Super Study God

Chapter 2086: Make yourself!

Countless fierce beasts came over the ground. Wherever they passed, the prosperous plants that had just been grown were trampled into ruins almost instantly, and there was a tendency that the fierce beasts outside the territory would be a disaster.


Nu Wa snorted coldly, facing the oncoming fierce beasts, but did not have any fear, the right hand flicked gently, and a strong wind blew out, and saw the fierce beasts quickly aging, and had not ran to Nu Wa. In front of them, they fell to the ground and turned into piles of loess.

Nüwa's original sin frowned, "Can you take back my character?"

Nu Wa said faintly, "Since your character comes from me, of course I can get it. Compared with me, you still have a lot to learn."

The voice just fell, and I saw two figures, one left and one right, separated directly from Nu Wa's body. One Nu Wa became three Nu Wa.

Nu Wa's original sin looked solemnly at this scene.

Nu Wa said, "This is a magical power that I just realized. It is better to make the world better than to make oneself. One I can only draw a tie with you, I don't know three me, can I win you?"

Make yourself? After Nuwa's original sin heard this, the expression on her face became more and more dignified. At such a short moment, the deity actually realized the new law? Make yourself? Make the same avatar as the ontology?

If one hits one and the winning percentage is five or five points, then if one hits three, what is the winning percentage?

"Are you bluffing me?"

Nu Wa's original sin suddenly drunk, her figure disappeared instantly, and when she appeared again, she had arrived in front of Nu Wa and took a straight shot towards Nu Wa. She didn't want to believe that in just such a few minutes, Nu Wa You can realize this kind of supernatural power, directly surpassing her.

At the same time, the long eyebrows and the nameless glances next to the array are not very good-looking. Looking at this posture, this original sin is mostly invincible to Nuwa. Is it really so easy for Nuwa to detach?

At the moment, the long eyebrows are far away from the nameless eyes, apparently have some care.

"Cough..." At this time, Su Hang, who was also watching not far away, coughed lightly, and was obviously warning them.


Long eyebrow snorted coldly, and he saw that his two white eyebrows instantly became longer, and they tangled directly towards Su Hang.

At the same time, Unknown transported supernatural powers and pointed a finger toward the air. In an instant, the thunder that had been brewing in the sky for a long time fell instantly.


The blood-red thunder, tearing through the sky, went directly to the **** deity, imposing and powerful.


These two people ignored their warnings, and they sang their hands when Nu Wa crossed over. How could Su Hang not be angry? Did they completely ignore themselves and treat their words as a joke?

The long white eyebrows of the long eyebrows were wrapped around, Su Hang snorted coldly, his body exploded, using the rules of time and space, and frozen the two white eyebrows. When he probed with his right hand, he caught it in his hand.

Long eyebrows can't be touched, I just feel a great force coming from the eyebrows, the whole person is pulled up from the ground instantaneously, tracing a beautiful arc in the air, and went straight down to the thunder.


The blood thunder fell, just covering the body of the long eyebrow, and suddenly the sky was red, accompanied by a scream from the long eyebrow, thunder and lightning, the whole body of the skeleton was clearly seen.

This blood thunder, so fierce!

Su Hang couldn't help but frown. He felt a numbness in the right hand holding the long eyebrows. If the thunder fell on Nu Wa, I was afraid that Nu Wa would instantly turn into fly ash.

After all, Nu Wa has not yet reached the state of Dadao, at most at the peak of Tian Dao Realm, and has not yet gone through the road robbery.


After the electricity was over, Su Hang twitched, and his long eyebrows fell to the ground. Except for the two eyebrows, the whole body was darkened by electricity, and the body flashed from time to time.

Dao Realm's flesh is tough, resisting such a fierce blood thunder, it's okay!

Long eyebrows twitched and stood up from the ground, with a black face, "Hello, how dare you actually intervene in Nuwadu robbery?"

Su Hang said lightly, "I have reminded you in advance, do not engage in small movements during the Nuwadu robbery, you are not listening, I am just giving you a small warning!"

"Huh!" At this time, the nameless stood up, "That blood thunder was originally the thunder of the Nuwadu robbery, why should I wait for the intervention? I just waited for that blood thunder to brew for some time, brewing Such a powerful mine robber, do you know how much power it takes us?"

As soon as Su Hang heard this, the whole person was shocked and stunned. What kind of logic is this, which kind of distortion?

It's like, you are going to hack me with a knife. I broke the knife for you, and I have to pay you for the knife?

It's ridiculous, but few of the people in the heavens he has seen are not so arrogant.

Su Hangdao, "I don't see the shameless person in my life, I just want to beat it when I'm unhappy, and the two of you just broke my taboo, so you can understand that I'm not intervening in Nuwa , I just want to beat you."

The two were completely angry when they heard this.

Anonymous, "The surnamed Su, don't think that there is a suzerain to protect you, you can really do whatever you want. My two people are the emperors who ordered the protection of the world. They dare to disturb our work, I am afraid that you cannot afford this responsibility!"

Su Hang heard it and smiled, "Don’t give me a hat, I have made it very clear. Me and you are totally personal grievances. The only thing is to see you uncomfortable and want to beat you up. It’s just a coincidence. What is happening is that Nu Wa is in a robbery!"

"You..." Su Hang's strong words turned out that the two could not speak.

Su Hang laughed, "But then again, in order to prevent the Nuwa from crossing the robbery, the two of you artificially strengthened the strength of the Heavenly Tribulation. I don't know if the Sovereign of the Heavenly Heaven knew it. If you let him know, I should do it. How do you feel, will you directly abolish you?"

"Humph!" Changmei snorted coldly, and said, "Do you think you can bluff us with just three words? The patriarch and his old man have been missing for many years, and now the Dadao Patriarch is co-hosted by the five major realms and several elders... "

Su Hang raised his hand and stopped the two of them, saying, "The two mean that the Sovereign of the Heaven is not in the Daozong, so you can ignore him. Well, I know, I will wait for the next day. When I saw his old man, he would tell the meaning of the two!"

The two heard their words and their faces suddenly changed.

"Xinkou nonsense!" Long eyebrows scolded, and a black face turned to Su Hang. "I haven't said that. Don't force us to buckle up this hat. You've been wholeheartedly protecting Nuwa today. I broke the rules of the Celestial Realm, but I don’t know if you are suffering first or we are suffering first!"

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