Super Study God

Chapter 2219: Time and Space Array!

Huang Tiandao, "Actually, as soon as I came to the earth, I discovered that there are more than Hemu admired the sea, there are many places like that on the earth."

"What are you talking about?" Su Hang frowned slightly.

Huang Tiandao, "Tell you this, someone set up a magic circle on the earth. It is a space-time magic circle. I want to separate the entire earth from the Xuanhuang Realm..."

"Go out independently?" Su Hang was stunned for a moment, a little stunned.

Huang Tian nodded, "It's just that this circle is not successful!"

"What is unsuccessful?" Suhang asked.

Huang Tiandao said, "It may be that the person who left the magic circle deliberately did it. The magic circle is incomplete. The magic circle is 10%. It could have moved the earth directly to the time and space he wanted, but this method The array was not completed, and it was left to be completed by itself, so the process of moving away would start very slowly, and the process of starting was very uncertain..."

Hearing this, Suhang seemed to understand something, "Because it is not sure which time and space it will move to, so it will try to randomly blend in with many time and space and open up the space and time channel, so there will be so many other extraterrestrial creatures in time and space. Appear on Earth?"

Huang Tian nodded, "That's a good point, but this magic circle not only affects other realms outside the realm, it may even affect the past and the future..."

Su Hang heard that his brows could not help but wrinkle, which could affect the past and the future. He couldn’t help thinking that he had gone directly to the Tertiary from the bottom of the Hemumu Sea. Woke up, he happened to be hit?

Huang Tiandao, "Now this phalanx has slowly started. According to this state, there will be more and more strange things on the earth, not only creatures, but also many lands from other time and space, scenes will appear on the earth, this The earth will become unrecognizable."

Su Hang frowned slightly, and listened to Huang Tian's words, this matter was far more serious than he thought.

"Do you know who set up this formation?" Su Hang asked.

Huang Tian shook his head, "To be sure, he is a strong man!"

"Strong?" Su Hang frowned slightly, "Lin Xuan?"

"How do you think of him?" Huang Tian couldn't help crying, but only shook his head and said, "He doesn't have that skill yet!"

"He doesn't have that skill?" Su Hang was a little surprised. Lin Xuan should have at least the realm of Dadao Realm Liupin now. Dadao Realm Liupin doesn't have that skill?

Huang Tiandao, "If I were in the heyday, it would not be difficult to arrange this array!"

In the heyday of Huang Tian, ​​that is the Realm of Realm of the Realm of Kings, this array can only be arranged by Realm of Realm of the Realm?

Huang Tian continued, "Actually, it is not difficult to set up this magic circle, just move this week away from other spaces, but the difficulty is that the magic circle is incomplete, and it must be ensured that it can repair itself. It’s a bit of a skill test. In this way, after the completion of the magic circle, there will be a change, and the earth will become a sub-space product, shuttle between various time and space!"

Su Hang's expression on his face was a little heavy, "There are just a few of the worlds and the realm of the realm of kings, who will it be? What is the purpose?"

Huang Tian shrugged, "Who knows, it will not be me anyway, the history of this earth is not 20 billion years, 20 billion years ago, I have lost the realm of the realm!"

Su Hang paused, "I didn't say you, why should you be so nervous, since you know this circle, you should know how to break it?"

Huang Tian smiled bitterly and said, "If it can be broken, I still have to spend so much effort to let you take me away from the earth?"

Su Hang frowned slightly. It turned out that this was the real reason for Huang Tian's rush to leave.

"I can't break it in my current state?" Su Hang didn't believe it. He was also the existence of Dadao Realm anyway. He could create the world. Can't he break a magic circle?

Huang Tian listened and smiled bitterly, "Brother, do you think the road is strong? You really should go out and see, the outside world is much larger than you think, this magic circle is not broken if you want to break it Yes, there is a slight difference. The magic circle collapses. Don’t talk about the earth. Even the entire solar system must be played with it. No matter how bad it is, it is very likely to cause space-time fluctuations and crash the earth into other space-time."

After a pause, Huang Tian turned his head to look at Su Hang, "Moreover, you may not even find the formation of the formation under the realm of Realm King Realm, and talk about breaking the formation."

Su Hang thought for a while and said, "Maybe I can't find it, but I know the approximate direction, and I still have you, I need your help!"

Huang Tian heard that the juice in his hand almost spilled out, "What are you kidding!"

"I'm not kidding you!" Su Hang said directly.

Huang Tian hesitated and said, "Although this formation is magical, it is not without cracking..."

"Oh? Why didn't you say that early?" Su Hang frowned slightly. "What's the solution?"

Huang Tiandao, "Bring your relatives and friends and leave the earth before the formation starts. There is no simpler way of cracking!"

Fucking! Su Hang heard the words and couldn't help but scolded. What is the solution? If you take your relatives and friends away, will you ignore this earth? This is my hometown!

"Your way, it's really bad!" Su Hang's expression was a bit cold, and he stood up. "Anyway, go to Hemumu with me to see it first!"

Huang Tian was helpless for a while, "You can go, but you have to promise me first, not to act lightly, otherwise, I will not know what the consequences will be."

Su Hang nodded slightly, "You don't need to say this!"

When the words fell, Su Hang's big sleeves waved, and Huang Tian disappeared from the swimming pool instantly. Those beautiful women couldn't help but exclaim!


Heimu sea area!

Coming here It's still calm, and I don't see anything special at all. This is just an ordinary ocean. In the meantime, no one would think there will be any difference here.

"Here is one of the eyes, but you can't find him even if you know that the eyes are here!" Under the deep sea, the deepest part of a trench, the two stood on a pile of corals, and Huang Tian pointed to the front The dark trench faced Su Sudao.

Su Hang can also feel the speciality of this space, the fluctuation is very abnormal and active, but he can't find the root of this abnormality at all.

"It's up to you!" Su Hang pointed directly at Huang Tiandao.

"Rely on me?" Huang Tian shook his head. "I have the strength of Jindan Realm now. What can you do with me?"

Su Hang frowned slightly, "Then tell me, how can I make this eye look real?"

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