Super Study God

Chapter 2229: Xue Qi is out of trouble!

After 65 million years, Hongyun’s true spirit and soul were restored, and his memories were recovered. At this moment, the hard-working couple of ducks are waiting for their final reunion.

In the palace, Su Hang took out the frozen amber that sealed Xue Qi's real body.

After so many years, it still looks like that. Among the amber, Xue Qi seems to have fallen asleep, and nothing has changed.

"Your kid is comfortable. For thousands of years, no worries, no worries!" Looking at the amber in front of him, Su Hang smiled. "However, your day will end soon!"

I don't know if these 65 million years have passed, Xue Qi's poison in the body has been cleaned up by his life soul and immortal grass, but it doesn't matter. Suhang now has a lot of worlds to treat him.

Su Hang sat cross-legged, and the amber stood in front of him. His right hand came out and touched the amber to mobilize the heart's power. The amber quickly melted and turned back into pine juice.

The venomous cold ice that had been there for thousands of years was revealed.

Sure enough, the poison of this quiet spring is very powerful. Although it has been so many years, it has not weakened much.

That's right, if the poison of the Youquan is already exhausted, Xue Qi can break out of the seal himself, where can I still use Suhang to rescue?

With this method, Su Hang did not have much hope. Undead grass can indeed solve the poison of the Youquan, but it takes a very long time, 65 million years, still too short.

Su Hang put his hand on the ice block, and in a flash, the poison of the still-seal of the seal was agitated and immediately invaded along the upper right hand.

Su Hang was not in a hurry, he used the Tian Tian Bao Dian directly, a black hole appeared in the palm of his hand, and those who came from Youquan toxins refused, and inhaled into the black hole.

The poison of the quiet spring invades the flesh, making half of Suhang's body covered with frost, and the strong low temperature makes the suction power of the black hole stronger and stronger.

"It's poisonous, it's really energetic!" Su Hang couldn't help but his teeth were trembling, which made him so frozen that he was half numb.

The ice of Yuquan, wrapped in Xue Qi, slowly dissipated. I don’t know how long it took, one day, two days...

After the ice disappeared, Xue Qi's real body finally appeared, and Su Hang's body was still covered with frost, and his hair and eyebrows were white.

The white gas evaporates, the frost has evaporated, and the poison of the quiet spring in Xue Qi's body has been exhausted by Su Hang.

The move was really arduous, and the airline did not know how much time it took. Fortunately, there was no danger.

After a closer inspection, Xinhuo walked around Xue Qi, confirming that there was no residual poison, that all parts were functioning properly, and that the cell vitality was still there.

The poison of this quiet spring is too domineering, and, if it is in physical contact, it is very contagious, so Su Hang does not dare to take it lightly, and it has been repeatedly checked and confirmed to avoid any hidden dangers.


After a long breath of turbid breath, Su Hang opened his eyes slowly, and Xue Qi was sitting cross-legged in front of him at the moment.

Just after Su Hang's heart burned, Xue Qi's long-frozen body has recovered from vitality, his chest is gradually undulating, and with breathing, the whole person is asleep!

"How long will you sleep? Don't you wake up yet?" Su Hang snorted.

The sound is not loud, but it is like the initiation of Daigo, straight into Xue Qi's mind.

Xue Qi suddenly opened his eyes, and his eyes shot two blue lights.

"Okay, it's cold!" Xue Qi then hugged his arms and his teeth clucked, as if freezing.

"It's still cold!" Su Hang stretched out his hand and patted on Xue Qi's shoulder, instantly driving him back.

After freezing for so long, Xue Qi's senses apparently remained at 65 million years ago, the moment when it was just frozen.

Looking up at Su Hang, Xue Qi froze for ten seconds, as if remembering something!

"Hang, Hang..." Xue Qi's mouth still shuddered. "Why? Did it fail?"

Perhaps, in Xue Qi's view, everything was still at the moment 65 million years ago. For him, just a moment, he woke up and saw Suhang in front of him, naturally thinking He was still 65 million years ago!

"Alas!" Su Hangchang sighed, "Unfortunately, unfortunately!"

It was a pity that Su Qi's heart sank to the bottom when he heard Su Hang's sentence. Sure enough, did Su Hang's method not work?

"Unfortunately, I didn't let your kid sleep for a few more years!" Su Hangdao said.

Xue Qi froze for a moment, staring straight at Su Hang, "Why, what do you mean?"

Su Hang gave him a blank look, "Your wife is waiting for you outside the hall, hurry and see!"

"Huh?" Xue Qi heard the words, sitting blankly, as if understanding the meaning of Su Hang's words, suddenly ecstatic, stood up and ran out the door.

"Qi Ge!"


"Ah, you have bad breath!"

"Choo Choo Choo……"


The voices of two people and one stupid came from outside the door. After so many years, the pair of bitter mandarin ducks finally met. That scene must be very touching!

This kid is really a guy who values ​​his friends lightly. In order to save him, he worked so hard for so long, but he didn't even say thank you. He went directly to see his wife.


This time the treatment of Xue Qi was more successful than expected, but it took a lot of time, and it took more than half a month!

For Su Hang, it was just a little bit of effort, and there was not much consumption of skill. Instead, the poison of the Youquan was swallowed and transformed by the black hole, and it also brought him a large energy supply.

The husband and wife experienced a parting of life and This reunion, naturally, you and I can't talk about it.

At the dinner, Xue Qi and Hongyun raised their wine glasses. "Brother Hang, there is nothing to thank you, brother. Only a glass of water and wine, thousands of graces, come back to Japan and repay!"

Su Hangdao, "The family shouldn't say two things, haven't you always been thinking about returning to future generations, today you celebrate the reunion of your husband and wife, and you finally come back!"

After finishing talking, Su Hang took the wine glass and swallowed it.

Xue Qi smiled bitterly, but he came back, but in such a way, it took hundreds of millions of years to return to the world of this future generation. Recall that it was like having a big dream, That dream is long and realistic.

It has gone through hundreds of millions of years, but only two years have passed since then. To be precise, he Xue Qi has just turned 20 this year.

Anyway, when I came back, I was reunited with Hongyun. It can be said that for him, it was the end of a happy reunion. Following Su Hang out for two years, it was already the pinnacle of Heavenly Dao Realm. Beautiful wife.

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