Super Study God

Chapter 2054: Daddy help!

Faced with Su Hang's question, Yin Wuzhen opened his mouth, and the subconscious wanted to speak, but soon realized what was happening, and his face changed a bit, and he closed his mouth directly.

"Oh, don't you dare to answer this?" Su Hang smiled when he saw Yin Wu hurt.

For this life-seeking sword, Yin Wusheng knows very well. This sword has obviously been controlled by Su Hang. From now on, he can only be a dumb, otherwise he just needs to put a word on it, no matter what the word is. , Chasing the Life Sword is afraid that he will be killed.

He was not as confident as Su Hang. For safety, he would not open his mouth and take risks with his own life.

Yin Wushang just looked at Su Hang with cold eyes, his right hand stretched out, looking like that, it seemed that he wanted Su Hang to return the sword to him.

Su Hang couldn't help crying or laughing, but just a sword, he took hold of Yin Wucheng's life door, just like a phoenix that had shed hair, and a tiger that had gone to the teeth.

Without the sword of chasing life, can't you get rid of it?

Despite being aroused by Su Hang, Yin Wuxing kept his mouth closed and dared not speak, he knew very well that even if Su Hang controlled the sword of life, as long as he didn’t speak, he shouldn’t say anything, that sword was a waste. sword.

"Uninteresting." Su Hang didn't mean to return the sword to him at this moment, he shook his head directly, and said, "The sword is a good sword, but it is a misfit for the wrong master.

Faced with Su Hang's sarcasm, Yin Wushen's face was blue and purple, which was obviously very angry, but he still suppressed the anger in his heart and refused to speak again.

This guy was angry, Su Hang was happy, and immediately said, "In this case, it is better to give it to me, what do you think, no hurt brother? If you don't speak, I will be your default."


Can this be tolerated? Yin Wucheng was so angry that when he stepped out next step, he chased the sword directly in the hands of Su Hang.

At this speed, in Su Hang's eyes, it was exactly like a child. With a light side of his body, he ducked away and stood on the side of Fu Xi.

Directly threw himself into the air, Yin Wu's anger did not disappear, found the position of Su Hang, and grabbed it again.

At this time, Fu Xi quickly stood up and stopped in front of Yin Wucheng, "Xiongtai, Xiongtai, there is something to say, something to say."

"Go away."

Yin Wusheng cursed angrily, the sword was in Su Hang's hand, as long as he didn't hear Su Hang's voice, and for others, he was free to speak at will.


Was yelled by Yin Wu hurt, Fu Xi was not angry, and quickly said, "You are not Brother Su Hang's opponent, don't do it, there is no benefit to do it. There is a contradiction. Let's break it down and say that it is not good to do it..."

"What are you so troublesome about? I let you get away." Yin Wusheng opened his eyes in anger, how could the sword be a family sword, how could it be taken by Su Hang, and if the sword was lost, how could it be explained back?

"Brother Fuxi, you let go." Su Hang said behind Fuxi.

Fu Xi was helpless, both sides could not afford to live, he really got a little bit angry in the middle.

Immediately, Fu Xi retreated to the side, "If there is a fight between the two, please go out and fight again, lest..."

At this time, Yin Wu hurt but interrupted Fu Xi's words by raising his hand and directly pointed to Fu Xi, "You tell him that the pursuit sword is not something he can pick up. It is best to return the sword to me, otherwise, Even if I can’t get the sword back, someone will come to pick it up. Then, hum..."

Speaking of which, Yin Wushang just snorted coldly, but he didn't talk down, but the threat in the words was unabashed.

Fu Xi Wen Yan was a face of coercion, this person was in front of you, instead of telling him yourself, instead of telling me to tell, did you write?

But he said that this was harmless, but it was also a wise man. In order to avoid direct dialogue with Su Hang, he even came up with this method and let Fu Xi talk.

After a moment of embarrassment, Fu Xi turned to look at Su Hang, as if he didn't need to repeat it.

Su Hang smiled gently and stood with his sword in his arms. "What Wu Wuxiong said, this sword wasn't robbed by me, it was in my own hands, and, did I just ask? Wuxiu also agreed. Give me the sword, don’t you remember it? No hurt brother?"

"Fart, why did I ever say that the sword will be..."

Can this be tolerated? Yin Wushen heard the words, but he was a curse to speak. However, as soon as the words were spoken, he didn't have time to finish them. He noticed something wrong and looked up. The smile on Su Hang's face had become frivolous and fanatical, as if The trick was successful, and an unpleasant feeling suddenly came to my mind.

not good!

Yin Wu's head jumped wildly, and there was a chill in the back. After seeing the light of Su Hang's life-seeking sword soaring in his hand, he immediately shot out and killed him.

The pupil shrank suddenly, Yin was scared, and quickly fled to hide, trying to escape outside the valley.

The chasing sword was ineffective in one blow, instantaneously transforming into ten, and transforming into hundreds, innumerable incarnations, from all directions, like Jianyu, encircling towards Yin Wucheng, the powerful Qiqi instantly locked Yin Wucheng.

Yin Wushang's face changed greatly, and he escaped to nowhere. He didn't know the horror of this sword better than his dad. He even killed the monk in Dadao.

In his current state, how can he escape the pursuit of the life-seeking sword? Unless the sword-holder changes his mind, the sword of pursuit will endlessly die with him.

I never imagined that the weapon in my hand would one day become a murder weapon.

How to do? How to do?

There is only one moment left for Yin Wucheng to think, but he has many defensive treasures in his hand, but can he resist the edge of the life-seeking sword? Even if it can be blocked, how many times can it be blocked?

Do I have nothing to do with wise I will be buried here today, in the hands of a pariah in the lower realm?


He couldn't care about anything else. In the face of the sword shadow from all directions, his life had been threatened. Yin Wu hurt had to hide. He couldn't avoid. He quickly shouted.

At this moment, the only thing he could do was to call him the dad who seemed omnipotent to him.

He believes that no matter where he is in the world, as long as he is in danger, his dad will definitely appear in the first time.

Because this kind of thing is not the first time, from small to big, Yin Wu hurt has caused a lot of things, and has provoked many powerful existences. When his life was suspended, either his mother came out to solve it, or his father came out to solve it. thing.

The only difference between the two is that his father protects the calf. After saving him, the opponent's ending will be miserable, and after his mother saves him, the opponent's ending will be miserable, but his ending will be even worse.

Therefore, in this case, Yin Wufeng will call his father Yin Tianfeng to save the scene.

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