Super Study God

Chapter 2245: Tianxin Valley!

Su Hang heard the words and just smiled. Is the power of the two hundred worlds very powerful? In my own body now, a cell is a cosmic world. The power of two hundred worlds is only the energy of two hundred cells!

Of course, although the words are said like this, the facts are not so exaggerated, because in Su Hang’s physical body, although a part of the cells have been transformed into an independent universe, but almost all of them are just a prototype. The space is pitifully small, not really the real world.

However, how many cells does he have in his body? The power of two hundred worlds must be piled up.

Since the last change of cultivation, Su Hang's body has completely deviated from his previous category, beyond his imagination.

There is already a direction in the future. Su Hang is thinking, if these cells in his body are really fully developed into this mature world, how far will he grow?

Realm of Kings? Or stronger?

You know, Huang Tian said that he and Xuan Tian Cang Tian worked out the heart of chaos at that time, just to break through the realm above the realm of the realm of kings, and now, this benefit seems to be occupied by himself!

"Don't praise me, stronger than me, there are more people!" Su Hangdao.

"Okay, it's a little self-knowledge!" Yin Tianfeng said next to him.

Su Hang turned to look at him, "Senior, where are you going to take me?"

Yin Tianfeng hadn't answered yet, Yin Wu hurt looked forward and said, "This seems to be the direction of Tianxin Valley!"

"Where is Tianxin Valley?" Su Hang asked, he didn't understand heaven at all!

Yin Wudao said, "The Immortal Place of Gu Teng Old Immortal!"

Su Hang heard the words suddenly and turned to look at Yin Tianfeng, "This is going to find the old Immortal Gu Teng!"

Yin Tianfeng was noncommittal, and said after a while, "I and Gu Teng have prepared something, I hope it can help you!"

Before the words fell, the three had come to sit in front of the valley.

The valley is very quiet, living in the deep mountains, both sides are high mountain cliffs, surrounded by strange-shaped trees and vines, like a pair of strange hands, at first glance, there is a bit scary.

Just like the scenes in some horror movies, with the unknown bird calls from the surrounding woods, it is a bit stunned and shudders!

"Dang Tang Gu Teng Lao Xian, live in this kind of place?" Su Hang was a little surprised, this is a bit different from his imagined Xian Shan Fu Di, it is too wide to be exact!

Yin Tianfeng smiled, "Do not let Gu Teng hear you, otherwise you have to beat you out!"

After talking, went straight into the valley.

Su Hang's face changed slightly, and he followed into the valley. The valley was very wide, and there was a small lake in the middle. There were many strange trees on the lake. Many trees and vines were entangled, which naturally formed vines.

It looks a bit delicate, but it doesn't seem to match Gu Teng's identity, and even looks a bit shabby.

"Old decay seems to hear who is saying bad things about me!"

As soon as he entered the valley, Su Hang was still looking around. He heard an old voice coming from a vine house.

Immediately, I saw two figures coming out of the rattan house, one old and one young, it was Guto Laoxian and Gudanfeng.

"Look, I told you, you can't talk about people behind you, this is a big disaster!" Yin Tianfeng smiled at Su Hang, and then walked to Gu Teng Lao Xian, a familiar look, "Old Fairy, how are you doing lately?"

Gu Teng Lao Xian looked at Yin Tianfeng and said, "It's not as good as Lord Yin..."

"If I can get away, that's fine!" Yin Tianfeng shook his head.

"My father-in-law!" Gu Danfeng quickly saw the ceremony!

Yin Tianfeng nodded slightly, and turned to Su Hang below the Fujiya, "I brought you, what do you think?"

Gu Teng Lao Xian leaned on the railing, a pair of old and deep eyes, looked at Su Hang, "Young man, meet again!"

"Meet Senior Guto!" Su Hang quickly saw the ceremony.

"I'm so polite, I'm not used to it!" Elder Guto smiled. "I don't know who just rejected me as a humble house, is it you?"

Su Hang accused him and said, "The so-called mountains are not high, the fairy is the name, the water is not the deep, and the dragon is the spirit. Although the place is simple, but the old immortals such as the predecessors exist, wouldn't ordinary fairy mountains be able to compare?"

"Ha ha ha..." Gu Teng Lao Xian said with a smile, stroking his beard and laughing, "Okay, okay, okay, okay, I'm accustomed to your honesty!"

"Fart!" Standing behind Gu Teng's old fairy, Gu Danfeng scolded secretly in his heart.

Su Hang's smirk, "It's true that the younger generation said it!"

Gu Teng Lao Xian nodded and pointed at Gu Danfeng, "Feng'er, you take these two children to rest first. I have a business conversation with your father-in-law. There should be more exchanges between you young people!"


Gu Danfeng responded and walked down the Fujiya, with Su Hang and Yin Wu hurt, and walked into the deep valley.


"Brother, how did you bring him to you?" Looking for a room in the middle of the mountain, the Gu Danfeng was gathered together in a harmless way, and it seemed that there was still a little bit of waiting to see Su Hang.

Yin Wushang looked back at Su Hang and turned to Gu Danfeng. "The Wanjie Conference is coming, my dad said, if I want to find a way to improve my elder brother's skills, I come to Gu Teng Lao Xian. !"

"Improve the skill!" Gu Danfeng looked back at Su Hang. "Did he break through the avenue? Even if he breaks through the avenue, how much can he improve in these days. I think it would be futile to spend so much effort. Invest in you and me, after all, this guy is always an outsider!"

Although the voice was deliberately suppressed, it was still not quiet, so that Su Hang could hear clearly, obviously obviously intentionally.

"Don't talk nonsense!" said Yin, "You're afraid you don't know, Big Brother is now in the Sixth Realm of Dadao Realm, and it's just in front of him, and he is fighting with Uncle Zhang Tianling, Chuangjie Mountain. A game..."

"Liu Pin?" Gu Danfeng froze for a moment, apparently not quite convinced. "Aren't you kidding me, Zhang Tianling? Is that the shameless man who made the axe?"

Yin Wu nodded, "Yes, it's him!"

"How was the result?" Gu Danfeng asked.

Yin Wushang smiled, "Say it out of fear that you don't believe it, crush it, crush it with no effort!"

Gu Danfeng listened, Ben suspended his heart, and suddenly put it down, "I know, that the stubborn man is the existence of the Dapin Li Qipin, and it is also absolutely high among the Dadao Jing Qipin monks, even if this guy Strong, only to be crushed, I have long said that the master of heaven is like a cloud, his vision is too narrow..."

There is a bit of sarcasm between the words, even if there is a sixth realm of Dajie Realm, there are many people above the sixth realm of Tianjie Dadao Realm, although I can't compare to you, but I have a background. too much.

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