Super Study God

Chapter 2090: Who is Epi 3000?

Is Heaven Realm so afraid of the rise of monks in the Lower Realm? Is it because they are inherently prejudiced against nether monks, or are they afraid of? Fear that the rise of the nether monks will affect the status of those in power?

No matter what the reason is, Su Hang still said that, just for a fairness, the creatures in the lower realm are also creatures, there should be no distinction between high and low, it is not that the creatures of the Xuanhuang Realm should become the livestock raised by the Xuanhuang Realm Master, when When you are hungry, you can pull it out at any time. We are also lives, and we also want to fight for our rights.

If it is destined to be slaughtered, then before being slaughtered, I will struggle a few times, at least to prove that I have worked hard and resisted.

Su Hang stood on the top of Qifeng Mountain and looked far down the mountain. Those newly born and scattered peoples couldn't help but sigh.

If the human race wants to develop, there is still a long way to go. In the current state of the human race, I am afraid that just picking a race out of this wild world can kill them in seconds.

There is no competitiveness at all, and even the most basic foraging ability is not there, just waiting for Fu Xi to find food for them. This state will not last long.

Su Hang is almost foreseeable. It won't take long, ten years? century? Fu Xi would be overwhelmed and had to drive the human race away from Qifeng Mountain and let them die on their own. At that time, the challenge of the human race would be the real start.

The original road means that the birth of the human race is the ration of the demon race. When the human race has to rely on itself in the future, that is the darkest era of the human race.

No one can change what is true, including Su Hang. Even if the result is known, no change can be made. No matter how powerful his personal power is, he can’t compare with the human race. Only by self-improvement can he be able to kill the world and dominate the world. .

Such as Su Hang, Fu Xi, and Nu Wa, who could shelter the human race for a while, but could not shelter for a lifetime. The flowers in the greenhouse could not withstand the wind and rain.

In any case, it is the human race that ultimately dominates the world, and Su Hang only needs to know this.


"Listening to my sister, I asked her to go to heaven after half a month?" Fu Xi was a bit worried when he was happy for Nüwa.

He has heard about Heaven, but he does not understand it. For him, it is a strange and unknown world. For that world, he is full of curiosity, with a bit of fear and precautions.

Speaking of which, Fu Xi looked at Su Hang with a little worry, "Do I have to go? What are their intentions?"

The younger sister had to go far. As a brother, Fu Xi had to worry. To be honest, he didn't want Nuwa to leave.

Su Hang listened, shook his head, and said, "Look at her own wishes. Going to heaven, I'm afraid I won't get any benefits. If half a month later, if I haven't left, I might as well accompany her. trip!"

Fu Xi heard the words, and then nodded slightly. If this time the trip to heaven could not be avoided, Su Hang could go with him. That is naturally better. After all, he has seen the strength of Su Hang. .

However, what Fu Xi didn’t know is that Su Hang’s heart is still empty. There are countless masters in the realm of heaven. There are countless people who can kill him. He stays in the Xuanhuang Realm. Because of various rules, many of them are hostile to him. As for the trouble of going directly to Xuanhuang Realm to find him, but if he stepped out of Xuanhuang Realm, the situation would be different. He could not even protect his own life. How can he ensure the safety of Nuwa?

This incident was a headache for Su Hang. The best solution is to leave Nu Wa in Xuanhuang Realm and go nowhere. However, listening to the meaning of Changmei, the new monk must go to Chuangjieshan reported that Nuwa can't be an exception. If you don't go, I'm afraid that some people will find a legitimate excuse to find Nuwa's trouble!

If people in heaven find Nuwa, Nuwa will definitely not be able to cope!

This is really a dilemma, but if you really have to go, Suhang will not hesitate to follow her. He has a hunch that Nu Wa's trip may not be dangerous, but it will not be so smooth and easy.


The time passed quickly, and half a month passed by. Su Hang didn't mean to leave. After all, he just left, and he was uneasy!

Fu Xi is still very busy. He is looking for food for the people under the mountain every day. Su Hang also admires him. He is really full of energy and makes people unable to talk!

Nüwa had been out of the customs three days ago. It was not an overnight matter to stabilize the state, but since it had already broken through, it would not fall back easily.

Su Hang asked her opinion, and Nu Wa's reply to Su Hang was: This is the world's first mountain, don't go!

Like Fu Xi, Nu Wa also has a deep defense against Heaven, there is no need to know that it is a dangerous situation, but also to commit danger.

Su Wa didn't have the right to ask about Nu Wa's own choice, but Su Hang felt that this matter would not end like this.

"Hey, how long are you going to stay here, since you have a way to leave, then let's go quickly!"

Still on the Qifeng Mountain, Su Hang quietly watched Fu Xi distributing food to the human race.

After staying for so many days, the realm of the realm of the realm was a little unbearable, and he just wanted to leave the realm quickly, lest Su Hang would do anything wrong, disturb the history, and cause him to be affected, and stay in this cycle of time forever.

"Don't Wait a few days!" Su Hang said.

Jie Moxin said, "You have wiped out the names of all the saints on the demon's stele this time. You have already committed a big taboo in heaven. If I were you, I would be tempted to withdraw the ticket quickly. Where to go again."

Su Hang heard the words and shook his head gently. "I still say that. I should come sooner or later. It might as well come more vigorously. Some people want to play. Let's go to play, why not? ?Besides, although I wiped out all the names on the Feng Yao tablet, didn't I still have one?"

"Humph!" Jie Moxin chuckled, "What are you talking about? Three thousand? I think it must be an enterprising person!"

"Don't think of progress, can achieve heavenly realm? I think this three thousand is just a smart person, I am afraid that I can see the danger behind this, and I can save my life by leaving a name on the demon monument!" Su Hang shook his head. , Road.

"Oh, there is no egg under the cover? Xiao clever may be a catastrophe!" Realm of Devil Heart said!

Su Hang nodded slightly, just about to say something, there was a footstep behind him, looking back, but Nu Wa came over.

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