Super Study God

Chapter 211: Tsing Yi Shen!

"Look at you still not dead."

There was a glimmer of light in Su Hang's eyes, just at the moment that he had just palmed, he had controlled the Gu Emperor's avatar, and took the opportunity to quietly drill into the sleeve of Mrs. Song.

God does not know, ghost does not know!

Mrs. Song was completely attracted by the battle, unable to distract her at all, where she thought that Su Hang still had such a means, and she was still thinking of wishful thinking, trying to slowly kill Su Hang.


Capturing the glint of light on Su Hang's face, Mrs. Song had some intuitions that were wrong. Could it be that this kid still has any followers?

Before waiting for her to think about it, Su Hang attacked again, but helplessly, she could only set aside that idea and continue to deal with Su Hang.


Another shot, Su Hang, quickly flew backwards without any point, and landed on a large rock more than twenty meters away.

Standing behind the sword, Su Hang looked at Mrs. Song with a smile, "Stop it, you have lost."

Mrs. Song heard the words and smiled angrily. "It is undeniable that you kid is a bit evil, but I just want to have treasures and body protection. I can't afford to spend a lot of time here, can't I afford it? Ha ha, wait until I take you down I want to see what treasure is hidden in you."

In the opinion of old lady Song, this kid must not be able to support it. The aggression just now, how much internal force and physical strength can a small martial artist withstand the consumption?

She was very curious about the baby in Su Hang. As long as the kid was killed, no matter what kind of baby, it would be hers.

She has done a lot of things like this. Today, she came to Lingyun Great Buddha Temple to seek revenge. If she didn't find Shen Qingyi, she could get one or two treasures.

"Why do you have to be so confident? Isn't that self-confident dead?" Su Hang shook his head gently. "Don't you feel any discomfort in your body?"


Mrs. Song frowned and looked cold, "Boy, pretend to be a ghost. What tricks do you want to play?"

Unwell? Except for the very urgent desire to kill the kid in front of him, there seemed to be no discomfort.

"Is it?" Su Hang grinned and smiled so viciously, "Does the stomach hurt?"


Su Hang's words just fell. Mrs. Song felt a sharp pain in her abdomen, as if her stomach had been bitten by something. Only one moment, she felt so cold that she was breathing cold and sweating.

what happened?

There was a trace of panic on Mrs. Song's face. It just felt like something was surging in his belly, what did this kid do to himself?

"Is it painful?" Su Hang's mouth curled up with a slight arc, "Actually, there are more fun waiting for you!"

Gu Huang's avatar has penetrated into her body unconsciously, and now Su Hang is not worried at all. At this moment, a Gu Huang avatar is enough to subdue the old lady.

Just like Sun Wukong got into Princess Iron Fan's belly. Su Hang directly controlled Gu Emperor's avatar, entered the old lady's meridian, and went to her Dantian.

At this time, Mrs. Song finally realized that something was moving in her body, it was a living creature!

It's inexplicable, needless to say, it's definitely the ghost of Su Hang!

Although horrified, but did not panic, after all, Mrs. Song is a person who has experienced the world. Immediately sat cross-legged on the ground, transported the decay inside the body, and gathered towards the trajectory of the living creature's movement.

She wanted to use the poison to corrode the things in her body, just. The result was not as beautiful as she had imagined. The rot put together by her, as if encountering a vortex, was quickly sucked away. Instead of stopping the pace of that thing, it was swallowed instantly.

At this moment. Mrs. Song was a little flustered, how domineering the corruption is, she knew better than anyone, what is this?

Even when Su Hang was not nearby, the old lady Song looked inside immediately. However, the result of the inside view surprised her.

"Golden Silkworm Gu?"

"No, is it the Golden-winged Silkworm Gu, Gu Gu?"


Mrs. Song exclaimed, and immediately pointed her finger at the meridian route where the grub was traveling, trying to seal the acupuncture points and prevent the grub from advancing.

This old lady had dealt with Wu Gumen, and naturally recognized the origin of the grub at a glance. The golden-winged silkworm Gu emperor, it was beyond the innate existence, and it was a great start.

The sealed acupuncture points did not play much role. Under the control of Su Hang, they were violently rushed away by the Gu emperor. The old lady Song was helpless and could only let it drive down and watched this peerless murder. Break into his own Dantian.

"Wow, great meal!"

Entering Dan Tian of the old lady Song smoothly, from the perspective of Gu Huang's doppelganger, a bloody, thick blood wave is like a sea of ​​blood, smelling pungent, mixed with a strong rot.

What evil work does the old woman practice? Innate ingenuity has become such a look, so domineering.

Su Hang exclaimed. If it was the scene of the **** waves he encountered, he would definitely be able to avoid it. However, in the eyes of Gu Huang's avatar, this is a bunch of tonics.

The golden-winged silkworm Gu Gu, Wan Gu Supreme, eat poisonous food, fishy smell, rotten smell, she is totally delicious in her eyes!

Almost driven by instinct, Gu Huang's avatar opened his mouth and sucked at the thick innate innocence of the old lady Dan Tanzhong.


The old woman cried out as if a powerful water pump was installed in her abdomen, and her true energy was forcibly pumped away. The pain was even more painful than digging bones from herself.

Rao is an old lady with a strong mind and a trembling body, sweat on her forehead instantly. That kind of pain can never be tolerated.

"Live, stop!"

"Shut up, I admit defeat!"

"Get it out!"

One minute, two minutes, Mrs. Song finally could not bear it, clenched her teeth and opened her mouth. The venomous anger in Dantian had been sucked away by nearly one-tenth. If you continued like this, it would not take five minutes for her Will die and die.

The most important thing is that she now has no solution at all except for mercy.

Looking at the trembling, pale-faced old lady in front of her, Su Hang only sneered, "When I am a fool? Now admit defeat, do you feel a little late? When I take it out, you treat me again Start, can I still make you a second time?"

As he spoke, he continued to drive Gu Emperor's doppelganger to absorb the true spirit of the old lady Song Tandan. This old lady was so badly poisoned that she did not completely subdue her, so Su Hang could not rest assured.

When Gu Huang got into the old lady Song, the balance of victory in this battle was tilted towards Suhang without any suspense. If Su Hang was kind, take out Gu Gu and the old lady would turn over. At that time, she was prepared, and if Su Hang wanted to reapply her skills, it would be difficult.

"Ah! Boy, you die for me..."

The old woman was so angry and angry that she didn’t care about the emperor Gu Danzhong, and she suddenly collapsed from the ground with a terrible look, just like the evil ghost who got out of hell, and flew towards Su Hang. It seems to tear up Su Hang to pieces.

Su Hang didn’t even care about her, the protagonist’s aura hadn’t expired, everything she did was in vain, now let’s not say that she was a restrained congenital Wuzong, even if the half immortal of Jindan Realm came, I still wanted to hurt her half Vellus.


A hateful hand was shot on Suhang. As expected by Suhang, Suhang didn't even flutter even the clothes corner. The old lady flew out by the recoil of the palm.

With a bang, he broke a big tree, fell heavily in the woodland, and rolled up a large piece of fallen leaves.


Because of the severe pain, Mrs. Song couldn't even stand up, was sturdy and fell, her chest felt depressed for a while, and she spit out half a blood.

"Don't struggle anymore, now what you do is in vain." Su Hang shook his head, the ingenious superman of eight grades, but this is actually the case. It was still shamed by himself, and it was not as good as a dog.

Mrs. Song fell to the ground. The pain in her body made her unable to speak, and her body was twitching violently, and her eyes were full of panic and despair.

This feeling was felt only by her sixty years ago.

It's a pity that the enemy didn't die, but was killed by a Maotou kid, which is ridiculous! At this moment, Mrs. Song felt so sad in her life.

"Little brother, be forgiving and forgiving!"

At this time, a loud female voice came from the cliff.

Su Hang paused and looked around, seeing a woman in Tsing Yi drifting down from the cliff.

Another congenital.

It really hit a ghost, Su Hang said in his heart.

If you look closely, the woman looks like she is in her 30s or 40s, and she looks beautiful, but the white temples show that the woman's age is definitely not as young as the surface.

Especially those eyes, as if they had penetrated time and space, read through the vicissitudes of life, dressed in Tsing Yi, like a monk, and a little Confucian, elegant and dusty, and extraordinary temperament.

Suddenly thinking, Su Hang seemed to guess the identity of this to ask, but Senior Shen? Suhang asked.

This place, but also a master of the innate realm, Su Hang can think of only one person, Shen Qingyi!

The woman floated to the ground and made a Buddhist chant to Su Hang, "I have heard what the leader said. I thank the little brother for his help. However, this person has an old relationship with me. Please ask the little brother to open up. Let me talk to her, Shen is very grateful."

Sure enough, it was Shen Qingyi. Su Hang couldn’t help but have the urge to vomit. She had just finished her fight, and she rushed to come. This is what happened. Su Hang was a little skeptical. She just stood by all the time. Watch a play.

"Senior, it's not that I don't want to let her go. It's really that the old woman's heart is too vicious. If you let her go, I can't stop her anymore." Su Hang replied.

Shen Qingyi gently waved her hand, "She came here to find me for revenge. Let me and her come to me!" (Unfinished.)() " "Super Learning God" only represents the views of the author Ghost Valley Fairy Master. If you find that its content violates the laws of the country, please delete it. The position is only committed to providing a healthy and green reading platform. 【】,thank you all!

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