Super Study God

Chapter 2195: Youquan poison!

"Alas!" Su Hang sighed. "What is the difference between the land now and the return to Chaos? For me, fortunately, you are still there. Do you know how worried I am that heavy chaos is back I won't see you later!"

With a smile on his face, Ao Xue's eyes were filled with tears of happiness, "Brother Su, it's so nice to have you!"

Su Hang smiled, "You can rest assured that I will definitely find a way to take you back to future generations, a good family reunion."

Ao Xuedao said, "Brother Su, destiny is destiny, and we can't resist it. Xueer has waited for nearly a billion years, and doesn't care about waiting for those 65 million years!"

Su Hang shook his head, "I don't want you to wait any longer, this is too unfair to you!"

Until later generations, Ao Xue did not appear, which must be some accidents. Su Hang did not want Ao Xue to wait any longer, nor did he want to let Ao Xue have any accident.

Ao Xue only listened quietly. For so many years and only this moment, she could feel at ease.

Su Hangdao, "I'm going to try to break through the avenue in a few days..."

"So fast?" Ao Xue froze for a moment, then looked up at Suhang.

"Is it fast?" Su Hang shook his head. "I still feel slow!"

Pause, Su Hangdao, "If I can break through the avenue, I will be able to fly into the sky, nothing can stop me... This time Lin Xuan was seriously injured by me, the old guys in Chuangjie Mountain, I was just afraid to help Lin Xuan didn't have time to heal, and there was still the nobleman who was shocked. They couldn't take care of me. I had to seize this opportunity..."

Ao Xuedao, "Is there any danger?"

Su Hang smiled, "Of course there are dangers, but for me, even if it is dangerous, you have to do it, but you can rest assured that this time, I will definitely break through!"

Ao Xue nodded. "Anyway, be careful."

Su Hang started off the topic, "Xiao Qi seems to have something to worry about. After I came back, I saw him unhappy. This has never happened before, but because of the red cloud!"

"Ah!" Speaking of this question, Ao Xue sighed, "You should ask him this question yourself, maybe, Brother Su, you can help him!"

Su Hang nodded slightly.

Ao Xuedao, "And sister Yu'er!"

"Yu'er?" Su Hang froze for a moment. "What's wrong with Yu'er?"

Ao Xue threw Su Hang a charming white eye and stretched a finger to poke Su Hang's forehead. "Are you really stupid or fake stupid? Sister Yu'er has always been affectionate to you, don't you feel it?"

"Uh... this..." Su Hang was a little embarrassed, and Ao Xue said that he might not feel it, but he was said by Ao Xue, which made him feel a little uncomfortable.

Ao Xue grabbed Su Hang's hand and said, "They are a mistress of gold, but they came to join us in the battle against the Dao. They were almost beyond their lives and death, and almost lost their lives here. In these years, if there is no Yuer, only I'm afraid that all living beings of the Xuanhuang Realm will be extinct long ago. Brother Su, you won't see me!"

Su Hangdao, "Cher, what do you mean by that?"

Ao Xue shook his head, "Sister Yu'er has rescued me more than once, and I am very grateful to her, she has been bound by her Jinlan, and she has sympathy with her sister. Her heart is for you. , Don’t let Yuer lose her heart!"

Su Hang took a deep breath. What he meant in Ao Xue's words, he already understood, "I'll go and see Xiaoqi first!"

Ao Xue nodded slightly, she hoped that Su Hang could understand, and Su Hang would certainly understand.



At night, the stars are brilliant!

The stars in the sky flickered, and the radiant glow sprinkled on the ground, which plated everything with a touch of silver.

Xue Qi was sitting under a large banyan tree behind Kunlun Mountain, leaning his body against the tree, looking up at the stars in the sky, silently in a daze, and not knowing what he was thinking.

"I haven't seen so many stars in a long time!" Maybe Xue Qi suddenly said something, as if talking to himself.

Su Hang walked over, sat down next to Xue Qi, looked up at the night sky, and said, "Yeah, Unet clarified, this day is naturally clear, you don't say I haven't found it, there seem to be more stars in this sky. A lot!"

In the past, Soviet airlines came to Taikoo, but I have never seen so many stars.

Xue Qi smiled bitterly, "The battle against the Dao has been fought for so many years, and the sky has shattered, the land of China has shattered, and the territory has shrunk by more than half.

Su Hang paused, the war against the Dao, the battle of so many strong men, it is strange that the world can bear it, and there is such a lot left, which is already a great luck in misfortune.

Su Hang sighed, "The battle is moving, but I don't know what our planet is now!"

Xue Qidao said, "In the battle against the Dao, all beings cannot escape. At this time, the earth is afraid that the dinosaurs will be extinct!"

Su Hang heard that a black thread was hung on his forehead. The extinction of dinosaurs on Earth 65 million years ago was also due to the war against the Dao.

At this time, Xue Qidao said, "In the past few years, when we went back, Miss Yin opened a space on the earth, but saved some creatures."

"Oh?" Su Hang heard, some surprise, that the martial world on earth was actually created by Yin Yu'er!

Xue Qidao, "There are many small worlds like that, and there are many Xuanhuang Realm creatures scattered in order to leave the world with the best possible fire..."

Su Hang nodded slightly, they really took great pains in order to preserve the inheritance of Xuanhuang Realm.

Su Hang reached out and patted Xue Qi's shoulder. "When I come back this time, I will see you are upset, but what's your concern, can you tell Brother Hang?"

Xue Qi heard the words, trembling all over, and looked up at Su Hang. The expression on his face was very complicated. After struggling for a long time, he seemed unable to speak!

"But for the red cloud?" Su Hang Xue Qi paused, nodded for a long time, and said, "In front of the eighty, when the retreat, Yun'er was taken by the Taishuangshan Tianshui Taoist. Injury, the poison of the quiet spring in your body..."

Speaking of which, Xue Qi choked up a bit, and seemed to be speechless.

"Tianshui Daoren?" Su Hang froze for a moment. "Aboriginal characters? Of the seven in the daytime, there seems to be no such character?"

Xue Qidao said, "Dao Zu and Yin Yin were killed together in the same year, and then only Dao Zu became the enchantment and protected Kunlun!"

Su Hang nodded. In this way, what a real person in Tianshui should be a realm of existence. However, he can be killed by Hongjun and Yin Yuer together, and his strength is not so strong.

"Is the poison of the quiet spring overbearing?" Su Hang asked.

Xue Qi smiled bitterly, "In addition to the physical body, the spirits and true spirits are frozen into nothingness. Both Yin and Dazu have seen it. There is no way. Even Daozu said, there is no cure!"

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