Super Study God

Chapter 2105: Give a lesson!

One hundred million years, what a long period of time, Fu Xi has that self-confidence. In this one hundred million years, the human race will be developed and strengthened. If a civilization cannot be developed in a hundred million years, it can only be said that the human race also It's so unbearable.

Fu Xi naturally did not know the worries of Nu Wa, nor could he know what Su Hang was worried about.

Nu Wa just smiled and didn't say much, she didn't want Fu Xi to be bothered again.

"Sister, what can I do?" Yin Wushang is somewhat interested, quite novel, and can't wait to find something to do right away, and beat Nu Wa to express herself.

Nu Wa listened and said, "Come with your brother to find food for the human race!"

"Hole!" Yin Wuxin said cheerfully, leaving Fu Xi to leave, but suddenly stopped again, pointing back to Su Hang, "What about him?"

Su Hang rolled his eyes. Why do I have to report something to you?

Nu Wa looked at Su Hang and said, "Brother Su and I have something to talk about!"

"Huh?" Yin Wujian glanced at Su Hang, and immediately changed his face, said, "Then I will listen!"

I go! Su Hang was speechless for a while, "I said boy, would you look at people's eyes? Nüwa girl said so, that is to make you hurry to avoid, don't you understand?"

Yin Wuheng listened, his face slightly twitched, and proudly said, "Why should I look at people's eyes, my father is now the patriarch of the Dadao, who dares to mess with me? You? Do you dare to mess with me?"

Specially, Su Hang was completely shocked when he heard this. This product was a natural match, and it was completely harmless to the later generations.

Who can't have a young frenzy? When meeting such a person, Suhang certainly has only one solution, that is, to beat hard, and be beaten, naturally it will be honest!

Su Hang walked over and patted Yin Wuhang's shoulder. "Boy, I appreciate your courage. Do you know why your father left you here?"

"What?" Yin Wuxun shook his shoulders, shook Su Hang's hand away, and looked at Yin Wushang uncomfortably.

Su Hang smiled, "Of course let you learn some skills with us!"

"Oh!" Yin Wushang heard this, and almost did not laugh out loud, "I said you are so stupid, really dare to say anything, learn skills from you? You even that sword control technique They all learn from my family, and let me learn from you? What? Learn to steal?"

Words, eyes, expressions, and clear contempt, this guy is really stinky and shameless.

Su Hang was also not angry, slowly raised his right hand, **** combined, "For example, learn this trick!"

"Huh?" Yin Wuhang looked at Su Hang's two fingers, somewhat puzzled, "Pretend to be a ghost!"

"I have a name for this move, called the Millennium Kill. With one finger, the opponent has no way to avoid..." Suhang said.

"Oh!" Yin Wushang chuckled again. "Are you so exaggerated? I think you are really sitting on the sky and watching the sky. I don't know how high the sky is and how thick the ground is. You haven't even seen the Xuanhuang Realm. How many horizons can you have? It’s actually an outspoken saying that the opponent has no way to avoid it. I have to ask, you have seen a few masters, and you dare to say such things arrogantly!"

"Uh, that, Brother Yin, we have something to say, don't say so, don't be so aggressive, Brother Su Hang doesn't mean to underestimate you..." Fu Xi, looking at this, clearly wanted to fight, and he ran quickly. Come out and want to make a round.

"I'm just stating the facts." Yin Wu hurt but said, his eyes looked at Su Hang without any sign of weakness.

Su Hang listened, but smiled, "Brother Fu Xi, it seems that our Yin brother wants to ask me a few tricks, but just because your father has just left, I will beat you, it seems a bit too unkind."

"Huh!" Yin Wushen snorted coldly, raised her eyebrows proudly, "I'm afraid you won't succeed, don't you want to teach me some supernatural powers? Come on, you have the ability to use your millennium to kill, killing fiercely. I don’t believe me, and I can’t escape your tricks.”

"That's what you said, it really made you, can't you cry, you can't cry, you can't cry your father's mother?" Su Hang's mouth curled up a little arc.

"Are you crying and calling your mother, do you treat me as a three-year-old kid?" Yin Wushen snorted coldly. "If I escaped you, I wouldn't allow you to be close to Sister Nuwa."

Next to Nuwa listened, a little helpless and speechless.

"Oh, little guy, Mao hasn't grown up, so he learned to be jealous?" Su Hang laughed.

"You care about me, do you promise to agree or not?" Yin Wuxing asked proudly.

"Okay, I promise you." Su Hang nodded slightly. "Since it's a gamble, we don't come to be rude. If I win, you have to worship me as the eldest brother. I let you go east. You are not allowed. Go west, I let you pick up the dog, you are not allowed to catch chickens, and after seeing me later, you have to respectfully salute..."

Yin Wushang heard his face, and his face changed slightly. He had learned the power of Su Hang last time. His strength is indeed above him. However, he still did not believe that he might not be able to take Su Hang?

After all, it's just a person in the lower realm. Even if they are strong, how strong can they be? Yin Wushang is still somewhat confident in himself. Last time he compared the sword with Su Hang. He didn't use his full strength. If he fights with all his strength, he believes that it is still very scary.

If you can't take a single shot, you can really buy a piece of tofu and hit it dead.

Moreover, he was caught up by the Su Hang dialect. In front of Nüwa, if he took back the words again, or if he directly admonished him, he would be too shameful. This is absolutely impossible for him Allowed.

So Yin Wu hurt his teeth and nodded, his eyes looked at Su Hang fiercely, "Well, the place here is too narrow, I am afraid that I will break the sister of Nuwa, I have the ability to follow me Fight in the chaotic void..."

"No no no..." Su Hang interrupted by raising his hand.

Yin Wushen sneered, "Why? Afraid?"

"I'm not afraid, I just don't think it's necessary." Su Hang shook his head gently. "My move is the same everywhere. I don't need to go so far, and I can solve you here."

"Rampant." Yin Wu snorted angrily, and immediately choked out, took out the big sword on his back, and burst into battle.

Fu Xi and Nu Wa met next to each other. Where could these two fight, and quickly wanted to stop in the middle and stop the two.

At this time, Su Hang glanced at Yin Wu hurt lightly, "It hurts a little, bear a little, remember this feeling, it will be fine in a while!"

After finishing his speech, Su Hang's right finger pointed directly to Yin Wu's point. The smile on the corner of his mouth was really creepy.

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