Super Study God

Chapter 2217: Return to the original owner!

Ah! Su Hang heard this, but didn't know where to start, and talked to a realm of a Jindan realm. Isn't this...

"Uh... okay!" Seeing Su Hang's complexion in a pot, he understood what he was a little embarrassed and didn't ask much.

Su Hang smiled, "I don't know what state I am, anyway, you think about it even though you are too big!"

"Huh?" A pot of stunned speech, and then pouted, "Lang, think about it, you can still be bigger than the sky?"

"Sky? Ha ha..." Su Hang heard the words and shook his head. Perhaps in the eyes of all monks, the sky is the biggest one, right?

"What kind of expression are you?" When seeing Su Hang's expression in a pot, he was obviously disdainful, and it was impossible for this guy to ignore it even for days?

A pot of Tao, "I am waiting for a monk, who cultivates Heavenly Dao. Naturally, you have to respect Heavenly Dao. If you don't respect Heavenly Dao, then you are enchanted. Heaven's Dao is everywhere. Never be disrespectful!"

Su Hang really doesn't know what to say, heaven? There is a avenue above heaven, and I will tell you, not long ago that I did a fight with this avenue, did he lie down? And now I am already in the middle of nowhere?

Even if you say this, you won’t believe a pot. If you tell him that he can destroy half of the world with a slap, he won’t believe it. It’s just that he’s bragging and what he can do, it’s not true. Ruin half of the world to show him?

Therefore, He Yihu said that these did not make any sense at all. Now the two are not at the same level. Su Hang can understand his shrinkage, but he cannot understand the strength of Su Hang.

"The Taoist said it is reasonable, be taught, be taught!" Su Hangdao!

I am still very satisfied with the attitude of Su Hang. No matter how strong you are, at least respect me as an elder, I can’t watch you go astray!

Su Hang opened the subject and said, "I heard that there have been a lot of monsters and ghosts on this China earth recently?"

Speaking of this, a pot of face turned upright and nodded at Su Hang. "Yes, not just the China Earth, but the whole earth..."

Su Hangdao, "It is the duty of Heavenly Master Dao to demolish and eliminate evil spirits, so it seems that the business of Heavenly Master Dao recently should be good. When I first came, I saw that there were not many disciples stationed in the palace..."

"All have gone down the mountain!" A pot sighed. "Now that the spirits are recovering, these disciples also need to enter the world to practice. Some ordinary little devil demon, they can even send it off, it is a virtue, but..."

"Just what?" Su Hang asked when he saw a halt.

A pot said, "It's just that although China hasn't found it yet, there are a few unidentified creatures in the West recently, and they don't know where they came from. There are rumors of alien invasion and rumors of yes Geocentric people, seabed people..., alas, there are many opinions!"

"Is the unknown creature?" Su Hang paused, and his heart was already 70-80%. I was afraid that it was caused by the unknown space under the sea area of ​​Heimu. In addition to the group of jellyfish, I was afraid that there were other extraterrestrial creatures. Strayed in!

He pulled out a mobile phone in a pot, clicked on a video, and handed it to Suhang.

It has to be said that the signal on the Dragon and Tiger Mountain is good, a pot of old-fashioned is also advanced enough, and even a smartphone can be played.

The video should be on the street of a city in a western country. There are huge black shadows floating in the sky. It looks like a huge cuttlefish. The long tentacles are whipping like a whip. The building collapsed and it was filled with smoke.

There are many cars parked in the street, the traffic has been paralyzed, people are hiding, running, crying, and a large city has become a ruin.

The videographer was constantly in the "Ergo Karma" because of the fear, and the lens was shaken badly, but he can also see that many helicopters, rockets, and small missiles are leaning towards the cuttlefish monsters from all angles.

Many Western monks and abilities also appeared in the video. There are also figures of Chinese monks. However, the ending has been completed. The video has been broadcast and no results have been recorded.

One pot later showed Su Hang several videos, but most of them were similar, except that they changed a few places and changed a few creatures.

Take back the phone with a pot. "See it. There have been several occurrences this month. These monsters don't know where they came from. They say they are Earth creatures, but they are not like..."

"All solved?" Su Hang frowned slightly.

A pot of nodded his head. "It's true. A few days ago, some seniors of Wujie appeared and went to the West to solve these monsters. However, the problem has not found the root cause, I don't know if it will appear again, and, Will it appear in China..."

"Hmm!" Suddenly, Su Hang nodded, "I probably understand!"

"Do you know the reason?" A pot of surprise looked at Su Hang.

Su Hang just smiled, "I'll go back to Rongcheng first, and then solve this matter, you can continue to retreat!"

After finishing talking, Su Hang got up and wanted to leave.

A pot of dizzy eyes rolled his eyes, "You pulled me out of the door, just for a while, patted the **** and left?"

"That's right!" Su Hang heard the words, paused, took out a storage ring, and threw it directly into a pot, "can't disturb you in vain, this is the relic of Zhang Daoling Zhang Tianshi, your ancestor, the thing belongs to the original owner. Now!"


After a pot of stun, he took the storage ring in his He sank into it, his expression on his face became extremely wonderful, and his face twitched slightly.

"I knew that at the bottom of the underground palace, as soon as your kid had been in, it must have been evacuated by you, as it was!" Yihudao said.

At the beginning of the trial ground palace of Heavenly Master Dao, Su Hang was the first to enter the bottom. That was left by the ancestors. How could it be that nothing was left, and I suspected that a long time ago, Su Hang took the contents inside Going away, this is indeed the case, but he can't open his face to ask.

But he didn't want to, Su Hang actually handed over the stolen goods at this moment, when he saw the piles of compilation books in the ring, where did he not understand!

Su Hang heard the words but smiled, "I just keep it for a while, I haven't read any of the books left by Master Zhang Tianshi, you know, I am the person who is the most quiet to study, but, I I believe you should be very interested. Your old man is also a lot of age. Reading a book is good for you. Don’t think of breakthroughs with immortality all day. That’s not good.

He gave Su Hang a glance again, "I actually learned something from me, but this time, your conscience found out that I did a good deed to Heavenly Master, and I will accept your love!"

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