Super Study God

Chapter 2243: You also eat me 1 stick!

"Do not control yourself!"

The cold light in Zhang Tianling's eyes, this guy, even dared to shake himself directly, I am afraid I don't know how much power he has to keep this axe!

The power of two hundred worlds, this axe, is enough to open up two hundred worlds, and can almost reach the power of the eighth state. This kid will become scum in the next second!


Intersecting sticks and axes, there are not too many gorgeous special effects, only electric flint and space distortion.


Zhang Tianling was stunned. The huge resistance from his hand made him feel very surprised. Looking up, Zhang Tianling's pupils shrank.

"This kid... how is it possible?"

Zhang Tianling's face was incredibly unbelievable. In his expectation, when he went down with this axe, Su Hang would surely turn into fly ash, but he never imagined that this kid's stick was equally impressive in strength. Compete with him in a match!

When the axe stick was touched, it was bounced off. At the point of attack, the space had already cracked. Obviously, the strength of the two had just exceeded the range of the 87-story space.

Because he was too confident and unprepared, Zhang Tianling flew backwards under the vigorous rebound.

"You eat me a stick too!"

On the other side, Su Hang slammed, took a spin in the air, caught up with the trend, waved a stick, swept a beautiful arc in the sky, and directly blasted Zhang Tianling.


Under the great force, the surrounding space was broken by the layers of the big fairy stick, and the tower was shaking violently.

The three people watching from a distance were already shocked. No one would think that Su Hang not only resisted Zhang Tianling's full axe, but also had the power to fight back.


This power is no longer able to bear in the 87th floor. Yin Tianfeng burst out a swearing, his face slightly changed, he swung his big sleeves directly, pinched a trick, and the scene changed instantly, including the two people fighting in the field. Inside, it was instantly transferred to the 88th floor.

Here can withstand the battle of the Eighth Avenue in the realm of the Dadao. Sure enough, as soon as the scene changed, the stick of Su Hang was still falling, the space was still crushed and twisted, but no cracks had been formed, and the tower body did not shake so violently.

Although the scene changed, the two of them didn't feel much in the battle. Zhang Tianling couldn't help but look at Su Hang as a stick. In a hurry, he lifted his axe to resist.


The big fairy stick fell on the battle axe, the **** martial axe, known as the top grade weapon, exploded under the mighty force and was torn apart.


Under the impact of great force, Zhang Tianling spit out an old blood, holding a half axe handle in his hand, and stumbled backwards.

If Su Hang succeeded himself, how could he let him catch his breath, grab a step and catch up immediately, straighten a stick and stab Zhang Tianling's chest.

Zhang Tianling's battle axe exploded, his internal organs were injured, and the whole person was still ignorant. When he recovered, Su Hang's stick had reached his chest. At this moment, the battle axe was destroyed, and in a hurry, what to resist.

"Dad!" Zhang Wufeng exclaimed, his face changed greatly.


At this moment, Yin Tianfeng stood up suddenly, with a drink, the sound resounded through the entire 88-story space.

At the same time, Su Hang's big fairy stick has reached Zhang Tianling's chest, and it came to an abrupt stop, within half a palm.

The gang wind carried on the tip of the stick has shattered the armor on Zhang Tianling's chest, exposing the muscular pectoralis major muscles, puffing, puffing, jumping non-stop!


Zhang Tianling's throat knot rolled, swallowed a sip, and looked down, Su Hang's iron rod was still resting on his chest. It is conceivable that this stick would have pierced him if it hadn't been for Yin Tianfeng's drink!

Moreover, with the horror power entrained by this stick, Zhang Tianling could not guarantee whether his flesh and body of this seventh realm of the Dadao realm could bear it, maybe he would directly explode into ashes like his divine axe.

In other words, he has died once!

Looking up at Su Hang, who stood with a stick in front of him, Zhang Tianling didn't dare to move.

"Why, how is it possible?" Zhang Tianling couldn't believe this is the truth until this moment. "You're nothing but a high-level virtuoso, how is it possible..."

How could a monk with a sixth-grade Dadao realm be an opponent with a seventh-grade Dadao realm, not to mention that his strength is almost as high as an eight-grade Dadao realm, and he was almost killed by this kid.

Of course, there is an element in which he overestimates the enemy, but Zhang Tianling can be sure that if he fights once in the front, he will also be unable to defeat the kid in front of him.

This is a cruel reality, but he has to accept it, and that strength has completely surpassed him.

Daxian stick turned a circle, and hit a pestle on the ground. Su Hang looked up at Zhang Tianling with a smile on the corner of his mouth. "Sorry Zhang Zhenren, let you be so embarrassed in front of your son!"

This Nima, ridicule!

Zhang Tianling's face became green and purple, very wonderful, originally thought it would be the abuse of the other party, and I never thought that he would be abused by the other party!

The most tragic thing in the world is nothing more than this. Zhang Tianling really wanted to cry without tears at this moment. Su Hangzun said nothing.

"Su Hang, don't be rude!" At this time, Yin Tianfeng shouted and floated.

Su Hang looked back and knew that the old guy came at this point and wanted to pretend to be a good person!

Coming to the front, Yin Tianfeng looked at Su Hang with a black face, "It's really presumptuous, Brother Zhang is a senior, don't you dare to be rude? I told you long The point is over, you see Look, Brother Zhang has vomited blood!"

When Su Hang heard this, his forehead was covered with black lines. Don't look at Yin Tianfeng's pretense like this, maybe I'm not sure what's going on in it!

Next to Zhang Tianling heard Yin Tianfeng's words, the internal injury was more serious, just want to spit an old blood on Yin Tianfeng's face.

But I saw Yin Tianfeng turned his face and arched his hand at Zhang Tianling with a smirk. "I'm so sorry, Brother Zhang, the younger generation is young, the flesh is just right, you don't care about it, you don't care about him, I will teach him again. !"

Zhang Tianling's face was black and black, and he spit out a blood foam, "Well, it's very good, I now understand why you are betting on this junior, a junior who can practice to this Waiting, no matter how much help he receives from you, you can be sure that Lord Lin Shao is far behind him. However, Brother Yin, remind you, brother, the elders of Chuangjie Mountain have already laid down Master Lin Shao in this World Assembly To win the championship, it is impossible for you to change the reality by fighting alone, and now the elders have a hundred ways to suppress him!"

Yin Tianfeng heard the words and said, "Thank you Brother Zhang for reminding, but you don't have to worry about this matter with Brother Zhang. Yin has his own opinion!"

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