Super Study God

Chapter 2088: Thank you for the gift!

"Fart's protector, in my opinion is worthless!" Su Hang snorted coldly, with infinite contempt in his eyes, "After entering my Xuan Huang Bell, I dare to be so rampant, you are also the head A couple!"

Su Hang also said this crazy, but this is also true, after all, this is the first time he used Xuanhuang Bell to trap people.

"I think you should have heard of the name of Xuan Huangzhong. No one can save you unless the master of the realm of the realm of Kings comes. If I destroy you here, no one will know. Even if I know, I can't find it. Evidence, here is completely isolated from the outside world, just do not know, which Jie Wang will come to rescue you?" Su Hang said lightly.

The two heard the words and couldn’t help but leaned on one place. Obviously they were bluffed by Su Hang’s words. They naturally knew the Xuan Huang Bell. That’s the legendary holy weapon. The defense cannot be broken, and the Xuan Huang Bell can isolate time and space, cover up the heavens and the sky, and what is happening inside cannot be noticed by the outside world.

That is to say, if Su Hang dried them up in the Xuan Huang Bell, and came to a ruined corpse, even if Heaven knew that Su Hang did it, he could not find any evidence.

It can be said that at this moment, they are really scared!

Long Meiqiang resisted the uneasiness in his heart, and said, "Well, if you don't tell secret words, what do you want to do, draw it down!"

In their view, Su Hang was not so crazy as to kill them. There must be other intentions to trap them.

Su Hang counseled and said, "How dare I do anything to the two envoys? It's just a joke with you."

"Joke?" The two long eyebrows were stunned for a moment, obviously they didn't quite understand the meaning of Su Hang.

How could it be a joke, the more Su Hang said this, the more they lost their hearts.

"You don't need to hide the knife in such a smile, what the **** are you going to let us go, just say it." Long eyebrow sighed.

Su Hang heard the words and still smiled, "I said, I am not malicious, you stay here for a while, I will let you go."

The two heard it, and their hearts were even more anxious and inexplicable, "The surname is Su, don't be so arrogant, it's a big deal. Let's both die together. I will explode at the same time, and I don't believe you can retreat."

Su Hang heard this, and she burst into tears and laughter, "It seems that I won't take something away from you, will you be at ease?"

The two were sullen and did not reply, completely unable to understand the intention of Su Hang, but they knew very clearly that Su Hang could not leave them exclusively, just to let them stay here for a while.

"Okay." Su Hang clapped his hands. "Since that's the case, then give all your valuable things."

Su Hang instantly changed his complexion and became an robber who blocked the road.

"Dare you!" The two eyes widened in anger.

"Oh!" Su Hang smiled, "I am at your request, how can I say that I dare? Having said that, between this world and the world, there is nothing I dare not, do you think?"

"You..." The two heard it and were speechless.

At this time, Nu Wa took a step forward, "Did you hear Brother Su? Give all your valuable things to spare you not to die."

Su Hang heard the words and looked at Nu Wa in surprise. This girl really has the potential of a little sister.

The two heard the words, and their skin twitched slightly. This time, if they returned to Zongmen, they were known about their encounters on this way, and they were afraid that they would be laughed out of their teeth. They were actually forced to do so by two lower-level monks. Vice look.

"Hum... see how long you can be proud!"

Both snorted coldly, unfastened the storage ring, and threw it directly to Suhang.

Su Hang took it by hand, without looking at it, and threw it directly to Nu Wa. Nu Wa was very interested in the storage ring, and took it in his hands to take a closer look. I haven’t seen much in the world. Naive look.

"Thanks for the two gifts." Su Hang smiled lightly.

"Humph, can you let us go?" Anonymous said in a rage.

"No hurry, no hurry." Su Hang waved his hand gently, but did not mean to let the two leave.

"What's the matter, are you going to go back and forth?" The two squinted and suffocated, obviously not happy in their hearts.

Su Hang waved his hand and said, "Since the two are so refreshing, you may wish to promise me another condition."

When the two heard the words, they both pouted at the same time, and an old man would know that you must have some conspiracy.

"What conditions?" Chang Mei asked.

Su Hangdao, "It's actually nothing. You two should know that since then, Xuanhuang Realm will be surpassed by countless generations. You two are envoys. There are definitely many opportunities for you to show up in the future. Wei Neng opened the net to the latecomers. Mo, like today, makes everyone unhappy..."

"I think you are daydreaming." Wu Ming interrupted Su Hang directly.

"Huh?" Su Hang frowned slightly, and the expression on his face was not pretty.

Anonymous said, "The realm of the realm is extremely strict with the monks of the lower realm, and there are strict restrictions on the detachment of the lower realm. In addition to the realm, the heavens and the realm, every ten billion years, only a maximum of ten people are allowed to escape, One person, I and other ambassadors should bear the responsibility. Although Xuanhuang Realm is one of the five main worlds, it is no exception. Today, the Emperor Wa can become enlightened. It is already a big event that shocks the heavens. Three?"

Su Hang listened to this and was a little bit at a loss for a while, the heavens and the world, only ten places per ten billion years?

That is to say, if there are 10,000 worlds, and evenly spread to each world, then it will take 10 trillion years before a transcendental person appears?

This is too ridiculous, right?

Heaven is so strict with the detached in the lower realm?

Long eyebrow said, "Today Emperor Wa's detachment can be regarded as an exception, but if there is another one, not only will we have trouble, Xuanhuang Realm Master will also be responsible, and Xuanhuang Realm will become the key monitoring object, those with potential detachment Those who will be targeted will be cleared. I’m not kidding you. I hope you don’t think too much about yourself. With your own strength, you want to contend with the entire heaven. It’s simply that the earthworm shook the tree and couldn’t control it.”

"Brother Su..." Nu Wa looked at Su Hang and seemed to have something to say.

Su Hang gently raised her hand and stopped Nu Wa's words, facing the two people, "Since this is true, I don't embarrass you, you only need to answer me one more question, you only call Nuwa girl For the Emperor Wa, but have you known for a long time?

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