Super Study God

Chapter 2092: Yin Tianfeng is coming!

The point is, after listening to this, Fu Xi nodded seriously, and it seemed that this guy was also loyal.

"Either way, I can't take care of this matter, either grab or borrow, you can find a way yourself!" Su Hang said.

Fu Xi said, "I heard that since Xuelong Mountain, the old turtle has disappeared. Many demon clan are looking for him, but the old turtle is like the world has evaporated, I am afraid that I don’t know if I’m hiding there and practicing it. , It’s still troublesome to find him!"

"Let's talk about this later, it seems that an uninvited guest is coming!" At this time, Nu Wa suddenly turned around and looked into the sky.


The two looked at Nu Wa's eyes and looked back. They saw that the sky was torn apart, a ray of light broke through the clouds, and fell from the crack of the sky.

At the same time, four or five figures slowly fell from the beam.

"Heaven comes?" Su Hang frowned slightly.

The expressions on Nu Wa and Fu Xi's faces also changed slightly.

"Where is the Emperor Wa?" A voice came from the light curtain, and the world was shaking.

"Huh?" Su Hang froze for a moment, actually felt the sound a little familiar.

After the beam of light converged, Su Hang looked at it again and couldn't help but be stunned!

It was Yin Tianfeng who was the first person and the one in Tsing Yi.

That's right, Yin Tian'er's father, Yin Tianfeng, is just Yin Tianfeng at this time. He looks younger, his face is not so shaggy, he is not handsome, but he is somewhat handsome.

Behind them were three people, two young men with swords on their backs, and the other was Yin Wu hurt to kill Matt.

Su Hang frowned lightly, and Yin Wu hurt the goods. Wasn't it the last time he ate it, and went back to find his dad to find a place?

At this time, Yin Tianfeng, even if he did not have a strong future generation, was definitely not far behind. After all, hundreds of millions of years, for his veteran Daojing monk, it was nothing, just a flick of a finger. .

"Nuwa meets the messengers from the upper realm!" Nüwa would also look at her, and immediately bowed to the condescending people with a very reasonable gesture.

"Wow, pretty sister!"

Before waiting for Yin Tianfeng to speak, Yin Wufeng stood out from behind Yin Tianfeng's eyes and looked at Nu Wa below with a heart.

That looks like I can only describe it as Brother Pig.

"Hurt children, wanton!" Yin Tianfeng drank, turned around and glared at Yin Wuhan, scaring Yin Wuhan to shrink his neck.

Su Hang was terribly cold. This innocence really hurts the image in his own heart. The future generations are like a worldly expert and can’t be hanged. Now it’s such a virtue. What a special price. !

Yin Wushen returned to Yin Tianfeng's back, but I can see that this thing likes this beautiful sister very much, just like a little boy. When he last came, he had never seen Nu Wa.

Su Hang knew that Yin Wucheng did have a good relationship with Nuwa in the later generations. Even if Nuwa suffered, Yin Wuxing took good care of the Nuwa family, and helped Nuwa reincarnate in later generations, but failed. , In the end, it still depends on Su Hang.

Su Hang took a step forward and arched his hand in front of Yin Tianfeng. "Younger Su Hang, seeing Senior Yin, somehow, shocked Senior Yin to come to Xuanhuang Realm?"

Yin Tianfeng heard the words and looked over to Suhang. Those eyes were like a knife. They wanted to pierce Suhang!

Su Hang instantly felt a huge pressure, almost breathless.

This old guy, give me off Mawei as soon as I come. Why did you provoke you? Su Hang felt depressed for a while!

"Dad, this is this guy, this guy will be the sword-controlling technique passed down by our family!" At this time, a voice came, but it made Su Hang feel relaxed!

Looking up, Yin Yin was not hurt, and was pointing at himself with his finger.

Yin Tianfeng raised his hand, stopped Yin Wu hurt, turned his eyes from Su Hang, looked at Nu Wa next to him, "Since the Emperor Wa has broken the road, the envoy should have informed you, yesterday. Report to the creative world, why not? But someone stopped it?"

When Yin Tianfeng said this, he glanced at Su Hang intentionally or unintentionally, as if he meant Su Hang.

Su Hang felt that he had hit a ghost. What does this look mean?

Nüwa listened and said, "Emperor Mingjian, no one stops Nüwa, but Nüwa doesn't want to go."

"Huh?" Yin Tianfeng said, frowning lightly, and said after a while, "Why don't you want to go, how many people's dream of entering Daozongzong, Wa Huang has any concerns?"

Nüwa heard her words and shook her head. "Nüwa didn't dare to have any worries. She just wanted to stay in this world, and she didn't have any interest in heaven!"

"Beautiful sister, Heaven Realm is very fun!" At this time, Yin Wuxing couldn't help but jumped out. "I have many friends in Heaven Realm. When you go to Heaven Realm, I can introduce them to you!"

This guy, excited, has a little hope on his face.

Nu Wa listened to this, but her face was covered with black lines, and she had a feeling of encountering a bear child.

Su Hang said, "You have your father and your status is precious. For you, Heaven Realm is certainly fun, but for others, is Heaven a realm or a region, who can be sure?"

This is a big truth. You are a famous second generation of heaven. You have a powerful dad and a powerful mother. You can walk across heaven. Of course, heaven is fun, but it is changed to Su Hang. There is no background, once it appears in the heaven, I am afraid that it will be done in minutes.

"You seem to have something in your words?" At this time, Yin Tianfeng looked at Su Hang, his eyes became Su Hang nodded unambiguously, "My girl Nuwa has never left Xuan Huang Realm, Celestial Realm is a gang of jackals and hungry tigers. If she went to Celestial Realm, wouldn’t she be eaten with bones?"

Fu Xi heard this, and his face was full of worry and caution, but he knew that it was not his turn to speak here.

"Oh, ridiculous!"

Yin Tianfeng heard the words, but shook his head, "Young people, I don't know if the sky is high and the ground is thick. For you, the realm of heaven may be a jackal, but for others, it is not necessarily..."

"Oh? Why do you see it?" Su Hang asked directly.

"Injured child, you come and tell him!" Yin Tianfeng seemed too lazy to tell Su Hangduo, and gave a direct command to Yin Wu hurt.

Yin Wushang heard the words, cleared his throat gently, and stood a step forward, staring down at Su Hang, "Listen to the kid..."

In that way, Su Hang really wanted to beat him up. There was an old man in a cowboy suit who was on his back. Sure enough, it was different, and he should be arrogant.

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