Super Study God

Chapter 2209: All Saints Monument!

"Then if I leave the outer realm and go to other places to open up the world?" Su Hangshun asked.

"It depends on where you choose to go, to go to other kingdoms, or to get permission from other kingdoms, or to go to unmanned territory, but you cannot go with your current strength, unless you wait for you to reach the kingdom. Only then will you have that qualification and have your own territory!" Chaos Road.

"Then forget it!" Su Hang was sweating, and it seemed that there was still a long way to go in front of herself. "Thanks to the senior for pointing. As the senior said, I still want to improve my strength first!"

"Thanks are unnecessary!" Chaos shook his head and said, "Honestly pick up waste in this chaos. If you hurt your husband twice, you have to pay a price!"

"Oh?" Su Hang heard the words, and he was shocked for a while, "Senior, are you kidding me?"

Scavenging waste? He really intends to let himself scavenge for 100 million years in this chaos?

"Do you think I am joking with you?" Chaos threw Su Hang a blank eye, "One hundred million years, one day is not enough!"

After talking, Chaos turned away, leaving Su Hang with a face of stunnedness, chaotic in the wind.

Scavenging waste? No way? You said that one day or two is fine. How can one afford one hundred million years?

He only said that he would scavenge for 100 million years in the chaos, and he did not say that he must stay in this chaos every day, right?

After hesitating for a while, Su Hang flew directly from the chaos and disappeared from the chaos. Most of the time, the chaos was joking with him. Even if it was not a joke, it would be a big deal. So bad!

Chaos did not limit him, wouldn't he be honest if he didn't run?



Xuanhuang Realm, Eastern Star Field, Moon.

This chaos comes back and forth, and three months have passed, which is acceptable to the Soviet airlines.

After successfully breaking the road and seeing the return of Su Hang, Ao Xue and Yin Yuer and others were relieved. During these three months, they hung their hearts every day.

There is not much time left for Su Hang, and there are still many things to do. The first thing is to build the tomb of the king and set up the monuments of the Holy Path!

Above the moon, Su Hang's big sleeves waved, and countless precious materials flew out of his sleeves, building a magnificent palace above the moon. With Suhang flying all the way, Panwangzuo gradually emerged.

After Su Hang broke the road, he already had the power to create the world. In the entire Panwang Mound, he created countless spaces for laying the flesh of the dead saints.

In the main space inside the mound, Su Hang spent nearly 10 trillion energy points and exchanged a monument from the system of learning God. This monument and even the Horcrux, it would take a lot of time for Su Hang to refine it by itself, and Refining is not necessarily good for exchange with the system, so it takes a lot of time and effort, but just spend more energy!

This stele has no other function, the only ability is to contain the true spirits and spirits, to be nurtured by the atmosphere.

As long as the name and identity are engraved on the stele, the stele can collect the person’s true spirit or soul by itself, even if it has already dissipated, it can slowly gather it together, even if it is destroyed, there is hope to rescue rescue.

This monument has been completed. All the saints who died in the war against the Dao have already made a name and made a book, but there are a large number of people. Su Hang did not have time to write them one by one. Such a glorious task was handed over to Wang Bian. They did it.

The corpses of the saints, the surviving true souls and souls, all entered the Panwangzuo, with a large number of people and fear of misfortune. At the suggestion of Yin Yu'er, Su Hang used rules and magical powers to move the remaining half of the mainland of Shenzhou to the mountains. Come in.

It also set up the Mount Zhoushan Monument as a repression, to supervise the bodies of the spirits of all the saints, so as to avoid trouble.

"These artifacts are really unseen!" The monument was standing in front of Mount Zhou, and everyone looked up and their faces were filled with emotion.

Su Hangdao, "Everyone who has merit can use the monument in the battle against the Dao, and the rest of the people, even if they are on the monument, can't stand the luck of the Xuanhuang Realm, and the king explodes. This monument stays here. Let you supervise, don't use it for other reasons, backfire!"

Wang Zui nodded again and again, "I'm doing business, you can rest assured that all the saints have died because of rebellion, and I should wait for the living ones to give them an explanation."

Su Hang nodded slightly, "Although this monument is wonderful, it still takes time to retain the true spirit. The road is seriously injured. The demon power of heaven and earth is overdrawn. Yuanli will be born. The fifth century has come. The future will belong to the human race. After the cultivation of the soul is completed, you can let it stay. I will inform the underworld and open the door to convenience."

Everyone nodded again and again, Wang blasted, "You guys are thoughtful."

During the incident, the four came out of Panwangzuo. Su Hang looked back and waved his big sleeves. The huge Panwangzuo disappeared into the void, and in front of him was the potholes on the surface of the moon.

Turning around, Yin Yuer stretched her hand in front of Su Hang!

"What's wrong?" Su Hang froze for a moment.

"It's time for me to borrow your things!" Yin Yu'er said.

"Lend me something?" Su Hang was amazed for a while, and immediately reacted. He smiled bitterly and took out the Sky Axe. "You mean this?"

Yin Yu'er took the sky axe directly into his hands and said, "This axe is only for your temporary use. If you throw away the yin and yang mills, if you lose the sky axe again, I can't explain to my brother."

Su Hang heard the words and couldn't help laughing. As early as the Tertiary Period, he had already handed Yin and Yang mills to Yin Wu hurt. Now Yin and Yang mills have entered the cycle of time. came back.

Su Hang doesn't care about her, wait until later to find a way to take Yin and Yang mills out of the time cycle~ let's talk about Su Hang now I don't have time to think about these!

"Speaking of your brother, I also saw him in chaos this time!" Su Hang said.

Yin Yuer froze for a moment, "Oh? My brother? But help you break the road!"

Su Hang heard the words and chuckled, "Not only your brother, but Gu Danfeng, these two guys, said they were ordered to guard me, but the dishes were not good. As soon as the three hypocritical old men in Chuangjie Mountain appeared, they immediately Counsel..."

Yin Yuer's face changed slightly, "You really don't know good people. Since my brother is willing to help you, at least prove our Yin's position..."

Su Hang shook his head and didn't want to say more. If he wanted to prove his position, Yin Tianfeng could show up on his own, instead of letting Yin Wucheng come, and wanting the smallest investment in exchange for the greatest return, it was simply a profiteer, ridiculous!

"Chaos is right, no matter what, from now on, I don’t want the power of heaven to help me. It won’t take long. I will trample the old guys in Chuangjie Mountain under my feet. The humiliation of them was given back to them hundreds of times..." Su Hangdao.

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