Super Study God

Chapter 2061: Di Zun comes!

"Grass egg!" Su Hang rolled his eyes, would he dare to feel wrong?

It seemed that someone had to find someone else. Su Hang picked up a pen and paper and was about to write another letter. However, at this time, there was a movement outside Xuan Huang Zhong.

"Boy, what are you whispering inside?" Outside Xuan Huang Bell, the old voice sounded, and Su Hang heard it, and his forehead was covered with black lines.

It is the voice of the realm.

"Old guy, didn't you go? How about your grandpa?" Su Hang said angrily.

What a terrible thing it is. There is no such thing as an old man. This old man is really squatting outside. Fortunately, he is wise enough not to go out, otherwise I'm afraid I will die long ago!

"Little guy, your mouth is really cheap!" Jie Mo snorted coldly, "The old man just found a place for lunch. Why did I say I'm leaving?"

"Oh, you're the second shameless guy I've ever seen. You are not only shameless, but you also don't need to be unruly. I'm a long-time acquaintance!" Su Hang sneered.

It is conceivable that outside the Xuanhuang Zhong, the realm heard Su Hang's words, and the expression on his face must be very wonderful. "In this way, the old man is quite honored, but I don't know who is the first shameless person?"

"Turn off your farts!" Su Hang scolded, "Wait, Di Zun will arrive soon, and then, see how you die!"


Outside the Xuanhuang Bell, the realm stood on the top of the mountain. Looking at the big clock in front of him, he laughed. "Boy, if he could come, he would have come long ago, can he wait until now? Don’t do unnecessary struggles. Xuanhuang Realm has closed this realm, and no one knows what is happening in this realm!"

The realm has been squatting outside Xuanhuang Zhong for most of the day. When Su Hang mentioned Di Zun at the beginning, he was a bit fictitious to tell the truth. However, after so long, Di Zun could have shot already. .

For most of the day, Su Hang did not come out. The realm knows that he cannot deceive Su Hang. Therefore, he will stand up again and Su Hang. Although Xuanhuang Realm intends to help cover it, he also dare not stay here for a long time. With quick battles and quick decisions, as long as you get his crippled heart in hand, it will not take long before you can restore your previous strength, and even have a breakthrough. In that way, you will not have to hide from Tibet to the east and have a battle with Di Zun. Power.

"Do you think I can't lie to you? Di Zun is already on the way, just let you jump for a while!" Xuan Huang Zhongzhong heard Su Hang's voice again.

The world demons can't help but sneer. This kid is really a top grade, he loses everything and refuses to lose his momentum. I really don't know if he doesn't have the temper to be so arrogant in front of him without this broken bell.

"Oh, is it? You pray, if he can come, the old man will eat and show you to you in person!" Jie Mo sneered. He really didn't die in the Yellow River. He didn't cry without seeing the coffin. What a nasty kid.

Eat Xiang? At this time, Su Hang, who was hiding in the bell, was afraid that he might be thundered. The demons of the realm said such words, and the picture was unimaginable.

"Daoyou, speak carefully!"

However, at this moment, a heavy voice came from the top of the head, the realm's face suddenly changed, his scalp tingled, and a very unpleasant feeling jumped.

Looking up sharply, I saw a middle-aged man in a black robe. I don't know when it had appeared on the top of his head. He was slowly floating down.


The old face of the realm was instantly white, and it flew up, almost conditioned reflex, and turned to escape.

"Where to run!"

The middle-aged man didn't panic. He stretched out his hand and stroked a void, drew a golden aperture, and flew directly to the realm, almost immediately, he set the realm into it.

The realm face appeared fearful, struggling to struggle, but the golden aperture quickly tightened, directly binding him, and letting him struggle, it was useless, all his magical powers were banned, only to see the middle-aged man stretch out his hand Moved, the realm was dragged to the middle-aged man without resistance.

"Dao friends, we meet again!" The middle-aged man looked at the realm with a smile.

But the realm of the realm looks like a terrified face, looking at the man in front of it with fear, it is unimaginable. The realm of realm of five realms in the realm of the realm of the realm is actually so weak in the hands of this middle-aged man. , Too incredible.

The realm of the realm will be subdued between the waves. What kind of existence is this?

"How is it possible? How could you appear here?" After the fear, the face of the realm was full of disbelief, and a pair of eyes stared at the burly middle-aged man in front of him, unable to tell whether it was anger or hatred.

Didn't the Xuanhuang Realm cover the heavens for himself? How could this existence know that he was here? Did Xuanhuang Realm betray himself?

The middle-aged man had a shallow smile on his face, "Someone asked me to shoot, and I came! Daoyou forgive me, this face really can't help but give!"

Really Xuanhuang Realm betrayed himself? The realm frowned, and at this time, he didn’t think it was related to Su Hang. After all, Su Hang was trapped in the Xuan Huang Bell. Although his mouth was very powerful, Realm didn’t believe that Su Hang had the ability to summon this The bit is coming, think about it, the one with this ability is the only one!


The realm gritted his teeth for a while, his face filled with annoyance.

"This is the fourth time I have met Daoyou again, should Daoyou have nothing to say this time?" The middle-aged man smiled at Realm Dao.

The realm gritted his teeth, "Not willing, I won't!"

Middle-aged man You and I had a word first, I let you go three times, this time, it is the end of cause and effect! "

"One step away, that step, I'm unwilling, unwilling!" Realm demon buried his head, tears came out of his old eyes, with endless bitterness.

"One step is always one step away, this is all life, you can't escape, admit it!" The middle-aged man said lightly, and he no longer ignored the realm, turned to the Xuan Huang Zhong next to him and looked at it, "Little Come on, brother! It’s all right!"

For a while, there was no response.

"But Di Zun outside?" It took a while for Su Hang's voice to pass from Xuan Huang Zhong.

The middle-aged man nodded slightly, "Yes, it is the deity, come out, the realm has been conquered by me!"

There was another silence. After a while, the voice of Su Hang came again from Xuan Huang Zhong. "Senior Di Zun, this Xuan Huang Zhong is not my thing. I can't control it. I can't get out!"

Di Zun Wenyan shook his head, but he couldn't cry, "Small slippery head, the precautions are not small, isn't it that you invited me yourself? Are you still afraid that the deity will not deceive you?"

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