wu hurt heard this and immediately angered, "I have no grievances against him. Why should he count on me?"

Su Hang shrugged, "Then I don't know very well, you have to ask him to go, but, if I think, maybe you are hindering him, after all, your parents are terrific characters in heaven , Maybe you blocked his way, so I want to get rid of you!"

Yin Wu hurt for a while, frowning at Su Hang. At this time, he seemed to be a little more vacillating, a bit unsure that Su Hang was really telling the truth.

Isn't this guy fooling me? However, he knew that I had so many things, and it didn't seem to be fake. Lin Xuan's character didn't seem to be very good. This trick of killing people by borrowing a knife was not impossible.

But is he so bold? Have you blocked him? He has already reached the third-grade realm of Dadao Realm. He is a genius character in the realm of heaven. He has just reached the edge of breaking through Dadao Realm. What path can he stop him? How dare you play with Lin Xuan?

I treat him like a brother, he just plays with me like that? At this moment, Yin Wu hurt was whispered in the heart of Su Hang said!

"How is it possible?" After a while, Yin Wuxing chuckled softly, and said, "I won't listen to you nonsense, don't change the subject, since you know who I am, you should know a little bit, and give Feng Fengbei to I don’t embarrass you!"

Su Hang couldn't help crying, "It seems that you haven't figured out the situation yet. It's not your problem that makes you embarrass me, and I am entrusted by people to embarrass you. He means that you will stay in this world forever. The implication is to ask me to help you out!"

Yin Wushang heard the words, his pupils shrank suddenly, and the expression on his face looked a little unnatural, and immediately said, "Okay, you are really arrogant enough, but, even you, the lower-level people in this area, dare to be brazen in front of me. Don’t you think it’s ridiculous to say that you want to destroy me?”

"As you mean, do you want to practice with me?" Su Hang smiled. "I was still sorry for you. I didn't want to see you being deceived by Lin Xuan and killed here. I wanted to leave you a way of life." , It seems that I am passionate..."


Yin Wushang felt that his majesty had been provoked, and his heart was irresistible. At the moment, he fell from the sky, and the colorful sword under his feet quickly became flew into his hands .

Looking at Su Hang with a cold face, "I called you, do you dare to agree?"

With a long sword dancing in his hand, Yin Wu looked at Su Hang with a very murderous intention in his eyes!

Su Hang heard that he almost didn't laugh out loud, which was so funny that he actually played this trick with himself.

Su Hang is quite familiar with Yin Wu hurt, and Yin Yuer also told him a lot about his big brother.

The name of the sword in this hand is chasing life, a very old name, and even a bit of a bad street, but this sword has a long history, but it is Yin Tianfeng's sword, specially given to this baby boy for self-defense.

This life-seeking sword is also definitely in the forefront of the Taoist weapon. Hold this sword in your hand and call out the name of the enemy. As long as the other party agrees, this sword will automatically kill the opponent, no matter where he flies. Endlessly.

This sword was followed by Yin Tianfeng, I don't know how many people have been killed, and even more of them don't know the existence of Dadao Realm. Even if it is only held in Yin Wu's hands, the power of this sword is enough to kill some. The first entry into the road.

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