Super Study God

Chapter 2214: Father and daughter at sea!

"This is the door of time and space. Through it, you can travel through time and space, go to the past, now, and three time and space in the future!" Su Hang explained.

To say that the door of time and space was the gift package given to him by the Su-Shen system breaking through the avenue this time.

This surprised Su Hang. I never imagined that the reward given to me by the Xueshen system was the door of time in that plate of the tomb. Back here.

Su Hangdao, "Unfortunately, the gate of time and space has its own consciousness, and only those who have fate can enter. Although I got it, it is not its fate. It will not break through time and space for me, but Xueer, you have already Entering this door is enough to prove that you are destined to it, and I must be able to enter again!"

Ao Xue walked to the edge of the stone gate, reached out and touched the stone gate gently, as if caught in a distant memory.

Su Hangdao, "Xue'er, I will give you the door of this time. You will meet me when you cross the door of the future!"

Ao Xue heard, paused, shook his head again and again, and said, "No, Brother Su, where this door can go is not at all known, just like in those days, I just wanted to go to the ancients, but you and I were looking for you when I first met, but No, I was sent to this ancient world. In case, this door to the future leads to a long, long time, then..."

Su Hang walked over and grabbed Ao Xue's shoulder, "Then I can see me, but this time, I will be waiting for you instead of me, no matter how long, as long as you arrive, I don't think I am a bad old man. ..."

Ao Xue heard that there were some crying and laughing, and buried his head in Su Hang's arms, "Why did Xueer ever think of Brother Su? I was afraid that I would not see Brother Su..."

Unknown in the future, Ao Xue is really worried. If you can see Su Air for a long time, if you can't see it, then I am afraid that it can only prove that then Su Air no longer exists!

There are so many enemies in the Soviet Air, all of them are big players, and then there is a battle of the World Assembly. Ao Xue is really afraid that he will take this step and he will never see Soviet Air.

"Don't worry!" Su Hang embraced Ao Xue. "Brother Su is Xiaoqiang and can't die!"

Ao Xue heard the words and grunted, reaching for a hammer on Su Hang's chest, "When is it all, and still making such jokes with others!"



The cause and effect of Swire is over, and Su Hang is also at the time to leave. At that time, Su Hang left it to Ao Xue. Although the system was rewarded to Su Hang by the system, Su Hang did not use it, which is really ridiculous.

In the bottom of my heart, Su Hang hopes that Ao Xue will choose to use the door of time and space to go to the future. In this way, she does not have to wait for a long time, but also gives herself some hope. Later generations have not seen Ao Xue, they can also comfort themselves, she is gone In the future, as long as you wait, she will always wait for her.

When Xiao Kun was handed over to Yin Yu'er, all the things in the ancient times were over, and time was up. Su Hang felt a lot of grief in her heart. In the past, there was still a real demon heart shouting to leave every day. Off myself.

The black hole in time and space flashed, and suddenly disappeared, leaving only a touch of the setting sun in the sky, the afterglow slowly, lonely, sad!

"Sister, he is gone!"

In front of the Panwang Palace, Ao Xue and Yin Yu'er stood for a long time. Yin Yu'er took Ao Xue's arm and said gently.

"Sixty-five million years away, coming soon, coming soon!" Ao Xue returned to his breath, took a deep breath, packed his mood, and joined hands with Yin Yu'er to walk to the palace of the Divine Palace.

The world can't be without a day. Now that Suhang has left, according to Suhang's orders, they must quickly choose a virtuous emperor.

"Can the younger sister be selected as the emperor?" Ao Xue asked.

Yin Yuer thought for a while and said, "I remember one of Xiaoqi's descendants, named Xue Changfeng, who has a good virtue and also studied art in Kunlun, or may be used as an alternative!"

Ao Xue nodded slightly, "Since he is a descendant of Xiaoqi, that is naturally good. Brother Su also mentioned this person before, but this is a big deal, and he has to change it carefully and ask the opinions of other saints!"

Yin Yuer nodded and suddenly smiled!

"What are you laughing at?" Ao Xue looked at her unexpectedly.

Yin Yu'er said, "I'm thinking that Brother Su has been here for so long this time. If Sister Xue'er can regenerate one with Brother Su, then we won't have to choose our emperor so hard!"

Ao Xue was stunned for a moment, and then snorted, "Wow, you made fun of me? See how I can clean you up..."

"Sister spares!"


The second daughter was chasing, but it was a wonder in the palace of the gods. The haze of parting seemed to be swept away at this moment!


Later generations, the earth!

The sea is vast and boundless, and a fishing boat is undulating with the waves of the sea, as if it may be submerged at any time.

"Dad, where are we floating here?" On the fishing boat, a half-pull old man, and a young girl.

The girl probably looks less than eighteen, wearing two large braids, and the skirt on her body is a little dirty.

"Who knows, what's special, this vast sea, the southeast and northwest of which can be clearly distinguished, it is difficult to say whether it is on the earth or not!" The man speaking was wearing a shirtless shirt and fishing pants, lying in the cabin Close your eyes and recuperate.

"Poor I am only fifteen years old, so beautiful and flowery, would you like to be buried in the sea with your bad old man?" the girl said with a sad face.

"Save some effort, we don't have much fresh water, I hope to see the land before the water runs out!" the man said.

"God, save me, this innocent and lovely girl. I promise to study hard in the future, not to be playful, and must rely on the best universities..."

The girl looked up into the air and prayed to God, hoping God would hear it and give her a miracle.

"Huh?" Suddenly, the girl froze for a moment, and saw a black hole, a figure, directly coming out of the black hole in the sky above the sea level in the distance.

Rubbing her eyes vigorously, the girl almost thought she had hallucinations.

" Fairy!" the girl suddenly shouted.

The middle-aged man who was about to fall asleep suddenly was awakened. Hearing the girl’s shouts, he couldn’t help rolling his eyes. “This kid, it’s really not saved...”

The girl was standing on the bow of the boat and shouting into the distance. The middle-aged man looked up into the distance and suddenly he was stunned.

A man in white and white robes is walking towards the sky, really like a fairy.

"Fairy, fairy, help, help..." The girl waved her arms and shouted with all her strength.

The man floated up, suspended in front of the ship, his eyes fell on the father and daughter, his face looked a little surprised, "Why are you here?"

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Chapter 2214 Father and Daughter at Sea! (Page 1/1)

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