Super Study God

Chapter 2253: Purple hair Xiao Yang!

"Huh, as for?" Looking at the cheering crowd below, there were many young and beautiful women, Gu Danfeng's words were a little sour.

Yin Wucheng smiled and said, "Why not? This person is a popular player. If you have the ability to win in the sea, you can win so many fans."

"Me?" Gu Danfeng's face shook slightly, and said, "I've already sent the finals, what else do I participate in the sea election?"

With a bit of arrogance in his speech, he still felt that he was superior in this matter.

After a pause, Gu Danfeng wondered, "What is this person's way?"

Yin Wushang's eyes stayed far away on the man's body, his expression on his face was a little serious, "This person's name is Xiao Yang, and the origin is somewhat mysterious..."

"Mystery? What a mysterious method?" Gu Danfeng frowned slightly.

Yin Wucheng said, "I have seen on the roster of registration, this Xiao Yang comes from Tianyin Realm, but there is no world of Tianyin Realm among the heavens and the worlds."

"Oh?" Gu Danfeng frowned slightly. "That is to say, this guy's registration information is fake? Oh, that's what it is? This is enough for him to eat a pot."

Yin Wucheng was undecided, "The key is that my father seems to know this person, let me not intervene, let it be free, so, I think this person should have some history, maybe a powerful person in the heaven."

Gu Danfeng heard the words, paused, and said, "I can't see it. If it is really under the almighty gate of heaven, there should be a guarantee to send. Why come to participate in the preliminary contest of sea election?"

Yin Wuzhen shook his head, obviously he was also somewhat puzzled.

Gu Danfeng said, "Is this man awesome? I think he's also average. There's nothing strange about it. The hair is too shiny, and he also carries a flute, just like a sing."

Gu Danfeng's remarks were unabashedly contempt, because the long-term family disharmony made this guy a little distorted, not to see others good.

Yin Wudao said, "The strength is not easy to say. The specific state is unknown. However, the first preliminary match was held two days ago, and he was the young master Duan Ning of Qingyunmen..."

"Duan Ning?" Gu Danfeng paused. "Duan Ning, I know, is similar to me. Sophomore level, if I move to the real level, I may be a little better than him, but this person's character is a bit wrong."

I have to say that this guy still feels good about himself.

Yin Wuxing nodded slightly, and then said, "Duan Ning cheated on the field and used the Qingyun school ancestor symbol. The Qingyun real person was possessed and his skills almost reached the senior level. But unfortunately, he finally lost."

"Defeat?" Gu Danfeng was in a daze for a while, and he didn't quite believe it. "Brother, you are not mistaken. This is the first sea election of 40,000 to 20,000. The senior state is actually defeated. ?"

Yin Wushang nodded slightly, "If you lose, you will lose. I can still lie to you. But I saw that with my own eyes. Duan Ning hadn't even gone through the three strokes in his hand. He was directly eliminated. Ning was out of luck and encountered such fierceness in the first game."

Gu Danfeng stood beside him for a long time without speaking.

"That means that there are at least five avenues in this realm?" Gu Danfeng asked.

Yin Wuxing shook his head, "I don't know, this man has not shown his true strength."

The expression on Gu Danfeng's face changed slightly, and then returned to normal again. "Looking at his appearance, I'm afraid that I'm practicing any evil skills and forcibly promoted."

Yin Wu hurt him with a white glance. "Don't talk about things without evidence. Now there are many high-ranking people gathered in the Wuliang City. They are cultivated to be advanced. Maybe they are listening to what you are saying now. it is good."

Gu Danfeng listened and looked down, but he didn't know if the man was really like Yin Wushang said. Hearing his words, he was just looking up at the cliff.

Gu Danfeng's guilty conscience, regardless of whether the man was watching him, quickly avoided.

Yin Wushang looked a little funny. He understood a little bit about why Su Hang was so disgusted with himself. At that time, he was just like Gu Danfeng now, and nothing less.

Although he is not much different from Gudanfeng in age, after so many years, Yin Wushang has matured a lot, but Gudanfeng is still immature.

Perhaps Xiao Yang just inadvertently glanced up at the mountain, then returned his gaze, and walked very leisurely to the Yanwu Tower, lining up at the end of the team.

The people around who came to watch the contest still had Xiao Yang's name in their mouths, cheering.

To be honest, Gu Danfeng was a bit jealous in his heart. He knew he should also participate in the sea elections. With his own skills and the secret methods of the family, he will definitely be able to win the sea elections, and maybe a lot of women will be harvested. Fans, at that time, you can kick the woman at home, and you can also be happy.

Although Bao was sent to the finals, it is almost certain that, with his strength, the finals will be at the bottom. If you don’t say anything about female fans at that time, bad luck will become a laughing stock.

"Something proud, gathered in the hands of the youth of Wuliang City, there are definitely a few of the five avenues in Dadao Realm. This guy is so in the limelight, I'm waiting for him to be hammered." Gu Danfeng said, good-natured, He hated others.

"Isn't he handsome and high in strength? Brother, you and I are not bad, but you are countless city lords, can you watch him in the limelight?" Gu Danfeng asked.

Yin Wucheng couldn't help crying or laughing. He knew he shouldn't mention this person to him.


Gu Danfeng was in a sudden interest, and took a beat on the cliffside, directly floating down.

"Dan Feng, what are you doing? You can't be in trouble for the second sea election today." Yin Wu was shocked and immediately followed.



Three poles in the gate of the tower has been opened, and the contestants entered the tower one by one with their identity cards, and there are twelve entrances at the bottom of the tower.

As for the spectators watching the game, most of them have already waited in the tower. Since the opening of the Wanjie General Sea Election, there have been countless monks who have gathered from all directions to watch this event. I'm afraid there are millions of viewers.

Moreover, just a few days after the opening, the number of people is still soaring, but the infinite city has made a lot of money with this event, and just how many tickets have been sold to watch the tower.

Every game even opened an official market, and a large number of monks poured into the infinite city, pushing the infinite city's prosperity to another level. The top ten giant cities in the realm, the infinite city is really not covered.

After a few days of competition, the competition of 40,000 to 20,000 has been completed, and 20,000 winning young masters have been decided, but there must be a lot of unevenness among them. What is left is not necessarily good, and what is eliminated is not necessarily. Poor.

After all, just like Duan Ning of the Qingyun School, bad luck hit a fierce one, had the chance to hit the end, but was directly eliminated in the first game.

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