Super Study God

Chapter 2205: The original sin helps!

Void is very satisfied with the attitude of these two men, and put away the momentum, saying, "Dare not be the best, go play while!"

Yin Wuzhen hesitated for a moment, holding back the fear in his heart, and said, "But I don't know the three elders, what are you doing next time?"

"Humph!" Nirvana snorted coldly, "Little fellow, you have too much control, where did you come from, where to go back!"

When he finished speaking, he saw the emptiness and big sleeves waved, and Yin Wushang and Gu Danfeng disappeared instantly, disappeared!

The two guys were sent away directly. Su Hang saw him and couldn't help but smile bitterly. The two also said to guard themselves, which is also a chicken feather, and it doesn't even use a little fart.

It has long been known that these two people are not reliable. Their existence can only at most express the attitudes of the Yin family and Gu Teng Lao Xian, but the three people in front of them obviously will not give them this face.

Without Yin Yin, the two of them blocked the road, and turned to Suhang to look at the void. "There is a ban on Heaven Realm. Xuanhuang Realm is not allowed to break the road, boy, you are not guts!"

Su Hang's brows frowned slightly, and said, "I don't know any bans, you tell me these are useless!"

"Oh!" Niu Wu chuckled lightly, "Then I will tell you now that Heaven Realm does not allow Xuanhuang Realm to have Dadao Realm monks born. If so, either choose to join Daozong Zong or be cleared by Daozong Zong. , You will definitely not choose to join Daozongzong, so..."

"Wait a moment!" Su Hang heard the words and raised his hand to interrupt the nothingness. "Who told you, I don't want to join Daozongzong!"

Nothing was heard, his brow furrowed softly, and said, "Even if you want, that is impossible. You have been listed as a rebel by the Daozong Sect. The Zongmen will never contain you again, so...

"So you can only kill me?" Su Hang interrupted the nothingness again, with a lot of sarcasm on his face, "I want to say that these old guys are really hypocritical, and they just want to fool Die me, but still do everything possible to find a grand and bright reason, is it ridiculous?"

"It's such a good mouth!" Void snorted coldly.

Su Hang sneered, "Otherwise? I don't think I have someone in Su who has such a big face. Once he breaks the road, he can shock the three super elders of Daozong Zong!"

Nothing was heard, and said, "You can't change the fact that you are a rebellious person if you speak like a clever tongue. You can destroy the ban first, and then detain the original sin. Both of these crimes are death sentences!"

"Haha, a joke!" Su Hang suddenly smiled, "I am not a disciple of Dao Dao, how come the rebellion? I wait for the so-called detention of the original sin, as far as I know, the original sin of the deity, the original sin of the sky, are not subject to the sin of heaven Control, and why not wait for the sin of the two holy men first?"


The nihilistic shouted, "Yellow mouth child, dare to compare himself with the two saints.

"Oh, it's ridiculous!" Su Hang's face was full of ridicule, "I waited for hypocrisy and wanted to kill me, so why should I stand on the shelf of an expert and find these unexplained reasons, and tell you without mercy, I wait for three people, the character is inferior, in my eyes, but rubbish!

As soon as these words came out, the chaos boiled. Mo Xiaoqiang and Bai Suifeng next to them were already trembling with shock. Is this man crazy? How dare he insult these three super elders as garbage?

The three men's faces also changed instantly, and they were scolded for rubbish. This was the first time in their lives. Where can they hang on their faces?

"Look for death!" Xing Ling's eyes came to kill.

Nothing eyes are cold, "I thought it was not easy for you to practice, and I wanted to save you a life. I never expected you to be so stubborn. Boy, don't say that I will be bullied by your predecessors. , Talk about life and death!"

Hypocrisy, hypocrisy, came from the beginning to kill yourself, but now it is said that he was going to save himself a life, is this not ridiculous? What did you say to make yourself a trick, it was hypocritical to the limit, Su Hang was really taught.

"Fight for battle, where is there so much nonsense!" At this time, the original sin behind the Su Hang roared.

"These old guys are so shameless, even I can only worship the wind!" Bilian mocked.


Obviously, all the original sins are unhappy with these three old ways!

But these three old ways are the existence of the peak of Dadao Realm. Although Su Hang has now reached the realm of Dadao, they can directly scan the information of the three people in front of them, directly learn and inherit their life skills, go straight to the peak of Dadao Realm, fight He doesn't recognize his father.

However, it will take time. The Soviet Union has just broken through, and the state itself is not heard. It is impossible to inherit and upgrade now. Moreover, the most crucial thing is time. These three old men will not give him a chance.

At this time, no one could help him. From the beginning, he knew that this was a dead end, but he had to choose a breakthrough at this time. The only thing he didn't expect was that three came.

None of them can compete with one another, let alone three. From the appearance of the three, Su Hang knew that they would never tolerate leaving Chaos alive again.

At this moment, the fighting intentions on Su Hang suddenly burst out.

"Dear friends, may you help me!" Su Hang snorted.

"Dare not obey!"

The Virgin first gave a sound, her figure flashed, and even directly integrated into Su Hang's body. When the other 11 people saw it, they also gathered at Su Hang like mud and water, and quickly melted into Su Hang's body~www. twelve original sins returned to their positions. Almost instantly, the momentum of Su Hang's body surged and reached its peak.


Full of infinite power, and just after breaking through the realm of the avenue, Su Hang felt that the power was infinite, and the explosive power was in desperate need of venting. He roared directly, jumped into the air, lifted up the big fairy stick, and hit the head of nothingness.

Nothing old saw Su Hang hitting him with a stick. The momentum made him all startled. Obviously he could feel the terrifying power from the stick, and there was a slight change in the expression on his face.

He originally said that he wanted to make Su Hang a trick, he was ready to use his flesh to fight against it, so as to show his strength, but also show his demeanor. Then he deterred Su Hang by the way, and defeated Su Hang from a psychological level. I thought that this kid came so suddenly.

For seniors like him, and seniors who are extremely good-looking, they certainly will not hide. After being beaten by a junior, they still hide. Where there is still face to pass.

What is happening here, at this moment, do not know how many powerful eyes are staring at it!

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